Author Topic: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand  (Read 19860 times)

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #120 on: October 07, 2008, 02:08:41 AM »
Hey, makes perfect sense.  You ignore McCain's (or anyone else's) clarifications to what's reasonably clear to begin with, from what they've said, but with the proper distortion, claim something totally outrageous, and then claim they're then lying, when clarity is added, based on your already hyperbolic bias

But you yourself have free reign to clarify anything you've said, and anyone that tries to claim you meant something ...oh, let's say something totally outrageous, well, they're just unable to understand what you were trying to say in the 1st place. 

Note the neat little hypocritical double standard you've constructed?  SOP, so I'm not surprised, in the least.  You apply it to all your racist rhetoric as well
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #121 on: October 07, 2008, 02:32:42 AM »
<<Hey, makes perfect sense.  You ignore McCain's (or anyone else's) clarifications to what's reasonably clear to begin with, from what they've said . . . >>

Really?  You really believe that it was reasonably clear that when McCain said, "The fundamentals of the American economy are strong," he meant that only the American WORKER was "strong?"

You are a bullshitter, my friend.  That is just plain BS and you know it.

<< . . . but with the proper distortion, claim something totally outrageous>>

Huh?  So it's "totally outrageous" to claim that when McCain said "The fundamentals of our economy are strong," he meant exactly what he said, "The fundamentals of our economy are strong?"  It is now outrageous to claim that a man means what a man says? 

Well, I am sorry, sirs, but I can't see anything even remotely outrageous, let alone "totally outrageous " in that .  And BTW, exactly WHAT did I have to "distort" to get from the words ("The fundamentals of our economy are strong") to the alleged meaning of the words (The fundamentals of our economy are strong?")  Where exactly is the distortion?

<< . . . and then claim they're then lying, when clarity is added>>

Well, obviously, he WAS lying.  And he wasn't adding clarity, he was creating a whole new meaning for his words which no one had previously suspected, which context did not justify, and which is, frankly, quite unbelievable. 

<< . . .  based on your already hyperbolic bias>>

Uh, NO, sirs.  Based on the plain and simple meaning of McCain's words.  As I have told you many times, sirs, words have meaning.  This is something which you seem to be constitutionally unable to grasp, but whether you get it or not, that is just a fact of life.  Words mean what they say, unless intended as  sarcasm or irony (which McCain has never suggested was the case) and you are stuck with the meaning of McCain's words.  "The fundamentals of our economy are strong" still means "The fundamentals of our economy are strong" and totally different words are used to indicate that the American worker is strong.

<<But you yourself have free reign to clarify anything you've said . . .>>

sirs, EVERYBODY has free rein to clarify anything they said.  But that doesn't mean some fundamentally dishonest people won't abuse that free rein.  So when someone tells me that "the fundamentals are strong" and then later, after the roof falls in, THEN tells me, "Oh, I meant that the American worker was strong," well then you gotta weigh it all up and decide, is this guy telling me the truth or is this guy bullshitting me?  The fact that everyone has free rein to clarify anything previously said does NOT mean that everyone who claims to be clarifying isn't really just bullshitting you, taking back something he said before because it's making him look stupid.

<<Note the neat little hypocritical double standard you've constructed?>>

No, I don't.  Neither do you.

<<SOP, so I'm not surprised, in the least.  You apply it to all your racist rhetoric as well>>

Not only are you not fooling anyone, sirs, you are beginning to bore me.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 03:07:41 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #122 on: October 07, 2008, 02:53:05 AM »
He was speaking in code.

He ment that the fundamentals of the american economy are strong.

Of course they are , there are none stronger .

But the strongest man can trip into a mudhole now and then , he is still strong when he climbs out.

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #123 on: October 07, 2008, 03:16:33 AM »
<<He was speaking in code.

<<He ment that the fundamentals of the american economy are strong.

<<Of course they are , there are none stronger .

<<But the strongest man can trip into a mudhole now and then , he is still strong when he climbs out.>>


Well, THAT is exactly what McCain should have said.  OF COURSE he didn't mean "the American worker is strong" or he would have SAID, "The American worker is strong."  A lot of people would have disagreed with him, argued that the fundamentals were NOT strong, but "fundamentals" would first have to be defined, "strong" would have to be defined, and the argument would have been interminable and basically unwinnable by either side.

McCain's problem is fundamentally that he is a liar and a coward.  Instead of sticking to his guns ("Yeah I said it and I meant it!") he tried to run away from his own words, so now the argument was no longer ONLY about his foolish judgment (because nobody of any intelligence really believes he meant anything other than what he said) but also again about his character, his silly panics (why NOT stick to your guns, nobody could ever settle the argument, although to most people you'd still look like a fool) and his lack of ethics, basically lying to the American people, and not even a clever lie, a stupid one that few will believe, as to what he "really" meant.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #124 on: October 07, 2008, 03:42:34 AM »
Without wondering bout McCain at all , lets discuss the fundamental parts of the economy.

What are the fundamental components of our economy , are there any of these being reduced or destroyed by the financhial problems in the news presently?


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #125 on: October 07, 2008, 03:55:51 AM »
<<Hey, makes perfect sense.  You ignore McCain's (or anyone else's) clarifications to what's reasonably clear to begin with, from what they've said . . . >>

Really?  You really believe that it was reasonably clear that when McCain said, "The fundamentals of the American economy are strong," he meant that only the American WORKER was "strong?"

You are a bullshitter, my friend.  That is just plain BS and you know it.

Naaa......what I know is as clear as your hypocritical little lying & agenda can get.  You can make clarifications all you want, and anyone that dares to claim you meant to say X, when you didn't, is lying.  While anyone else you don't agree with (or in McCain's case, despise), well, they mean what YOU say, and any clarification to the contrary is supposed BS


"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #126 on: October 07, 2008, 04:13:47 AM »
<<Naaa......what I know is as clear as your hypocritical little lying & agenda can get.  You can make clarifications all you want, and anyone that dares to claim you meant to say X, when you didn't, is lying.  While anyone else you don't agree with (or in McCain's case, despise), well, they mean what YOU say, and any clarification to the contrary is supposed BS


Without wasting any more time on this, I'm just going to say that you are full of shit, you KNOW you are full of shit, everyone else at this point probably knows you are full of shit and yet for some inexplicable reason, you feel the need to keep repeating these same two discredited points indefinitely in an endless loop, adding absolutely nothing to the debate.  I feel I've already said all that I can say in response to the same points you keep repeating and so once again we are just going to  have to cut this short and agree to disagree.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #127 on: October 07, 2008, 04:29:47 AM »
For someone who's supposededly "bored" with my posts, you (& Xo in other threads) sure seem to spend an enormous amount of time responding to them.  Probably, because of the truthfullness I've been providing requires the rank accusations of me being some form of BS artist (that I'm also supposed to know.)  What I know, and what any readers & visitors can take from this exchange as well, is the hypocritical double standard you employ at every turn.  And when highlighted for all to see, yell BS

I recommend you move on
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #128 on: October 07, 2008, 10:32:57 AM »
What are the fundamental components of our economy , are there any of these being reduced or destroyed by the financhial problems in the news presently?

So you want someone to type in all the class notes from Macroeconomics 301, and then complete the Senior thesis , all in this forum?

What you are requesting would require a major textbook and several subscriptions to several magazines, and then some.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #129 on: October 07, 2008, 05:32:38 PM »
<<For someone who's supposededly "bored" with my posts, you (& Xo in other threads) sure seem to spend an enormous amount of time responding to them. >>

I'm bored with the subject but I hate to give you the last word.

<< Probably, because of the truthfullness I've been providing requires the rank accusations of me being some form of BS artist (that I'm also supposed to know.) >>

Why I say you're a BS artist is not because you are truthful, because you are not truthful.  You are a bullshit artist because when you make a statement that I refute, you do not respond to my refutation, but merely resort to repeating the statement that was already refuted.  Instead of advancing the argument by attacking my last statement, you go back to your last (already) refuted statement - - which is a pointless argument since the only reply I can make to you is something that I've already said.  You're basically admitting that you have nothing new to bring to the argument.  So that's why it has to be refuted.

<< and re What I know, and what any readers & visitors can take from this exchange as well, is the hypocritical double standard you employ at every turn. >>

Well, I'm not going to address the "hypocritical double standard" issue, because I've already fully dealth with it in this thread and apparently whatever I had to write about it went in one ear and out the other.  You for some reason  (probably because you have no answer) refuse to deal with it at all, but just go back to your prior statement and repeat it again.   As here with the "hypocritical double standard" so-called.  It's just a total waste of effort to continue this thread.  I can answer you once, but there's no reason I should have to answer the same point twice when you're not even prepared to deal with the answer I first gave you.

<<And when highlighted for all to see, yell BS>>

Well, the problem of course, is you couldn't highlight ANYTHING "for all to see."  The most "debate" you seem capable of is:

1.  Say something really stupid. (Stupid Statement No. 1)
2.  Wait for me to demonstrate exactly how stupid your remark really was.
3.  Say something stupid in a vain attempt to invalidate my rebuttal of Stupid Statement No. 1  (Your Stupid Statement No. 2)
4.  Wait for me to demonstrate exactly how stupid Stupid Statement No. 2 was.
5.  Scratch your ass for about 5 minutes trying in vain to think of some answer to my demonstration of how stupid Stupid Statement No. 2 was.
6.  Repeat Stupid Statement No. 1 all over again as if I had never responded to it.

I am getting bored with this, but for some reason cannot and will not give you the last word on it.  That's because you are a lying bullshit artist and I simply will not let you get away with it.  The last word would be a victory you do not deserve.

<<I recommend you move on>>

I would like to.  But you are not going to get a reward for lying and bullshitting.  As long as you have anything to say on this, I will call you out on it and demonstrate in detail your lies and your bullshit.  As many times and as often as necessary.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #130 on: October 07, 2008, 05:54:22 PM »
<<For someone who's supposededly "bored" with my posts, you (& Xo in other threads) sure seem to spend an enormous amount of time responding to them. >>

I'm bored with the subject but I hate to give you the last word.

Then don't.  No one's stopping you, nor even advocating you don't have a right to your opinion.  So, by all means, please, continue with the compulsive hypocrisy & lying

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #131 on: October 07, 2008, 06:09:12 PM »
What are the fundamental components of our economy , are there any of these being reduced or destroyed by the financhial problems in the news presently?

So you want someone to type in all the class notes from Macroeconomics 301, and then complete the Senior thesis , all in this forum?

What you are requesting would require a major textbook and several subscriptions to several magazines, and then some.

That would be grand , but it does't sound practical.

So when someone speaks of the Fundamentals of our economy being strong , it requires a Phd.  in Economics to contradict him?

I agree with the statement because what we had that built our economy in the first place we still have , in comparison with other countries we are still the largest and most stable.

Many of the other smaller economys seem very stable by leaning on our economy , practicly becoming subsets of our economy.

The world as a whole has an economy and on this scale the USA is an important part, but the interdependance is becomeing more pronounced all the time , I am not certain it is possible for one country to carry on while the rest are failing anymore.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #132 on: October 07, 2008, 06:20:08 PM »
Seems that alot of us knew what McCain was talking about Plane.  Why is it so difficult for so many on the left to not lie about it though??
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #133 on: October 07, 2008, 06:26:34 PM »
<<So, by all means, please, continue with the compulsive hypocrisy & lying>>

Thank you for yet another example of what I am talking about.  There isn't a single example in this thread of hypocrisy or lying on my part.  Any apparent hypocrisy that you have raised, I have answered.  Any answers I gave were irrefutable and in fact you did not even attempt to refute them.  All you were able to do was to repeat the same discredited accusations anew, as if they had never been raised, never been answered.

What I will continue to do is expose the fraudulent nature of your discourse:  raising allegations you can't substantiate, failing to respond in any meaningful way to my rebuttals of your false allegations and "continuing the debate" by raising again the very same false accusations that were just rebutted.  Calling you out as the liar you are every time you mention my alleged "hypocrisy" and "lying."

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #134 on: October 07, 2008, 06:31:56 PM »
<<Seems that alot of us knew what McCain was talking about Plane.  Why is it so difficult for so many on the left to not lie about it though??>>

Yes, of course.  "A lot" of you just knew that when McCain said "The fundamentals of our economy are strong" he REALLY was saying "The American worker is strong."  You knew that was what he meant because it was such an obvious meaning to take from his words.

Not only are you full of shit, but I would venture to say not one in a hundred people not already fiercely committed to McCain would draw that meaning from those words.  Nobody will believe McCain's explanation of those words and nobody will believe you when you try to explain the "real meaning" of those words.  It is just not believable.