And what's even more egregious, back in 2004, CSPAN ran actually broadcast a live committee house investigation on this, when it was brought to their attention BY THE REGULATORS, of inappropriate, unethical, and potentially illegal conduct being run by Fanny Mae & Freddy Mac. So, now we have Democrats railing on the need for more regulators, when it was the Democrats in 2004 that circled the wagons around the 2 and the current fella filling in as Obama's Economic adviser, citing no problems here, the picture of economic health & stability, and blasting the regulators.
Which doesn't get Bush or the GOP off the hook in the least. GOP did have the majority, but Bush fell in line with the non-conservative democrat-lite mantra that the Fed needs to help in some apparent right to home ownership, even going so far as to claim, those that didn't have enough for a down payment, should receive Federal aide for it. News Flash Mr. President, IF a person/family doesn't have enough money for a down payment on a house, it's probably too expensive for them in the 1st place.
So again, it's EVERYONE's fault, especially the Government in their overreaching efffort into manipulating lending institutions into extending mortgages to those that really couldn't afford it, then stick the American Tax payer with the bill, if anything went south