Author Topic: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right  (Read 7350 times)

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Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« on: September 29, 2008, 09:18:43 PM »
McCain's been claiming leadership for 48 hours and the house Republicans betray him.

House Republicans vote against bill because Pelosi hurt their wittle feewings.

But then she didn't say ANYTHING that could even be construed as insulting or demeaning to the GOP.  Even ED ROLLINS couldn't find it!

Sarah Palin does an interview with Katie Couric and sounds like a babbling nutjob, then Tina Fey goes on SNL and does a bit re-creating it and USES PALIN'S OWN WORDS NEARLY EXACTLY and the audience roars with laughter thinking it was a bit.  Crazy!


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2008, 09:32:19 PM »
95 dems (41% of their rank and file) voted against the bill even after being urged to do so by Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. This is the same bill Obama said should pass. The bill failed by 18 votes. If one third of those dem naysayers voted with their party leaders it would have passed.


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2008, 09:55:18 PM »
"Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right"

not by the look on democrats faces
it's always easy to know when we are winning
because the democrats have that death warmed over look
it's funny the headlines are: dems and bush go down together
so not only did the dems lose they got bunched in with bush

not the look of someone that is winning!

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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2008, 10:17:58 PM »
The fact that the fool bill did not pass was more the fault of the Republicans than th Democrats. You should be blaming them.
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2008, 10:53:06 PM »
The fact that the fool bill did not pass was more the fault of the Republicans than th Democrats. You should be blaming them.

Yeah i guess you should give the GOP credit. Perhaps they learned a lesson from other hastily passed acts like the ones immediately following 9/11.

Homeland Security comes to mind.


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2008, 10:58:36 PM »
95 dems (41% of their rank and file) voted against the bill even after being urged to do so by Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. This is the same bill Obama said should pass. The bill failed by 18 votes. If one third of those dem naysayers voted with their party leaders it would have passed.


As I understand it, the Dems said they would deliver 140 votes for it, and they did. Yet fully two thirds of the Republicans voted against it, 65 yes and 133 no. If just 12 of those Republicans had voted the other way, the vote would have been 217-216 and the bill would have passed. Seems the Dems kept their part of the deal - where were the Republicans, McCain's own party, when he needed them to stand up for him?

And very quickly after the result was announced, the finger pointing began - by the Republicans. Some spirit of bipartisanship. I hope the Dems do sink it next time, for good. I figure the members of the House, who have to stand for reelection this year - every one of them - listened to the phone calls, emails and text messages they've been getting from their constituents. As I understand it, the public is against the bailout 55 percent to 45.
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2008, 11:05:31 PM »
If it is a bad act why did 140 dems vote for it? Why did Pelosi and Frank push it?

Most of the people i have spoken with about this think the market should correct itself and let the chips fall where they may.

I feel for the potential collateral damage, but whatcha gonna do.


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2008, 11:08:12 PM »
Yeah i guess you should give the GOP credit. Perhaps they learned a lesson from other hastily passed acts like the ones immediately following 9/11.

Homeland Security comes to mind.

Damn, I hope so!  I don't like this bailout.  It stinks.  As Pat Buchanan noted, we're trusting the same people who screwed the thing up in the beginning to fix it in the end.  Nor do I like the way that the Administration and some in Congress are clamoring that it has to be RIGHT NOW!!  RIGHT THIS MINUTE!!  NO DELAY!!  The last time I heard this, the Patriot Act was passed, and I'm pretty sure that I've made my feelings known about that piece of shit legislation.

So personally, I say kudos to those Dems and Repubs that bucked their leadership and voted for what their constituentcies wanted.  In a lot of ways, I think that the panic on Wall St today was brought about by this whole bill.  If AIG had failed, would we have had the largest drop in a day?  Or Bear Stearns or any of the others that are being bailed out or having moderated sales?  I doubt it, but then again I'm not an economist.  It just seems to me this whole thing has become a self-fulfilling prophecy, where the people who fucked the thing up to start with get to claim to be modern day oracles when they don't get their way.

I don't know if this thing is going to get worse, or if it's going to get better.  Nor do I particularly care to assign the blame to one party or the other, they're both in this up to their necks.  I'm just hoping they don't take me with when they drown in it.


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2008, 11:10:28 PM »
Yeah i guess you should give the GOP credit. Perhaps they learned a lesson from other hastily passed acts like the ones immediately following 9/11.

Homeland Security comes to mind.

IUt may come to your mind, but I think they are still all for it
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 11:27:42 PM »
95 dems (41% of their rank and file) voted against the bill even after being urged to do so by Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. This is the same bill Obama said should pass. The bill failed by 18 votes. If one third of those dem naysayers voted with their party leaders it would have passed.

Wah.  As I understand it, the Dems said they would deliver 140 votes for it, and they did.

And as I understand it, the Democrats are in the majority, and could have passed it without GOP support of any kind.  The fact is this is a BIPARTISAN DEFEAT.  So trying to cry and lay claim that this failure to pass this sloppy piece of legislation as the Republican's fault, is disengenuous in the least.  But since I'm glad it failed, sure...lets give the GOP the credit on stopping a rushed piece of legislation simply because congress supposedly needs "to do something"

And very quickly after the result was announced, the finger pointing began - by the Republicans. Some spirit of bipartisanship.

You mean the one that started with Nancy Pelosi claiming how unpatrioitic it was for GOP to not come to the table, in the 1st place??  If you want to start pointing fingers H, best start on the left

« Last Edit: September 29, 2008, 11:45:35 PM by sirs »
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2008, 11:32:53 PM »
"the Democrats are in the majority, and could have passed it without GOP support of any kind"

they want "cover" so they dont want to pass it on their own without the republicans giving them cover
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2008, 11:33:51 PM »
If they voted the way their constituents wanted, that is an adequate justification, especially if they are not themselves convinced that this is the best bill they can pass.

The GOP deserves a rap on the merrythought, though, for trying to sneak a corporate tax giveaway on this bill.

If they want a tax break, they can vote on it separately.
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2008, 11:47:15 PM »

Karl Roves nails the Democrats and Pelosi!


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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #13 on: September 30, 2008, 01:42:02 AM »
Most of the people i have spoken with about this think the market should correct itself and let the chips fall where they may.

You can put me in that group. What have you seen happening the last few days when some firm goes tits up? Someone else steps in and buys them out. The problem seems to be handling itself, except for all those whiners who expect the government to come in like the cavalry and save their bacon. They've got the stock market jittery, but it has a habit of sorting itself out.

And as I understand it, the Democrats are in the majority, and could have passed it without GOP support of any kind.

Did you also notice most of the Dems did vote for it, while the majority - over 2/3 - of the Republicans voted against it?

You mean the one that started with Nancy Pelosi claiming how unpatrioitic it was for GOP to not come to the table, in the 1st place??

Nope, I mean the whining after the vote was taken, when the next news cycle on CNN I heard the Republicans were crying that Pelosi's speech turned 12 Republicans against it that were ready to vote for it. Whatsisname, Frank(?), told them to point the 12 out to him and he would personally have a nice gentle talk with them to turn them back around. Damn, if Florida would hold open primaries, I'd switch back to an independant rather than registering as a Republican. Neither one of the major parties is worth a damn anymore.

Karl Roves nails the Democrats and Pelosi!

Karl Rove is lucky to find his ass with both hands and a six man search party.
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Re: Wow, what a horrible day for McCain, the Right
« Reply #14 on: September 30, 2008, 01:58:40 AM »
And as I understand it, the Democrats are in the majority, and could have passed it without GOP support of any kind.

Did you also notice most of the Dems did vote for it, while the majority - over 2/3 - of the Republicans voted against it?

Wow...something to congratulate the GOP on for a change.  Point remains unrefuted however, this was a bipartisan defeat, and disengenuous to make some inferrence that the dastardly republicans were behind its defeat

You mean the one that started with Nancy Pelosi claiming how unpatrioitic it was for GOP to not come to the table, in the 1st place??

Nope, I mean the whining after the vote was taken,

ahhh, I thought we were referring to when the partisan finger pointing started.....which would be before the vote was even taken.  Perhaps had Mrs Pelosi practiced what she so often preached, civility and bipartisanship, there may have been a different outcome after the vote

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