Author Topic: Do Facts Matter?  (Read 5088 times)

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #15 on: October 06, 2008, 02:14:24 PM »
McCain was correct of course. Capitalism has weathered many storms, large and small. We survived after 9-11 because the fundamentals of our economy are strong and will weather the current storm also. I might add it could have been done without the current give away bill. McCain should have voted against it. It would have been perfect positioning to point out Barry's connection to the crisis and given him leverage with the American people who overwhelmingly oppose it.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2008, 02:44:47 PM »
Lets get this timeline straight.

Republican executive
small Republican majority legislative branch


Republican executive
small Democratic majority legislative branch

And the failure occured after the change?

This doesn't prove that the change to Democratic Majority caused the failures , but no other indicator is any stronger.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2008, 02:50:53 PM »
McCain was correct of course. Capitalism has weathered many storms, large and small. We survived after 9-11 because the fundamentals of our economy are strong and will weather the current storm also. I might add it could have been done without the current give away bill. McCain should have voted against it. It would have been perfect positioning to point out Barry's connection to the crisis and given him leverage with the American people who overwhelmingly oppose it.

So you are for McCain doing nothing, simply for political advantage, regardless of whether it would be best for the country?
Even McCain's limited knowledge of economics is superior to yours. The fundamentals are not strong. Like everything else touched by the inept Juniorbush, this has turned to sh*t as well. It does not take a genius to know that one does not fight a war for five years on borrowed money without serious consequences.

Perhaps you think McCain should be awarded the Herbert Hoover Prize for Economic Ineptitude.
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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #18 on: October 06, 2008, 03:13:51 PM »
McCain was correct of course. Capitalism has weathered many storms, large and small. We survived after 9-11 because the fundamentals of our economy are strong and will weather the current storm also. I might add it could have been done without the current give away bill. McCain should have voted against it. It would have been perfect positioning to point out Barry's connection to the crisis and given him leverage with the American people who overwhelmingly oppose it.

So you are for McCain doing nothing, simply for political advantage, regardless of whether it would be best for the country?
Even McCain's limited knowledge of economics is superior to yours. The fundamentals are not strong. Like everything else touched by the inept Juniorbush, this has turned to sh*t as well. It does not take a genius to know that one does not fight a war for five years on borrowed money without serious consequences.

Perhaps you think McCain should be awarded the Herbert Hoover Prize for Economic Ineptitude.

It is possible that doing nothing might have been better than nationaliseing all of the nations bad debt.

But Bush , Obama, McCain are all together on this one , they all backed the same action.

I hope it works , but it won't work unless our fundamental economic situation is sound.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #19 on: October 06, 2008, 03:18:33 PM »
The forces that drive Wall Street are fear and greed, and the speculation as to what actions will be most likely to drive the fear and greed of others.

Doing nothing is not really an option, as this simply allows fear and greed to chase speculation until companies are worth their salvage value in a depressed market.

I cannot say whether the bill passed is the best that could have been passed, but doing nothing was the worst action possible.
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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #20 on: October 06, 2008, 03:21:22 PM »
The forces that drive Wall Street are fear and greed, and the speculation as to what actions will be most likely to drive the fear and greed of others.

Doing nothing is not really an option, as this simply allows fear and greed to chase speculation until companies are worth their salvage value in a depressed market.

I cannot say whether the bill passed is the best that could have been passed, but doing nothing was the worst action possible.

I am not sure you are wrong .

Neither am I sure that the bailout is anything like a good idea.

Time will tell I suppose.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #21 on: October 06, 2008, 03:46:25 PM »
>> ...Bush and his administration for pushing for mass home ownership ... <<

Could I ask what you're referring to here?  Thanks

Well Rich, I heard, with my own ears, Bush sounding just like a Democrat, at some press coverence, shortly after he took office.  He was advocating how important it was for people to own homes (How good it makes people feel, I guess), and how so often the problem is they don't have the money *shocking*.  And of course, the government should do soemthing about those who can't come up with a down payment.  I swear, he sounded just like any other Democrat.  Was pushing for more laxed protocols my lending institutions, including messers Freedie & Fannie.  Was advocating a pool of money (our tax dollars) to be used for certain families, that could not otherwise afford a down payment, have access to $$$ that could be used as a down payment.  I'm not making this up.  Then you may recall the frequent rhetoric used by the administration in touting how many new home owners were coming into being, under his watch      >:(
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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #22 on: October 06, 2008, 03:50:00 PM »
MT:  <<How come on the morning of the very day that the roof fell in, John McCain was fatuously declaiming that the fundamentals of the American economy were strong?>>

sirs:  <<Because of its continuing being taken out of context . . . >>

No, it was NOT taken out of context.  

YES it WAS.  When it was made CLEAR what he meant, it STILL continues to be lied about, by folks like yourself.

ahhhh, sirs, can't you appreciate how delicious this all is? 

Your latest round of distortion and lying?  Not really.  same 'ol, same 'ol

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #23 on: October 06, 2008, 04:49:05 PM »
<<When it was made CLEAR what he meant [by "The fundamentals of our economy are strong."] it STILL continues to be lied about, by folks like yourself.>>

Ah, but it was ALREADY clear what he meant by it.  Nobody could mistake that meaning.  Hence the frantic efforts by the lying little weasel to convince someone, ANYone, that he meant something entirely different.  THIS is exactly what is causing his supporters to desert him in droves and Obama's stock to continue to rise.  The deeper he and his supporters try to dig him out of his own hole, the more the rest of the country can easily see what a despicable bunch of lying bastards they really are.

<<Your latest round of distortion and lying?  Not really.  same 'ol, same 'ol>>

Truth hurts, eh sirs?  This is one blooper you and McSame can't lie your way out of.  You're stuck with it, buddy.  "Distortion and lying," eh?  Now, now.  Just remember what happens when you point one finger at somebody else.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #24 on: October 06, 2008, 05:05:09 PM »
>>So you are for McCain doing nothing, simply for political advantage, regardless of whether it would be best for the country?<<

Not exactly. Voting against the bail out would be the right thing to do for the country and for the McCain campaign. Voting against it would allow him to differenciate himself from Obama and expose Obama and Franklin Raines
For their part in the cover up. He could then use the footage CU4 posted her in commercials pointing out how the democrats are complicate in this mess.

>>Even McCain's limited knowledge of economics is superior to yours.<<

And mine is superior to yours, obviously.

>>The fundamentals are not strong.<<

The parrot says.

>>Like everything else touched by the inept Juniorbush, this has turned to sh*t as well.<<

Isn’t he just precious!

>>It does not take a genius…<<

Then you’re safe.

>>Perhaps you think McCain should be awarded the Herbert Hoover Prize for Economic Ineptitude.<<

I think that award was renamed the Jimma Carter Prize for inept liberal leadership.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2008, 06:16:05 PM »
Well, it is just too f*cking late for McCain to vote no on the bailout.
You might as well talk about how he should have picked Ron Paul, or Condi Rice or his nose, in lieu of the incompetent Palin.

You are beyond inept. You are among the least ept posters around. It is a close contest between Christians, RR and you, but keep talking about what might have been that will never be, and that should draw you closer.
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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2008, 06:43:53 PM »
>>Well, it is just too f*cking late for McCain to vote no on the bailout.<<

Brilliant. Can I quote you on that?

>>You might as well talk about how he should have picked Ron Paul, or Condi Rice or his nose, in lieu of the incompetent Palin.<<
It’s amazing how people came make these kinds of comments with a straight face (I always picture XO with a permanent scowl). Barry has far, far, far, less experience in the real world and in government than Governor Palin has, yet they keep repeating this kind of nonsense. Well, democrats don’t really traffic in truth so I imagine it’s like anything else they do. They just say things and convince themselves it’s true. Governor Palin is certainly more competent than the teleprompter dependent Barry. And governor Palin loves her country. Obama and his big gummed wife have made it abundantly clear how they feel.

>>You are beyond inept…<<

I’ll just skip your little tantrum because as is always the case, you get personal when I bitch slap you with the truth.

Call your mommy and tell her how mean we Republicans are. I'm sure she'll make it all better.



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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2008, 06:58:04 PM »
Obama and his big gummed wife have made it abundantly clear how they feel.

So now you are suggesting that the size of a spouse's gums is somehow relevant?

Other than to identify you as a flaming racist, HOW, pray tell HOW?

Democrats said nothing about Barbara Bush's Freddy Kruger looks, and here you are, ranting about gums.

I don't even see where Michelle Obama is in anyway unique in the size of her gums.

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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2008, 07:09:16 PM »

I don't see any gum problem with Michelle.


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Re: Do Facts Matter?
« Reply #29 on: October 06, 2008, 07:13:37 PM »

That she wrote something we are not allowed to read is more like a problem.