Author Topic: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand  (Read 19899 times)

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #30 on: September 30, 2008, 10:35:16 PM »
I do enjoy getting a glimpse into the twisted mind of those who still believe we went into Iraq for the oil, and Bush lied us into it.  Here, we have this master evil planner in Bush, able to brilliantly convince nearly every intelligence agency that Saddam really had WMD, when he alone knew they didn't.  Brilliantly able to take out Saddam with the greatest of military ease, and with Iraq at this evil man's fingertips, and the mighty murderous military at his command, now be too incompotent to take the oil, that a few Abrams could secure at a moment's notive

Pardon the oxymoron here, but the lunacy of such, is brilliant.   Doesn't require 1 shred of evidence, just the U.S. simply not being in control of Iraq's oil, is analogus to proof positive of the whole theory.  BDS in it's most terminal case
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #31 on: September 30, 2008, 10:47:33 PM »
But that's ridiculous, given all the circumstances, there was no other credible reason for the war and that was obvious to any thinking person.

That in a nutshell , is the illusion.

You cannot give credence to any other explanation , therefore your illusion is quite strong .

Even in the same breath as admitting that there is no profit at all , you must say that profit is the prime motive for the act.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #32 on: September 30, 2008, 10:48:43 PM »
I'm afraid that the word is still spelled 'obviously'.

Even if it is much more odd than obvious?


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #33 on: September 30, 2008, 11:22:16 PM »
The word odd is unrelated to the word obvious. Check an etymological dictionary and you will see that this is true.

Odd means "rare, strange"

odd Look up odd at
    c.1300, "constituting a unit in excess of an even number," from O.N. oddi "third or additional number," as in odda-maĆ°r "third man, odd man (who gives the casting vote)," odda-tala "odd number." O.N. oddi means lit. "point, angle;" related via notion of "triangle" to oddr "point of a weapon," from P.Gmc. *uzdaz "pointed upward" (cf. O.E. ord "point of a weapon, spear, source, beginning," O.Fris. ord "point, place," Du. oord "place, region," O.H.G. ort "point," Ger. Ort "place"), from PIE *uzdho- (cf. Lith. us-nis "thistle"). None of the other languages, however, shows the O.N. development from "point" to "third number." Used from 1382 to indicate a surplus over any given sum. Sense of "strange, peculiar" first attested 1588 from notion of "odd one out, unpaired one of three" (attested earlier, c.1400, as "singular" in a positive sense of "renowned, rare, choice"); oddball "eccentric or unconventional person" first attested 1948. Odd job (c.1770) is so called from notion of "not regular." Odd lot "incomplete or random set" is from 1897. The international order of Odd Fellows began as local social clubs in England, late 18c., with Masonic-type trappings; formally organized 1813 in Manchester

obvious Look up obvious at
    1586, "frequently met with," from L. obvius "that is in the way, presenting itself readily, commonplace," from obviam (adv.) "in the way," from ob "against" + viam, acc. of via "way." Meaning "plain to see, evident" is first recorded 1635.

O.N. means Old Norse (ie Norwegian)

L. means Latin.
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #34 on: September 30, 2008, 11:29:06 PM »
To control Iraq's oil, the US cannot just set up a pipeline and steal it outright. The days of that sort of colonialization are long past.

The plan was, and still is, to set up a government the US can control and then arrange for US companies, or entities they control to buy the oil for cheap and sell it at the inflated world price.

The US government is not and cannot appear to be in the oil business. It is controlled by the oil business, along with a variety of other business interests.

The war was for oil. The WMD's were a made-up lie. Juniorbush was the sockpuppet elected to do what he is doing now.

How does one make money in the stock market, by the way?

One buys at a low, low price and sells at a high one. Observe how low the prices are now.

Why, they have not been this low since, who was that?  OLEBUSH was president.

Two Bushes, two amazing profitable opportunities to make a bundle.

What a co inkey dink, hunh?

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #35 on: October 01, 2008, 01:09:20 AM »
 :D  Yep, pretty entertaining glimpse
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #36 on: October 01, 2008, 01:46:11 AM »
To control Iraq's oil, the US cannot just set up a pipeline and steal it outright. The days of that sort of colonialization are long past.

Why would that be so?

As far as controll is concerned , in terms of being able to turn off the tap , we have had that ability since before Saddam took office, but it would be an act of war.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #37 on: October 01, 2008, 02:02:52 AM »
Oh please. The world does not permit this sort of thing. It's colonialism and that is against the UN charter. Also against the rules of common decency. Kuwait was once a part of Iarq, but Iraq was never a part of the US. Saddam had more motives to invade Kuwait than the US does to colonize Iraq.
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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #38 on: October 01, 2008, 02:05:40 AM »
<<I do enjoy getting a glimpse into the twisted mind of those who still believe we went into Iraq for the oil, and Bush lied us into it.>> 

Naturally, disagreeing with the great political analyst known here as sirs constitutes having a "twisted mind."

<<Here, we have this master evil planner in Bush, able to brilliantly convince nearly every intelligence agency that Saddam really had WMD . . . >>

In the first place, Bush did not convince any intelligence agency of anything, he TOLD them what he wanted to find and then they "found" it.  As for example when the CIA analysts were not coming up with the "intelligence" Bush needed to justify an invasion of Iraq, he formed a special intelligence operation in the office of Doug Feith, a Defense Department official, which produced the necessary results.

In the second place, there is absolutely nothing illegal in a sovereign country's acquiring any weapons it chooses to acquire.  Even if Saddam DID have WMD, they were no more of a threat to the U.S. than similar weapons which were already in the possession of the U.S. itself and nine or ten other countries, some of which had much greater capacity to threaten the U.S. than did the tiny nation of Iraq.

It was a lie to claim that Saddam had WMD, and another lie to claim that Saddam, with or without WMD, posed any kind of real threat to the U.S.A.   The mere concept is ridiculous and absurd.

<< . . .  when he alone knew they didn't.  >>

What Bush knew or didn't know is unimportant.  There was no convincing evidence that Saddam had WMD.  There was no evidence that convinced the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Russia, China or most of the rest of the world.  Not being a mind-reader, I don't know what Bush knew, and neither do you.  However, I would suggest respectfully that if a man claims to believe something for which there is no evidence except what he himself has manufactured, there is a very good chance that he does not really believe it.  As for what the rest of the world knew as to whether or not Saddam had WMD, I again suggest that in the absence of any credible evidence, there is no indication that any of them believed in Bush's bullshit either.

<<Brilliantly able to take out Saddam with the greatest of military ease, and with Iraq at this evil man's fingertips, and the mighty murderous military at his command, now be too incompotent to take the oil, that a few Abrams could secure at a moment's notive.>>

That's absurd.  What, Bush admit to the entire world that he is a gangster and an outlaw and that the country under his leadership behaves as such?  In a word, impossible.  He could not send a force to secure the oil wells and pump the stuff out.  He has to maintain the fiction that the U.S.A. wants nothing from Iraq and that the Iraqi oil remains in the control of the Iraqi people.

Every national leader has to maintain a veneer or a fiction of legality in his actions otherwise his own people wouldn't follow him.  Even Adolf Hitler couldn't simply invade Poland, but had to manufacture the fiction that the Poles had attacked Germany first.  If Hitler couldn't act with blatant illegality, even when his party had the power of life and death over his citizens, how could a "free country" like the U.S.A. act without even a shred of legality?  Short answer is:  they can't.  Nobody can.

<<Pardon the oxymoron here, but the lunacy of such, is brilliant.   Doesn't require 1 shred of evidence, just the U.S. simply not being in control of Iraq's oil, is analogus to proof positive of the whole theory.  BDS in it's most terminal case>>

Sorry sirs, the above three lines are obviously wrong.  There is plenty of evidence that the U.S. invaded Iraq for the oil and no other reason, and I've repeated that evidence over and over again.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #39 on: October 01, 2008, 02:14:15 AM »
<<I do enjoy getting a glimpse into the twisted mind of those who still believe we went into Iraq for the oil, and Bush lied us into it.>> 

Naturally, disagreeing with the great political analyst known here as sirs constitutes having a "twisted mind."

No...disagreeing is perfectly sane & rational.  H is a good example, and not twisted in the least.  Twisted is going to the extreme in hyperbole and irrational thought processing that provides Bush as some brilliant mastermind to get everyone to believe Saddam had WMD, while he alone knew there weren't, and in the same breath decry how incompotent he is is not taking Iraq's oil, while both occupying Iraq and in charge of the greatest military on the globe...IF that's what it was all about.  It literally defies sanity.

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #40 on: October 01, 2008, 02:24:04 AM »
<<No...disagreeing is perfectly sane & rational.  H is a good example, and not twisted in the least.  Twisted is going to the extreme in hyperbole and irrational thought processing that provides Bush as some brilliant mastermind to get everyone to believe Saddam had WMD . . . >>

Bush did not get everyone to believe that Saddam had WMD.  Most people did NOT believe that.  And others knew that it made no difference to the U.S.A. whether Saddam had them or not.

<<while he alone knew there weren't, and in the same breath decry how incompotent he is is not taking Iraq's oil, while both occupying Iraq and in charge of the greatest military on the globe...IF that's what it was all about.  It literally defies sanity.>>

Just so you understand the argument, which you have shown absolutely no sign of doing until now, Bush's failure lies in not being able to pacify the country and leave a reliable puppet government in place so the oil can appear to be sold freely and willingly to purchasers who appear to be paying reasonable prices for it.  That's what Bush has to do and it's also what he's incapable of doing.


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #41 on: October 01, 2008, 04:18:32 AM »
Oh please. The world does not permit this sort of thing.

"The world" does not permit that sort of thing?

I know you don't mean Europe , which can decry the ethnic clensing campaigns  of the Balkins but cannot do anything about them.

I know you don't mean Russia or China , who would like to make their meals of Georgia and Tibet in peace.

I don't suppose you mean Africa , which is so cronicly weak and broke that our worst day in the last two centurys is above their ambition.

The World permits anything ,there is no rival in the world with the ambition to become the worlds policeman , only the US even trys .

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #42 on: October 01, 2008, 08:31:43 AM »
<<The World permits anything ,there is no rival in the world with the ambition to become the worlds policeman , only the US even trys .>>

If the world "permits anything," maybe you could explain to me why even Adolf Hitler had to pretend that his attack on Poland was justified by faking evidence of a Polish attack on a German border post.  Maybe you could explain why the U.S.A. had to fake an attack on its own ships in order to justify the invasion of Viet Nam?  Of the Holocaust were necessary to rid the world of the horrible evil that the Germans believed was represented by the Jewish people, why didn't the Nazis just admit to the world what they were doing and take the world's press on a guided tour of the gas chambers?

As patently absurd and ridiculous as it is to deny that a campaign of deliberate lies was used to justify the invasion of Iraq to the American people, it is even MORE ridiculous to deny, in the face of all historical evidence, that even the worst outlaw state needs to find some "justification," however rigged and phony it may be, to cover its acts of aggression.  Even in totalitarian states, there are very few citizens who would remain loyal to their government or even their country, if they came to believe that their government was engaged in criminal actions.

Let me ask you another question:  If George Bush had come clean with you, had told the American people, "folks, ain't nuthin wrong with Saddam Hussein, he's been our friend for a long time, but God-damn it people, we are runnin out of oil and I just don't trust that sumbitch to sell it to us as cheap as we'd like it.  Y'all know how much it's bin costin to fill up yer tank lately.  So I think we better send our armed forces over there to grab his fucking oil wells, kill him and his family and anyone else who resists us, and take over those wells ASAP so we kin start gettin some good cheap gas for a change."

Would you be willing to support that?  Would you want to vote for Bush again?  Would you want to vote for any Representative or Senator who voted for the war after Bush had given his reasons for it?
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 10:16:26 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2008, 09:30:35 AM »
I know you don't mean Russia or China , who would like to make their meals of Georgia and Tibet in peace.

Would like to, but can't

I don't suppose you mean Africa , which is so cronicly weak and broke that our worst day in the last two centurys is above their ambition.

OF COURSE I mean Africa. Is Portugal still running Mozambique, Angola, Cabinda, Guinea-Bissau? Is South Africa still running Namibia? Are the Brits still running Rhodesia? There are no colonies in Africa.

Other than Israel, with its WB colonies, colonialism is deceased. The Russians did not invade Georgia. They would love to take over Crimea, but that is'nt happening.

The World permits anything ,there is no rival in the world with the ambition to become the worlds policeman , only the US even trys .
The US could physically grab Iraq's oil and turn Iraqis into slaves. But then no one would trust the government or US-based companies. People would boycott American films, music, style and crap like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, the Gap, Walmart and you name it. Any voluntary decision to buy an American product would require it to be sold at a bargain price, which means fewer profits.

Rather than a bastion of democracy, we would be the Ferenghi;. Not to be trusted, ever. Juniorbush has cost US business millions.

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Re: Posturing as Rescuers...Uncle Sam's Day of Reckoning is At Hand
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2008, 12:23:01 PM »
No...disagreeing is perfectly sane & rational.  H is a good example, and not twisted in the least.

Holy shit! I'm...I'm speechless! I feel faint!
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