The Right wing GOP snake oil standard.
Loaded pistols and good for everyone excepy inmates in prisons and lunatic asylums.
Millions spent on health care and inflationary.
Millions spent on weapons will bring inflation grown.
Dictatorships on the right are much closer to American ideal than dictatorshiops of the left.
The more Hydrogen bomb warheads we have, all set to go off at a moment's notice, the safer humanity is and the better off the world will be that our grandchildren will inherit.
Industrial wastes, and especially those that are reaidoactive, hardly ever hurt anybody, so everybody should shut up about them.
Industries should be able to do whatreer they want to do: Bribe, wreck the environment just a little, fix prices, screw dumb customers, put a stop to competition. and raid the Treasury when they go broke.
That's free enterprise.
The poor have done somethinb very wrong or they wouldn't be poor, so thjeir children should pay the consequences.
The United States of America cannot be expected to look after its own people.
The free market will do that.
The free market is an automatic system of justice.
--from Kurt Vonnegut, Man without a Country.
To which I would add.
The government of the United States is mostly a part of the problem. It is powerless to help the people.
The same US government is a shining beacon to the world, and has earned the right to preemptively invade anywhere it chooses to impose what it considers to be a more democratic government on any culture or cultures that inhabit such a lucky place.
One of the Great curious Truths of All Recorded History is that governance by the US government is simultaneously bad for the people of the USA and good for any country lucky enough to have it imposed by force of arms.
I have long held these beliefs, but I find that Vonnegut has put them into a more succinct form that I am capable of doing. I do not find this surprising, because he had been writing as a very successful for over 60 years when he died.
I am not prejudiced against rightwingers. I have read and heard and watched their drivel for decades, and have have judged them well. They are fools, and their sort of warped thought has made many of the actions of the government to be shameful to the people of this country. We should be ashamed of their actions, and apologize for them, just as we should be ashamed for slavery, lynching and many invasions of other countries.
I am ashamed of George Juniorbush.
I am ashamed of Dick Cheney.
I am ashamed of the Iraq War and the lying bastards that got us into it.
I will never vote for any of these greedy, demented fools. They have been judged by me, found wanting, and have been flushed from my mind into0 the toilet of oblivion.