It means the Fed is responsible for what the constitution says its responsible for, and not what would be "nice" for the Fed to be responsible for
So the Republicans will be re-elected on removing Social Security completely? Medicare and Medicaid? That sounds like an election winner to me.
It includes being responsible for paying for what is done. Not borrowing on the future, not hypertaxing the present. It means budgeting and then STICKING to it, as best as possible. It also includes not expanding programs that are failing or when running a deficit, and not adding a multitude of domestic programs when running a deficit
So when you're running a deficit and a major hurricane strikes, earthquake, or terrorist attack the Federal government just says "tough luck" ? When the military comes and says we need another $20 billion for operations in Iraq, you just tell them - "Nope, sorry - Jim Bob and Tammy Rae aren't paying any more taxes this month. Come back when we've got a new budget for next year."
Sirs, a budget isn't done in real dollars. It is done in theoretical dollars with projected revenues and contingency planning, some governments don't even plan for inflationary adjustments. "Sticking to the budget" is not necessarily feasible. Consider National Parks. The majority of their revenue comes in the months of June, July, and August. Now, depending upon location, if the weather is terribly hot or incredibly wet you will experience lower revenue in those three months. It might amaze you, but there isn't a whole hell of a lot the National Park Service can do about it. Now, should that prevent Congress from establishing a new National Park? Is the success and the goal of the NPS to make money? Or is it measured in some other manner?
This is the problem with those who claim that the Government should operate like a business or budget like a family. The problem, of course, is that the Government operates and budgets like neither because it functions very differently from either one. It functions on democratic principles and statutes, clearly much differently than a family or business. It is not designed to make quick decisions, nor can it simply ignore statute or regulation. I'm always amazed at those who have no idea how a government operates (and no I'm not aiming that at you Sirs, just off on a tangent).
You're kidding right? SS, Medicare, the Tax system, Tort reform. THOSE are the areas that need reform, not ethics or civility. On the list of priorties that need reform, those latter 2 rank FAR below the ones mentioned above
How and why do they need reform?
1st amendment, 2nd amendment, 4th amendment, Emminant Domain, etc., etc., etc. And the myriad of attacks have been occuring for far longer than 6 years. Not sure why you put the beginning of Bush II as the qualifier, as if such a hypothesis only begain in 2000
I chose the last six years specifically because you reference this thread as a reason why the GOP lost badly in the recent elections and how they can get back on track. Another way of asking is, why wasn't this addressed over the last six years?
Only to you and like minded libs, Js
You might get farther without the groupthink mentality.