Civil Unions would cover that and she did not say she was against that.
And I doubt Kissinger has had much to do with the Bush Admin.
Baker would be the background guy there.
Civil Unions do NOT apply to the IRS. If gays could get married and that marriage was recognized as valid all across the nation, then the Supremes would HAVE to apply this to the IRS code.
Of course, the Congress could do this as well, bt they won't, because precisely people like the Republicans, including bogus "Maverick" McCain.
I especially liked her shout out to teachers and all of the teachers in her family. She said she would make education a top priority of her Vice Presidential agenda, and she thought NCLB should be made more flexable. She definitely made a connection with the American people as a middle class mother.
The requirements to be an American middle class mother are sparse. (1) Inherit, marry or earn an adequate amount of money (2) possess at least one functioning ovary. I'm guessing that at least a quarter of the population qualifies. But that is not what we NEED in any part of government.
A VP should be qualified to be president: maternity is not required, and a conscience is more important than an income. If McCain croaks before he becomes 80 or is thrown out for incompetence, we do not need a ditz in the White House.
And, yeah, sure. What exactly is a Vice Presidential Educational Agenda? Hey, did Cheney (the most powerful VP to date) ever have one? It must be hidden in his undisclosed location if he did.
Here's what the VP must do:
Officially, tiebreaking in the Senate
Traditionally, funeral and ceremonial visits of dead politicians less important than, say Queen Elizabeth: bet your booty the Pres. will attend when SHE croaks.
And Officially, take over as president if and when the president becomes insane, in a coma, impeached and convicted, or deceased. This didn't work for Republican Spiro Agnew, by the way: not even his own party wanted him running stuff, and he was booted out of the moving bus.
Biden won this on expertise. It was all mostly a fog of accusations and talking points, inexpertly flung. Surely confusing to the average Joe who is clueless about specific bills passed over the past dozen years. But the general consensus is that he did a lot better than she did.
Palin did not reveal her ditzy side this time.
Biden did not ramble or say "literally" too often.
It was far inferior in both format and content to the presidential debate. The latter was a C+, this was maybe a D.
The VP, of course,would have no say in this unless it was by breaking a tie in the Senate.
Kissinger works for and has always worked for Rockefeller and Exxon. He is not an official adviser, but that hardly matters: he was quotes with reverential awe as an Expert.
James Baker is another oil company shill. Similar to Kissinger, but with extra hatefulness, and less genocide.