<<Your jab at fat cats is spurious .>>
Oh no it's not, you just wish it were.
<<But muilti tasking as mildly as this probly is a good point for BHO to make , and McCain probly does know that the campaign continues no matter what he is doing.>>
I'm not getting your point and in fact I'm not even sure I know what this means.
<<But if BHO is absent from an important vote , or two , so that he can keep a ribbon cutting appointment >>
That's ridiculous, but I see that XO has already answered it. Perfectly.
<<McCain will be back in the campaign with a new load of ammunition.>>
All of McCain's ammunition so far has been blanks, so I don't see why this would be any different. If I were McCain, I'd be a lot more concerned about ducking the other guy's ammo than about shooting off any at him.
<<BHO already has a record of voteing "present" a lot . . .>>
Is that why he's nine points ahead in the polls?
<< is this to preserve his political standing by not entangleing his blank screen with a history of standing up to be counted ? >>
I dunno. I thought maybe it's because he WAS present.
<<The time is past when he can get away with this , the bailout is lible to be the most important legislative event this year , and if it is bungled (quite likely ) it will be the biggest legislative event of the decade.>>
Obama's a multi-tasker, as I said, and a supremely able analyzer and thinker, with excellent judgment, much better than John ("the fundamentals are strong") McCain's. I'm not only confident that he'll make the right move, but that he'll do it AND whip McCain's ass if that little weasel ever musters the courage to show up.
<<As a Senator , he can't escape his responsibility by voteng "present " certainly not by voteing "absent".>>
Where was McCain's responsibility as a Senator when he swallowed Bush's lies hook, line and sinker and voted to plunge the nation into a $500 billion disaster?