Author Topic: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...  (Read 7467 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2008, 01:07:00 PM »
<< . . . but in Black English it's I fitta go, or I gonna go.>>

Amazing.  I once was discussing a murder in Jamaica with a fairly well-spoken working-class fellow from Kingston, and when he was relating something his daughter-in-law had said about it, he used the phrase, "We fee put somet'ing in de paper 'bout it."  He had to explain to me that "fee" was an expression of future tense in their dialect.  His daughter-in-law was well educated and could speak standard English but spoke at home and among friends mostly in the local dialect.  The standard English for the daughter-in-law's comment was "We're going to put something in the paper about it."

We tried to figure out where "fee" had come from and concluded it must be a relic of African grammar surviving into Jamaican English, and now I see "fitta" and wonder if it could come from the same source.

I'm not really familiar with Martin Lawrence, but I recall the first time I encountered "Wuzaaaaaap?" was from Cheech Marin in the first Cheech & Chong movie I ever saw, the one beginning with "Low Rider," where (a little further on) Cheech tells the redneck cop that Tommy Chong's name was "RAaaaalph" and the John Wayne was the President of the U.S.A.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2008, 01:12:30 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2008, 03:42:43 PM »
Anything that comes from Obama is simply a minor fib compared with the crap that the GOP dishes out about mavericks, healthcare and job creation.

Lying a nation into a war that has cost almost 4000 American lives dwarfs anything that Obama has done or will ever do.

Why not?


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2008, 03:48:39 PM »
Anything that comes from Obama is simply a minor fib compared with the crap that the GOP dishes out about mavericks, healthcare and job creation.

Lying a nation into a war that has cost almost 4000 American lives dwarfs anything that Obama has done or will ever do.

Why not?

Why not what? ??? ??? ???

Even if Obama wanted to start a war, there is no one to fight it until they withdraw a lot of troops from Iraq. Then there is the money problem. The Chinese are not going to lend so much if they are affected with an American recession. When Americans no longer can shop even at the Wal*Mart, then the Chinese will stop manufacturing and exporting.
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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2008, 03:51:45 PM »
Anything that comes from Obama is simply a minor fib compared with the crap that the GOP dishes out about mavericks, healthcare and job creation.

Lying a nation into a war that has cost almost 4000 American lives dwarfs anything that Obama has done or will ever do.

Why not?

Why not what? ??? ??? ???

Even if Obama wanted to start a war, there is no one to fight it until they withdraw a lot of troops from Iraq. Then there is the money problem. The Chinese are not going to lend so much if they are affected with an American recession. When Americans no longer can shop even at the Wal*Mart, then the Chinese will stop manufacturing and exporting.

Why would Obama not lie , or lead us into war?

The President with a resume' most like Obama's was Wilson .

Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2008, 04:25:45 PM »
<<The President with a resume' most like Obama's was Wilson .>>

Now THAT'S a real stretch.  Wilson was the son of a white Southern slave-owner who served as a chaplain in the Confederate Army.  These are some of the most violent, vicious and racist people on the planet.  Sure, Wilson lied the U.S. into war, what did you expect from him, pacifism?  Human life didn't mean jack-shit to this vulture in human form, not when the fortunes of J. P. Morgan and his associates were at risk.

Obama doesn't move in the same kind of circles, and doesn't give a shit what happens to the big boys.  He's not in their club and never will be.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2008, 04:46:10 PM »
Wilson got the US into WWI because JP Morgan had lent lots of money to the Brits and the war in the trenches by 1916 looked like it would fo on forever, consuming every resource, until the Brits would not be able to pay JP back. Wilson understood that Morgan had saved the US from one terrible Panic almost singlehandedly, so great was his wealth, and was convinced that if Morgan and his bank went bust, the US would have a disaster on its hands.

It is true that Wilson was the first Southerner elected to the presidency since the Civil War. He managed to get in by also being the President of Princeton University and then the Governor of New Jersey. Wilson may have been a racist, but that was not why he got the US into WWI. In 912, there were few White people who were not racists. I think TR invited Booker T and GW Carver to the White House once, but he also stated that he didn't think most Black people were much good at intellectual pursuits.

It was a major mistake, in my opinion. It led to the Treaty of Versailles, in which Wilson was one of the good guys, ot at least the better ones. The League of Nations was a good idea of Wilson's as well.

But Barak Obama is a century away from Wilson's time, and there is no relationship whatever. Obama inherits a nation involved in two wars, and until at least one is concluded, there are not the troops or the money to have another one. They also must be running out of money, as Iraq alone is costing 10 billion a month.

Republicans brought us an untenable and disastrous deployment to Lebanon, followed by an invasion of Grenada. Then there was a war with Panama. Worst was the First Gulf War, provoked by Olebush, and its less competent rerum, clearly begun my Juniorbush. War is what Republicans DO.

Yes, I am aware of Bosnia and Kosovo, but at least these were done in concert with NATO and allies, and brought fae fewer casualties.
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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2008, 04:47:57 PM »
>>Obama doesn't move in the same kind of circles, and doesn't give a shit what happens to the big boys.<<

I wonder if that's on his resume?

>>He's not in their club and never will be.<<

If he's president, he had better hope they don't hold a grudge. Remember ole Jimma Carter? He liked to stick his crooked little racist finger into the "big boys" eye. Look were it got him. Remember JFK? a lot of people think he pissed off the "big guys," and we know where it got him.

Sarah Palin doesn't move in those cirlces. But for her, that's a negative.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2008, 04:48:55 PM »
Obama doesn't move in the same kind of circles, and doesn't give a shit what happens to the big boys.  He's not in their club and never will be.

People, like Obama, who have seats on the boards of foundations and funds always care what the big boys think, and they certainly network with them.

Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2008, 05:01:04 PM »
>>Obama doesn't move in the same kind of circles, and doesn't give a shit what happens to the big boys.<<

I wonder if that's on his resume?

>>He's not in their club and never will be.<<

If he's president, he had better hope they don't hold a grudge. Remember ole Jimma Carter? He liked to stick his crooked little racist finger into the "big boys" eye. Look were it got him. Remember JFK? a lot of people think he pissed off the "big guys," and we know where it got him.

Sarah Palin doesn't move in those cirlces. But for her, that's a negative.

? ? ?  for once, Rich is almost making sense.

I think JFK pissed off a whole different circle of "big guys" but the principle is definitely valid.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2008, 05:20:03 PM »
>>? ? ?  for once, Rich is almost making sense.<<

Mike's the "a lot of people" I was referring too.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2008, 05:23:02 PM »
<<The President with a resume' most like Obama's was Wilson .>>

Now THAT'S a real stretch.  Wilson was the son of a white Southern slave-owner who served as a chaplain in the Confederate Army.  These are some of the most violent, vicious and racist people on the planet.  Sure, Wilson lied the U.S. into war, what did you expect from him, pacifism?  Human life didn't mean jack-shit to this vulture in human form, not when the fortunes of J. P. Morgan and his associates were at risk.

Obama doesn't move in the same kind of circles, and doesn't give a shit what happens to the big boys.  He's not in their club and never will be.

None of that was his qualifacation.

He was an educator and a very intelligent guy who promised to keep us out of war.

What makes Obama's resume' look better to you?


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2008, 06:09:24 PM »
What makes Obama's resume' look better to you?

Let's start with the part where he opposed the misbegotten Iraq War.
ALL of it looks better than McCain's. ALL of it.
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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2008, 07:02:45 PM »
What makes Obama's resume' look better to you?

Let's start with the part where he opposed the misbegotten Iraq War.

That isn't a diffrence , Wilson opposed involvement in the European war, this anti-war stance helped him get elected.

ALL of it looks better than McCain's. ALL of it.

All of it can be read in fifteen minutes , little of it amounts to much.

If it looks better to you , that might be because you have a prejudice and a total nothing would look better than any qualifacation presented by a moderate politician.

A far leftist has the benefit of your doubt so strongly that you are willing to accept a blank sheet as grand qualification.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2008, 11:17:15 PM »
As for my viewpoint: its damn well solidified. Don't think any publication is going to change it.

Listening to the viewpoints of others does require a change in your own viewpoint.

Au contraire. It doesn't require a change in ones view, necessarily. Just requires flexible hearing.

As a non-election example, take the Kennedy v Louisiana case, the ruling of which I am extremely pleased with. I've listened to attorneys I know speak against it, I've read the briefs against the SCOTUS ruling, and the amicus briefs on behalf of Louisiana. While taking all points into consideration gave me adequate understanding of th opposing view, it never changed my p.o.v.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2008, 11:34:43 PM »
Sorry, meant to say "does NOT require a change" - I've corrected the original post.
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