Author Topic: A plague on both their houses  (Read 9302 times)

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Michael Tee

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A plague on both their houses
« on: October 02, 2008, 11:24:18 PM »
I just walked out on the debate.  Computer says it's 10:03 pm.

It's endless mindless bullshit - you voted for this, yeah but McCain voted for that; this kind of endless tit-for-tat BS with never a "Gotcha!" moment. 

Biden - I was right about him from the start.  He is NOT change.  Has nothing to do with change.  AND - he is too fucking OLD to EVER represent change.  WHY WHY WHY?  I thought, trying to find the silver lining, "Well, he's gonna earn his keep as an attack dog."  Some attack dog.  Attack hamster.  MAYBE.  This guy is a fucking disaster.  Adds nothing to the ticket and at the same time pisses off anyone who ever got on board looking for change.

Palin - I know this is a very small objection, but would someone please tell this bimbo moron (bimbron??) that the "g" at the end of a present participle is NOT silent?  I mean Jeeziz Fuckin Christ people, I know this is how even MSM anchors are talkin today but God damn it, show some fuckin respeck for that dwindling body of people who still really CAN speak English.  OLDER people.  This broad hasn't had an original intelligent thought in her head since the day she was born.  She's bin stuffed full of talking points (OK, talkin points) and it shows.  There is no possible response for her to ANY conversational opening but to open her mouth and disgorge another talking point, hopefully bearing some remote connection to the subject matter under discussion.

In general, this was not a debate and it was not even Q & A with s single moderator.  It was plainly and simply a sloganeering contest which nobody was winning.

Anyone who thinks a mindless puppet with a crash course in sloganeering is fit in any way to be the President of the United States is in serious trouble.  However, she gave no indication of being any worse in any way than the current office-holder.

My feeling is that this debate will fade into obscurity faster than any other Vice Presidential debate in recent history and that it will have zero effect on the election. 

Palin is clearly unfit to serve as President of the United States, and I think that Obama would do very well in relentlessly attacking McCain's judgment for selecting her as VP instead of Romney.  I would not mention the other Republicans, but leave it at Romney, who was clearly qualified.  I think "He picked her over Romney?" would go over much better with Romney's name at the end than any other name, including Huckabee.  Picking Palin over Romney will have to be seen as the height of irresponsibility.


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2008, 12:02:35 AM »
I watched the whole thing, but I think yiu are right, it was an hour and a half of No, We are right and you are wrong, you voted that way, no, YOU voted that way.

Palin was more irritating than Biden because she kept saying noo-kyoo-lerr, noo kyooo-lerr, and yuh instead of you, like she was a beginning actress trying to play the hick from the sticks on some dumb sitcom, and of course that constant harping on maverick, maverick, maverick. She came off as a great whacking phony.

But neither of them was very impressive, because they just didn;t answer the questions.

Ifill was in no way partial to anyone. She should have harped more on getting them to answer the damn questions.
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2008, 12:48:47 AM »
The sadness over the fact that Palin did not implode is palpable from certain corners of the group.


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2008, 01:55:27 AM »
Hate her accent eh?


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2008, 03:05:32 AM »
I'm really not sure what Tee's complianing about.  Biden was far better than Obama was.  Was much clearer and honest in his liberal record & ideology, made it clear that Judicial qualifications mean squat, it's all about what ideology you have now, attacked McCain (& Palin) on nearly every level of questioning.  Perfect leftist candidate
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2008, 09:01:16 AM »
It SHOULD be about ideology. Not the pledge of allegiance, not flag pins, not the ACLU or abortion or gay marriage bans. Americans want an end to this stupid war, they want health care, they want responsible regulation of the financial industry and a sound dollar. They think that Juniorbush was a friggin' disaster and do not want a repeat. All these are ideological issues that actually matter.
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Michael Tee

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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2008, 11:14:35 AM »
Upon further reflection, it seems clear to me that Palin executed a rather sophisticated game plan, surely not of her own creation, which was to keep the discussion mired in the arcana of past Senate votes which the audience had absolutely no recollection of, didn't give a shit about and wouldn't have understood anyway.

Biden, the schmuck (and I blame his staff for this too,) fell for it hook, line and sinker.  At one point, (or maybe more than one, I walked out in the middle) when faced with one of these bizarre accusations, Biden actually had to explain what vote Palin was talking about (something only a veteran politician could do) before responding to her.

There had to be a way to break up Palin's game plan but apparently nobody had anticipated it.  Even so, she still came across as a brain-dead Barbie Doll chock full o' other people's sound bites.  Biden seemed a little stiff (but I missed the emotional part) but nevertheless, real.

BTW, I really wasn't expecting Palin to implode.  I had too much faith in her trainers and handlers.  Also, consistently dropping the final "g" isn't an accent, it's just atrociously bad English.  And a real irritant.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2008, 11:16:13 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2008, 11:20:33 AM »
Also, consistently dropping the final "g" isn't an accent, it's just atrociously bad English.  And a real irritant.

If it's consistent, then it's an accent.
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2008, 11:27:50 AM »

BIDEN: Said McCain supports tax breaks for oil companies, and "wants to give them another $4 billion tax cut."

THE FACTS: Biden is repeating a favorite saw of the Obama campaign, and it's misleading. McCain supports a cut in income taxes for all corporations, and doesn't single out any one industry for that benefit.


PALIN: Said the United States has reduced its troop level in Iraq to a number below where it was when the troop increase began in early 2007.

THE FACTS: Not correct. The Pentagon says there are currently 152,000 U.S. troops in Iraq, about 17,000 more than there were before the 2007 military buildup began.


PALIN: "Barack Obama even supported increasing taxes as late as last year for those families making only $42,000 a year."

BIDEN: "The charge is absolutely not true. Barack Obama did not vote to raise taxes. The vote she's referring to, John McCain voted the exact same way."

THE FACTS: The vote was on a nonbinding budget resolution that assumed that President Bush's tax cuts would expire, as scheduled, in 2011. If that actually happened, it could mean higher taxes for people making as little as about $42,000. But Obama is proposing tax increases only on the wealthy, and would cut taxes for most others. In the March 14 budget resolution supported by Obama and Biden, McCain actually did not vote.


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2008, 11:58:48 AM »
Also, consistently dropping the final "g" isn't an accent, it's just atrociously bad English.  And a real irritant.

If it's consistent, then it's an accent.

One usually associates accents with:
A characteristic pronunciation, especially:
a. One determined by the regional or social background of the speaker.
b. One determined by the phonetic habits of the speaker's native language carried over to his or her use of another language.

However, according to a fellow Alaskan her accent is phony:
The Alaskan Accent
Everyone agrees - Tina Fey nails Governor Palin’s accent.  But the real funny thing is no one in Alaska talks like Sarah Palin!  In fact, Alaskans in my opinion are curiously without an accent.  Sarah Palin has developed her very own, unique, red-neck meets Fargo North Dakota accent.  I swear, no one in Alaska talks like that!  Sure, you run into the occasional Alaskan who (like some southerners) never speaks in the past tense, but overall Alaskans have pretty good grammar, and have a neutral, flat speaking voice.  Palin’s propensity for poor grammar and talking like a hick isn’t regional but just a reflection on her ignorance and lack of education.

I spent a whole miserable month in Alaska and can attest to this. Alaskans are crazy and stupid for living there, but they dont talk funny like the retarded Palin.


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2008, 12:06:21 PM »
Sarah Palin spent a lot of time in Idaho in her late teens and early twenties. Her accent includes a lot of features from that region as well.
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2008, 12:37:59 PM »
As I have said, there is a real Sarah Palin, and there is President Sarah Palin of Alaska,  the Disney movie. We are not permitted to see the former, we are being shown the latter.

It's a clever ploy. We all know how Disney movies end.

Of course, in the movie she is gonna end up president. Sorry about that John. We hope it's painless. And involves a final display of courage.
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2008, 01:43:21 PM »
Sarah Palin spent a lot of time in Idaho in her late teens and early twenties. Her accent includes a lot of features from that region as well.
Could be . She went through 5 schools until she found one with low enough standards. My wife went to school in OK for a few years and came back talking like am Okie. She lost it in just a few months after she got back to Ca. But then ,believe it or not , my wife is an intelligent woman. Palin clearly is not.
I am just glad that you didnt anal fixate on what an accent is.


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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2008, 01:50:24 PM »
I am just glad that you didnt anal fixate on what an accent is.

I leave the anal fixation in your well-experienced hands.
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Re: A plague on both their houses
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2008, 01:50:42 PM »
I am surprised to see that you think Bill Clinton is a dumbass for not shaking that Arkansas accent.