It means the Fed is responsible for what the constitution says its responsible for, and not what would be "nice" for the Fed to be responsible for
So the Republicans will be re-elected on removing Social Security completely? Medicare and Medicaid? That sounds like an election winner to me. ...You might get farther without the groupthink mentality.
See Js, when you start distorting as bad as knute, it's hard to take whatever else you say seriously. When did "reform" = "removal"?? Perhaps we best stop our debate on this issue at this point.
Interesting. Read what you said and then my response Sirs. The constitution, as I'm sure any proud Libertarian will tell you, does not give specific authority to the Federal Government to conduct a Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid program. I was adding that to your opposition to the "organic constitution theory." I guess you aren't quite a strict constructionist yet.
What it boils down to is the same problem this administration had in leading the country. You are having a knee-jerk reaction to the losses from the 2006 midterms. So, instead of looking at it from a careful, thinking perspective as Bt is clearly doing. You are hoping the entire GOP will shift its philosophy in one sweeping grand gesture. You want Ronald Reagan to come and save the party and shift all the priorities. Yet, you cannot see the contradictions even with your own beliefs.
For example, many of Reagan's people opposed the war in Iraq. Yet, you support it. Interestingly you mention everything except the war and President Bush's handling of it as a reason for the Republican loss in the midterms. You're going to see the same thing happen in the United Kingdom (well, similar but with some twists). It isn't a lack of conservative principles or a budget deficit that lost elections. I told you before the elections that people rarely vote based on budget or national deficits (most people don't understand them). It was Iraq and yes some scandals, because politicians are generally greedy little bastards. So call me names if it makes you feel better Sirs, but
you are a primary reason for the Republicans failure in the election.