Author Topic: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard  (Read 13890 times)

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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #45 on: September 29, 2008, 01:07:49 PM »
I think it safe to say that Ami thinks he is more pure of heart and clever of mind than you are, Knutey. That makes him more worthy.

On the other hand, "Bullwinkle Assassinated" is still more humorous than "Gee, guess who this computer game character looks like".

I think you should wheedle Ami less. It really doesn't accomplish anything useful.  Ami should realize that although he envisions himself as the Great Inquisitor, at times he is closer to Jabba the Hutt, or at least one of the lesser unnamed Hutts.

XO-I respect your opinion and advice. Since I have already made my case about him and in spades  I will not wheedle him on  threads he initiates but do reserve the right to defend myself and aggressively attack his bullshit on my threads and comments.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #46 on: September 29, 2008, 01:36:58 PM »
Oh- I get it. You can threadcrap on me , but I cant on you.

Providing a source that your claim is incorrect is not "threadcrapping" - perhaps you should consult an online dictionary for what the term means.

Actually I dont mind because you are agin proving what a parsing prevaricator you are. I wa smistaken about the charges not having been brought , but even better, the perjury was the one charge that he was completely exonerated:

Your claim was that he was not impeached for perjury. However, I proved that he was impeached for perjury. Yes, he was found not guilty on both charges, but he was, actually, impeached for perjury. I'll give you a hint: "impeachment" is not "convicted". Civil servants are "impeached" rather than "indicted" - but the term is similar.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 01:39:30 PM by Amianthus »
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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #47 on: September 29, 2008, 07:32:03 PM »
I've always heard that when someone "gets personal" that is an indicator of exhaustion of reality or realistic rebuttal but that aside, let me answer some of your questions.

Would you think it OK for people to treat her anywhere as nasty as they are treating Palin?

First of all, I would never allow her to get into that situation in the first place.  If Mrs. Brass were approached to run as VP and she was at the same level as Palin is now, I would be completely honest with her and beg her not to put herself into that situation.  Honesty and humility are a couple of our watchwords and I know she would ask me to be completely honest with her about what I thought about it.  And she knows I would be brutally honest.

If I was Palin's husband, I would have bluntly stated that she was not ready.

Is that what the game has become? Disagree with someone politically, and disembowel them?
Disagree with someone politically?  Are you kidding me? That is not why we are "disemboweling" her.  She is dangerously unqualified for the job.  This is like asking someone who builds model planes to fly a 747.  Sure, they understand lift and drag and how it affects the plane and so forth but they don't know anything the controls control or anything!

WTF kind of country has this become?

You should know, you and Bush created it.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #48 on: September 29, 2008, 09:45:35 PM »
Let's try this again.

Would you think it OK for people to treat her anywhere as nasty as they are treating Palin?


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #49 on: September 30, 2008, 05:45:13 AM »
Is that what the game has become? Disagree with someone politically, and disembowel them?
Disagree with someone politically?  Are you kidding me? That is not why we are "disemboweling" her.  She is dangerously unqualified for the job.  This is like asking someone who builds model planes to fly a 747.  Sure, they understand lift and drag and how it affects the plane and so forth but they don't know anything the controls control or anything!

What makes Sara Palins sad lack of experience more important than Barak Obama's sad lack of experience?

I like it fine when the anti Palin croud states that a lot of experience is necessacery , because McCain has that in spades , Obama , if he is marginally better in this department is still drug down by his own boat anchor nature.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #50 on: September 30, 2008, 10:47:50 AM »
Obama , if he is marginally better in this department is still drug down by his own boat anchor nature.
He should have chosen a whiter father?
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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2008, 12:28:32 PM »
He should have chosen a whiter father?

or a wed teen mother?


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #52 on: September 30, 2008, 02:44:00 PM »
Let's try this again.

Would you think it OK for people to treat her anywhere as nasty as they are treating Palin?

Let's set the record straight.

Palin is NOT being treated nasty.  McCain chose her and it was a mistake to choose her just as it would be a mistake for Obama to choose my wife.  It's so funny that you guys rant and rave when I say anyone can learn to fly a jet or be a surgeon but they you are OH SO willing to hand the keys to the Free World over to a woman who can't name another SCOTUS decision other than Roe V Wade and then it all compounded by the FACT that for MONTHS and MONTHS, you have been throwing handfuls of crap at Obama for allegedly not having any "experience".  I mean, the hypocrisy and sheer gall is beyond words for me.

Palin is simply failing.  She is not even capable of bullshitting correctly.

If they get her down to Sedona and re-hab her and she'll come out swinging on Thursday and won't have to keep playing the VERY weak "gotcha journalism" card.

In today's world, our leaders should be able to speak  lucidly on nearly any subject or at the very least have the common fucking sense to say, "I don't know."


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #53 on: September 30, 2008, 03:32:25 PM »
Obama , if he is marginally better in this department is still drug down by his own boat anchor nature.
He should have chosen a whiter father?

You have a bad case of one track mind.

Being Black is one of BHO's good features, but to me it does not trump all other features.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #54 on: September 30, 2008, 03:47:24 PM »
Palin is NOT being treated nasty.


The whole Trig is Bristols love child meme prominently featured on Kos and astroturfed to all the other dead nigger gator meat lefty blogosphere was the welcome wagon?

The whole bimbo thing because she entered a beauty pageant to hopefully get a college scholarship.

The whole her son was a druggie and that is why he joined the army thing, even though Obama pleaded with his nasty fuck supporters to leave the kids out of it.

The whole Bristol is a wild child slut even though Obama was born into the same circumstances and raised by his "failure as parents" grandparents.

Who are you kidding.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #55 on: September 30, 2008, 04:32:43 PM »
Palin is NOT being treated nasty.


The whole Trig is Bristols love child meme prominently featured on Kos and astroturfed to all the other dead nigger gator meat lefty blogosphere was the welcome wagon?

The whole bimbo thing because she entered a beauty pageant to hopefully get a college scholarship.

The whole her son was a druggie and that is why he joined the army thing, even though Obama pleaded with his nasty fuck supporters to leave the kids out of it.

The whole Bristol is a wild child slut even though Obama was born into the same circumstances and raised by his "failure as parents" grandparents.

Who are you kidding.

Who are you kidding?!?!?

Are you seriously saying that no candidate in the history of the US has never had all their private secrets divulged in the last 40 years or so?

I've never even heard that thing about her son being a "druggie".

And I don't remember ever hearing or reading about Bristol being a "slut".

These are all "rumors" and the right certainly had all their (I'm sure oh, so admirable and legitimate in your eyes) rumor-mongering about Obama being a muslim.  About Obama not being an American citizen.  About Obama's family being Al Quada.

Gimme a break with whining and gnashing of teeth about Palin being treated "nastily". 

There are morons in this world who will do and say anything in a political race.  (Note how Rich constantly posts.)

That sting you are feeling is pride f'ing with you.  You were sold a lie (again) by those you thought you could trust (god only knows why since they've lied to you over and over for the last eight years).  You were told that Palin represented all the stuff that is good about the right.  Gun-totin', pro-lifin', church-goin', corruption-rootin', economy-reformin', de-regulatin', oil-drillin' rootin' tootin' hockey mom with a sense of humor and a "go-get-'em" atty-tood.

All the while, those of us without the Koolaid coursin' through our veins were shocked and dumbfounded how those of the loyal opposition that we (unbelievable but true nonetheless) have A LOT of respect for could be so taken in by someone we could so obviously see as simply a gimmick to use to dominate the news cycle.

And when she goes out and proves us oh, so right, you take it personal and want to know why she is being treated to nastily?  After 8 years of Bush denigrated and eviscerating even a hint of dissent (with your consent and support)?

Really, REALLY?  How dare you.


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #56 on: September 30, 2008, 04:37:52 PM »
Palin is NOT being treated nasty.


The whole Trig is Bristols love child meme prominently featured on Kos and astroturfed to all the other dead nigger gator meat lefty blogosphere was the welcome wagon?

The whole bimbo thing because she entered a beauty pageant to hopefully get a college scholarship.

The whole her son was a druggie and that is why he joined the army thing, even though Obama pleaded with his nasty fuck supporters to leave the kids out of it.

The whole Bristol is a wild child slut even though Obama was born into the same circumstances and raised by his "failure as parents" grandparents.

Who are you kidding.

Who are you kidding?!?!?

Are you seriously saying that no candidate in the history of the US has never had all their private secrets divulged in the last 40 years or so?

I've never even heard that thing about her son being a "druggie".

And I don't remember ever hearing or reading about Bristol being a "slut".

These are all "rumors" and the right certainly had all their (I'm sure oh, so admirable and legitimate in your eyes) rumor-mongering about Obama being a muslim.  About Obama not being an American citizen.  About Obama's family being Al Quada.

Gimme a break with whining and gnashing of teeth about Palin being treated "nastily". 

There are morons in this world who will do and say anything in a political race.  (Note how Rich constantly posts.)

That sting you are feeling is pride f'ing with you.  You were sold a lie (again) by those you thought you could trust (god only knows why since they've lied to you over and over for the last eight years).  You were told that Palin represented all the stuff that is good about the right.  Gun-totin', pro-lifin', church-goin', corruption-rootin', economy-reformin', de-regulatin', oil-drillin' rootin' tootin' hockey mom with a sense of humor and a "go-get-'em" atty-tood.

All the while, those of us without the Koolaid coursin' through our veins were shocked and dumbfounded how those of the loyal opposition that we (unbelievable but true nonetheless) have A LOT of respect for could be so taken in by someone we could so obviously see as simply a gimmick to use to dominate the news cycle.

And when she goes out and proves us oh, so right, you take it personal and want to know why she is being treated to nastily?  After 8 years of Bush denigrated and eviscerating even a hint of dissent (with your consent and support)?

Really, REALLY?  How dare you.

Do you really think that BHO being Muslim is just as bad?


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #57 on: September 30, 2008, 04:48:30 PM »
>Do you really think that BHO being Muslim is just as bad?<

Plane you cant possibly be this naive. If he were a Muslim he would have no chance.
Having slut daughters never hurt the Bushidiot


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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #58 on: September 30, 2008, 05:01:52 PM »
It is stupid to assume that everyone who favors Obama is responsible for every bad thing anyone says about Palin.
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Re: Boat Anchorism Coming on Hard
« Reply #59 on: September 30, 2008, 05:39:05 PM »
It is stupid to assume that everyone who favors Obama is responsible for every bad thing anyone says about Palin.

I did not realize that Daily Kos was a McCain site.

It is stupid to assume that when the slurs originate on sites endorsing Obama that the posters do not favor Obama, and when the slur is repeated on every other Obama endorsing site on the blogospere one would be stupid to assume that this is not a planned action of the noise machine.