Politics makes strange bedfellows. But one fellow most Democrats know they don't want to be in bed with is Barack Obama. The other choice, John McCain, doesn't sound too appealing to many Democrats either. The third choice is, as Sarah Palin would no doubt support, is abstinence. But the argument some make is that abstinence is the same as voting for John McCain. And it is.
Many Democrats seem to be going through a period of conflict over this election. They see Obama for what he is, a dishonest, snake oil salesman, unfit and unqualified to be President, throwing out one sweet talking lie after another at the political Mr. Goodbar, trying to pick up as many votes as he can get. And while most reject him, they also are recoiling over the idea of having a one night stand with a Republican, any Republican, though the guilty pleasure of having Obama lose and cheating on the cheater is too good to resist.But what they worry about the most is , how will they feel in the morning?
Many of these are Clinton supporters who very much wanted to see Hillary Clinton get the nomination for a variety of reasons, including the historic ones. And while many supported Clinton for the breakthroughs she represented to women, the real reason Clinton was the superior candidate had nothing to do with gender. She was simply the superior and more qualified candidate. And Obama clearly unqualified and from a character point of view, unfit.
And so what would make a Clinton supporter who viewed Obama as the clearly inferior candidate even consider voting for him now for President? the only reason seems to be either guilt over voting for a Republican, or a sense of not cheating on the Democratic Party, a party that this year cheated on them and violated every rule, procedure and principle of democracy in order to have to a nominee that the majority of the party voted against.
There is also the ongoing belief that a Democrat, any Democrat, would be better than a Republican in the White House. And in most cases that would be true. But not this year.
The truth is, there are more good reasons to defeat Obama and the Obamacrats than to elect him, even for the staunchest of Democrats.
For those who actually think Barack Obama is qualified to be President,no amount of truth, logic or reason is going to change their minds. To do so means having to admit they were taken in and made fools of, and as any cop will tell you, most con men get away with their con because their marks are so embarrassed to admit they were taken they just keep quiet.
Obama is simply unfit to be President in any way. Whether it was his serial lying about his relationship with Jeremiah Wright and what he knew and when he knew it, and the fact that he was more than willing to tolerate Wright's views of 911, and his views on race and never felt offended enough to walk out, to his lying to the people of Ohio about NAFTA and his other reversals and broken pledges on everything from public financing of campaigns to FISA, he is simply not someone you want to take home to the White House.
Aside from his dishonesty, clinical narcissism and almost pathological lack of conscience,.he has no ability to do the job he is seeking and has never in his life ever exhibited even the smallest evidence that he could do it. On the basis of integrity, there is nothing to consider. Obama has no integrity and as far as we can see from his past, never did..
McCain on the other hand, though one can disagree with some of his policies, has in fact demonstrated that he is willing to stand up for what he believes, and more importantly, stand up to Republicans which, based on some of Obama's policy statements makes Obama sound more Republican than McCain.
Yes McCain has agreed with Bush on a lot of things but Obama has actually agreed with Bush on more and based on his public pronouncements, its Obama that sounds more like a Bush 3rd term than McCain.. Obama has endorsed Bush's faith based initiatives which are clearly unconstitutional, endorsed Bush's position on Iraq ( let the commanders on the ground decide), now says he supported the surge, reversed himself on off shore drilling so his position is now more Republican, reversed himself on the DC gun ban, and has said that the Republican Party is the party of ideas.
So for those Democrats are have been reluctant to vote for a Republican or see a Republican win on ideological grounds, what is it that they think they are getting with Obama?.
McCain on the other hand has broken with Republicans when his conscience told him too, incurred the wrath of Rush Limbaugh and conservatives over his position on illegal immigration, daring to take a more humane approach, and before that, incurred the wrath of many in his party with the McCain Feingold bill in which McCain joined forces with one of the Senates most liberal Democrats to pass campaign finance reform. And sticking to that philosophy is campaigning using public financing, while Obama who pledged to use public financing reneged on it as soon as he became the nominee leaving MoveOn, Maureen Dowd, and editors across the country feeling used and with tears on their pillows.
Like it or not, the record shows McCain is the real reformer and the real deal, while Obama is what most of the 18 million Democrats who voted against him know him to be -- a snake oil salesman who has managed to bamboozle a lot of dumb, and impressionable people hanging out and the Democratic Mr. Goodbar, especially the dumb media blonds like Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews and almost everyone at Newsweek, the NY times and CNN who he has eating out of hand.
The other thing to keep in mind about McCain is that he is rated last by conservative groups in supporting conservative legislation. His voting record is ranked 49th among Republican Senators by conservative watch dog groups which is why a lot of conservatives cant stand him. In other words, disaffected liberal Democrats who cant possibly in good conscience vote for Obama could do a lot worse than bringing McCain home to mother.
How absurd is the idea of Obama as President? Think about Obama being put in charge of the country's nuclear codes. I know. It almost makes you laugh out loud. Do I think that Obama would actually do something stupid with those codes? No. I bring it up to point out the true absurdity of Obama being elected President, and to put a fine point on the realities of and the enormity of the job and its responsibilities and how woefully and laughably inadequate Barack Obama is to those responsibilities.
The final argument people try to use on Democrats who don't support Obama is Roe v.Wade and that a McCain presidency would put that in danger. That is utter nonsense and fear mongering and the people trying to use it to scare people know it.
First, regardless of McCain's personal opinions there is no indication that overturning Roe is in any way a priority or even a desire for him. Secondly, no President has been more outspoken against Roe and has made his preferences more clearly known than Bush and even with two conservative Supreme Court appointees it didn't happen, has never come close to happening, and wouldn't happen under McCain. And for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is that even Scalia has expressed a great reluctance to overturn long standing precedent,especially that which would cause great social upheaval unless there were great, immediate and pressing concerns.And then there is always the issue of who would have standing to bring a direct challenge to Roe and the answer is practically no one or it would have happened already.
Roe is no concern in a McCain presidency.
Aside from Obama's unfitness for the job ( which is reason enough) the other compelling reason for an Obama defeat is to reform and fumigate the Democratic Party which Dean, Pelosi, Brazile, Chuck Schumer and others has turned into the Obamacratic Party which becomes more and more of an embarrassment every day as Pelosi's disastrous performance with the bailout bill proved.
Obama is the nominee because of a dishonest primary in which these same people, along with the press did everything possible to sell Obama as the nominee and do it dishonestly as they knew how including rigging the roll call vote violating every Democratic Party rule and procedure in the process.
Dean, Pelosi, Brazile, Fowler and every member of the DNC who engineered and went along with fixing the process needs to go. Those who wont resign ( though I think many will after an Obama defeat) need to have their power and their base removed, so the that the Democratic Party can air itself out. And the only way that can happen is with an Obama loss. And the bigger the better.
And with McCain promising that he will only serve one term, that becomes even more attractive. In 2012 there will be two new candidates running even if McCain wins
Twenty-five years ago the Republican Party got through Watergate. This year the Democratic Party has to go through Fumigate and it can start with a big Obama loss. And on the morning of November 5th, with a McCain victory, the majority of Democrats can wake up, open the windows and let in the fresh air. And they can feel good about the night before and McCain winning. Even if its only a one night stand.