Author Topic: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...  (Read 7469 times)

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2008, 11:38:32 PM »
<<On the other hand, for many moderate voters, the best argument for Mr McCain is that a Republican president and a Democratic Congress would check and balance each other. >>

What does it mean that Obama is "unknown?"  The guy is all too well known.  His voting record, reportedly the most liberal in the Senate, is public knowledge.  He wrote two books, as far as I know, sold to the public and not reserved for private distribution to select in-groups of Muslims and terrorists.   Numerous articles, more than I care to read, have been written all about him.  Take a true unknown like myself and all the rest of us here, with zero name recognition anywhere outside a hundred-mile radius of our homes, on a scale of unknown-ness ranging from 1 to 100, we're 100 and Obama is maybe a 2.

Taken by itself, the claim would be meaningless and absurd.  Unfortunately, the Republican brains behind the McCain campaign do not mean for it to be taken in isolation.  It's part of a theme whose other parts are "His middle name is Hussein and don't you forget it!", "He went to a madrassa."He associates with terrorists."  Combined with those allegations and others like them, "Obama is an unknown" is actually the closest the McCain campaign can officially come to real lies and slanderous mud-slinging:  "He's a Muslim."  "He's a terrorist!"  "He wants to destroy Israel."  "He's not one of us, he's one of them."  That is the real message behind all statements that Obama is an unknown, and it's a measure of the emptiness, the true absence of anything meaningful or positive to offer the American people, the resort to racial and religious slurs, the fear-mongering ("He's a terrorist!") all proof positive that the Republicans are desperate and have nothing but hate and fear to offer to the electorate.

Actually in truth, it is McCain who is the unknown in this equation.  Did anyone predict his wacko, erratic panic in the wake of the economic collapse?  "I'm suspending the campaign, I'm not gonna debate, I am gonna debate, the fundamentals of the economy are strong, We're in the worst crisis since WWII, fire the chairman of the SEC, ooops, can't fire him, fire somebody else . . . undsoweiter.  Who knows what this 72-year-old has-been and three-time cancer survivor is really capable of?  War in Georgia?  War in Venezuela or Cuba?  War in Korea/Iran/Palestine/Lebanon?  You are afraid of the unknown?  OY, have I got an unknown for you!  And that's not even to mention his ditzy, rigidly debate-programmed Conservative Barbie running mate.  Consider her as your military's C-in-C during a crisis - - -  "Waaaal, I'll, uh . . . I'll git right back too-ya!!"

You should check your knee-jerk emotionalism, then read the article again. The Economist can be accused of many things, but being in the pockets of conservative American racists or hate-mongers and the like is not among them.

The article makes a good point, that Obama is an unknown. Maybe your canadian bubble disallows you a respectable vantage point, but ask most red-staters-and some swing-state voters-about Obama and he IS relatively unknown, aside from the MSM crap they've ingested.

XO: You asked if PitBull Palin* "...ever get back to Katie Couric?"

No, but she had a "do-over" on Fox News about the SCOTUS bit, and she mangled the Kennedy v Louisiana thing. Even prepping her couldn't stop her from screwing that up royally. Oh, and didn't you hear? She reads the NEW YORK TIMES and THE ECONOMIST. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah, right. I wonder who told her to say that???

Ami: All good.

*Does anyone else find it funny that she is being called a PitBull, a species that is generally owned by the trashiest in the US?


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #31 on: October 06, 2008, 11:57:02 PM »
*Does anyone else find it funny that she is being called a PitBull, a species that is generally owned by the trashiest in the US?

The reason why she is referred to as a pitbull is that she referred to hockey moms (and herself, by extension) as pitbulls with lipstick.

She was chosen as a stunt to bring in that social class generally referred to as lumpenproletariat, known here as 'trailer trash'.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #32 on: October 07, 2008, 12:12:45 AM »
She was chosen as a stunt to bring in that social class generally referred to as lumpenproletariat, known here as 'trailer trash'.

Trailer trash, Wal Mart Shoppers, people who buy their shoes at flea markets.
It's good to know the dems have abandoned the working class, paycheck to paycheck crowd.

Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #33 on: October 07, 2008, 12:18:01 AM »
<<You should check your knee-jerk emotionalism, then read the article again. The Economist can be accused of many things, but being in the pockets of conservative American racists or hate-mongers and the like is not among them.>>

That's absurd.  Ridiculous.  I never accused The Economist of being "in the pockets" of anyone.  "Being in the pockets of" and "Buying into the bullshit of" are two entirely different things.  What on earth would make you assume I had meant the one and not the other?  (rhetorical question)

I get your point, though - - he's "unknown" to anyone who's too dumb or too lazy to read freely available material that would fill in the blanks in Obama's career.  That probably takes in, what? 50% of the electorate? 75%?


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2008, 02:03:41 AM »
<<You should check your knee-jerk emotionalism, then read the article again. The Economist can be accused of many things, but being in the pockets of conservative American racists or hate-mongers and the like is not among them.>>

That's absurd.  Ridiculous.  I never accused The Economist of being "in the pockets" of anyone.  "Being in the pockets of" and "Buying into the bullshit of" are two entirely different things.  What on earth would make you assume I had meant the one and not the other?  (rhetorical question)

I get your point, though - - he's "unknown" to anyone who's too dumb or too lazy to read freely available material that would fill in the blanks in Obama's career.  That probably takes in, what? 50% of the electorate? 75%?

The Economist doesn't "buy into the bullshit of" either. They pointed out, as I stated, that to many Obama IS an unknown.

People being too dumb or lazy to read or research is another issue entirely...

Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2008, 02:12:08 AM »
Their inference is that it's somehow Obama's fault that he is unknown to many.  Almost as if he has secrets to conceal.  In actual fact, if the "many" to whom Obama is unknown would get up off their fat dumb lazy asses and read a bit more, he wouldn't be so unknown to them


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2008, 02:20:10 AM »
In actual fact, if the "many" to whom Obama is unknown would get up off their fat dumb lazy asses and read a bit more, he wouldn't be so unknown to them

He is unknown by design.

He is the blank screen upon which peoplr project their views.

He is all things to all people.

He is everything and he is nothing.

Michael Tee

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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2008, 02:34:59 AM »
I will agree with everything that BT just said with regard to his present intentions.

I think that when The Economist referred to Obama being an unknown, they were referring to his past history, not to his present intentions.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2008, 03:26:37 AM »
I think that when The Economist referred to Obama being an unknown, they were referring to his past history, not to his present intentions.

His past is even spottier.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #39 on: October 07, 2008, 10:43:12 AM »
He is unknown by design.

He is the blank screen upon which peoplr project their views.

He is all things to all people.

He is everything and he is nothing.

His past is even spottier.
The guy has published TWO BOOKS about his life and times. You have, I am guessing, read neither.
Every magazine in the nation that deals with news and politics has written about him in great detail. Doesn't seem that you read these, either.

His agenda is end the Iraq War, provide health care, restore the Constitution, use inspiration and hope rather than fear and greed to lead the people rather than herd them like livestock. His agenda is quite like that of every Democratic candidate that has run in the past four elections.

This is just a way the Republicans have of saying: "imagine you are a half-African man raised in Indonesia and Hawaii by White folks".

They are counting on the undecided voters lacking enough imagination to do this: White people have no clue as to what it is to grow up and live as a Black man in America.  They should be afraid. Very afraid. What would a Black man do to someone aware of the vile racists jokes they have told and heard and laughed at?

So they should stick with McCain. We know who McCain is: he is Rambo, he is Chuck Norris, he is the daring flyboy in a hundred Hollywood epics.

Not so much the spoiled Admiral's flyboy son who got himself shot down, was held prisoners for years, came out, divorced his crippled wife, fooled around like Casanova, found a rich heiress, married her and pretended to be an Arazonian.

« Last Edit: October 07, 2008, 10:50:36 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2008, 11:04:15 AM »
>>She was chosen as a stunt to bring in that social class generally referred to as lumpenproletariat, known here as 'trailer trash'.<<

See folks. If you let these people talk long enough you get an insight into who they really are. I'm sure BO feels just as comfortable tossing the "N" word around as he does "trailer trash."

Frauds, all of them.


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2008, 11:54:19 AM »
Explain to the class why YOU are not a fraud, Richie-poo.
All you do is post crap others have written and lob insults.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2008, 12:29:31 PM »

Always remember to take your medication BO. You do win however. When it comes to insults, you win everytime. If we could get a few sane democrats in here I'm sure your act would wear thin in a very short time. We can only hope one of our guests can see their way clear and join the discussion in something that resembles a civl tone. If that happens you'll be shown the door.

But please, keep up the foaming, ranting, cursing, bigoted rants you've become famous for around these parts. You're so repulsive to normal folks I'm certain you're helping to turn out the McCain vote.

BO, the poster child for the delusional left


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2008, 01:14:54 PM »
Explain to the class why YOU are not a fraud, Richie-poo.
All you do is post crap others have written and lob insults.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: What Should Be A Shoo-in is Anything But...
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2008, 01:59:57 PM »

Once again, I give you BO.

You be the judge.