"Can't fix an election but the stock is still up?"
I should step forward here and be honest.
I have to admit that a great weight has been lifted from my stubbornly obtuse shoulders.
Most of my energy prior to the great Dem victory was spent worrying that Diebold would decide the election.
I know they are capable, and I believe they were culpable in those Nebraska and Georgia stints, but now I wonder if the cumulative dissatisfaction, including the consciences of true Conservatives in the Repub Party, had them intercede to make sure Diebold played it straight. Of course, the fact that the Dems had 7000 lawyers sitting on the watch perch nationwide was probably crucial as a dissuader.
This great reaffirmation in terms of the integrity of the process has refreshed my soul and balmed my moody cynicism, as has the honest and laudable reactions from Republican Conservatives that suggested that they, too, had had way more that they could stomach of the Neocon spectre.
I have not been redeemed to the extent, however, that I do not take great pleasure in watching them all hanging their heads, making circles in the gravel with their toes, their titanic smugness humbled overnight. It was their collective collosal cockiness in each and every event that confirmed (in a twisted way) and fueled W's sneering, runaway hubris, already extant from the rank familiial elitism that the Bushes are famous for.
Rove, Condi, Cheney, Rummy, et al, were all undeniably guilty of displaying great arrogance in response to even the slightest criticism of their grand intent. The bunch of them and their grand plans for imperialistic takeover of the world resembled Ian Fleming's goofy criminal masterminds more than any other metaphor I can think of.
Most important, America's leading Aryan fascist--the elusive and rarely mentioned Bill Kristol, who was central in the Neocon coup--has been rendered toothless, and is now, hopefully, the Right's radically chic toast.