And strangely, with all these supposed publications and opion pieces, not 1 provable fact that Bush knew there were no WMD in Iraq, but took us in anyways. Simply the perseverating Dozens of books have been... garbage.
That is your opinion
No, that is FACT.---> FACT, there is no proof that Bush knew there were no WMD, and took us to war anyways
OPINION would be that he knew there were no WMD, and took us to war anyways. You have even said yourself, there's all these "books" & op-ed pieces, and have we seen any excerpt from any of them that demonstrates a "see?, here is the proof", smoking gun moment?? No. We get zip, nada, zilch, and demands that said critics go look it up ourselves
So minus any proof/fact to the latter, makes it pure unadulterated Bush hating opinion, made more idiotic with the notion that everyone else who believed Saddam had WMD, from the previous administration, the congressional critters, the NIE, the other nation's intel agencies, etc, all got it wrong, but Bush...that evil dark lord of the sith, he somehow knew he didn't, & lied about it, when such a vast preponderance of the global intel community said he did.
THAt's what makes the continued claims asinine