<<So the parents influence the daughter , does it not follow that the son is influenced by the mother who in turn was influenced negatively by her parents.>>
I think, with all due respect, that you are stretching the chain of causation to the breaking point. If you are trying to argue that Obama, as the son of an unwed teenage mother, must be damaged goods, I don't even want to get into it. Really, BT, it's just too stupid to bother with. Try to keep in mind that the issue I raised was the unfitness of Palin, the mother, not to what extent any such undesirable qualities could be passed on to the children of the unfit parent.
<<I don't think it matters if one is running for president or not. >>
Of course it matters. Palin might well possess the qualities of an excellent 7-11 store clerk, notwithstanding her failure as a parent, but certainly would not be fit to be President of the U.S.A. if she can't even master a task which millions of women in all walks of life manage quite well, without the egregious failures that have plagued Palin.
<<They are either damaged goods or they aren't . so which is it?>>
What is this, Silly Hour? Are you trying to argue that children born out of wedlock to teenagers are necessarily "damaged goods," whatever that means? Sorry, BT, I'm not even going to start. Can't think of a more ridiculous way to spend my time. If you want to waste yours, please be my guest, but I can think of a lot better things with which to occupy myself than that kind of silliness. Have fun with it, and be sure to let me know what your conclusions are.