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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #30 on: October 28, 2008, 04:11:45 PM »
I thought I had simply referenced my experience, for what it was worth ...

Aw, gee. I've done that a few times, too. The response I usually get is a bit different than being called an expert, though.

BTW, from Ami:

I've also moved around a bit. I have a southern drawl when I speak to others from the south (which becomes a NJ nasal accent when I talk to someone from the northeast, and midwesterner twang when I talk to someone from the midwest, and a B'more accent when I'm talking to someone from the mid Atlantic).

Make sense now?
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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #31 on: October 28, 2008, 04:13:53 PM »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #32 on: October 28, 2008, 04:18:10 PM »
Does to me. When I described the same experience during a discussion about Obama's accent, I was accused of simply using that to 'rationalize' his behavior. Now that you've seen Ami describe it, maybe you'll believe it.
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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #33 on: October 28, 2008, 04:24:04 PM »
Yo H, if you recall, given your disposition in disliking McCain/Palin so VERY much more than Obama/Biden, and your quick to response defense of Obama via your response then, one could EASILY presume it to have been a rationalization effort.  And IIRC, I think after the conversation I could then give you the benefit of the doubt.  But your continued efforts at dissing McCain/Palin, in the absense of such dissing in the direction of Obama/Bide, keeps reinforcing the earlier premice.  You really want to go down that road again?
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #34 on: October 28, 2008, 04:30:36 PM »
<<So while y'all are bitching, pissing, and moaning about the evil left and how nasty and brutal they are - remember that you can move here and live in a utopia where the brutality, racism, and nastiness of the right is a constant presence. Come to the Carolinas and you can write nasty death threats to Hispanic or Black leaders. It happens everyday.

<<Spare me this sanctimonious bullshit.>>

Excellent response, _JS.  I've seen the videos of people at McCain-Palin rallies, unmistakeably spilling over and bursting at the seams with hate, even for the man with the camera interviewing them.  I noted the skinhead neo-Nazis plotting to kill and decapitate blacks, culminating with an attempt on Obama's life (<<Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond.>>)  These boys are NOT liberals or leftists. 

The sniping from the left (moron!  unqualified!  war criminal!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        wastrel!) is, even as sniping, less vicious than what you hear from the right (anti-American!  traitor! terrorists!) and that's without even factoring in the death threats ("Kill him!"  and now the plot from these two neo-Nazis to kill Obama and other blacks.)

It's absolutely absurd to claim that the prime responsibility for cultivating dangerous hatreds in this race lies mainly, as always, on the side to the right of the centre.


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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #35 on: October 28, 2008, 08:06:39 PM »
It happens everyday.

How do you stand it.

Exaggerating like that.


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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #36 on: October 29, 2008, 12:16:44 AM »
Yo H, if you recall, given your disposition in disliking McCain/Palin so VERY much more than Obama/Biden, and your quick to response defense of Obama via your response then, one could EASILY presume it to have been a rationalization effort.  And IIRC, I think after the conversation I could then give you the benefit of the doubt.  But your continued efforts at dissing McCain/Palin, in the absense of such dissing in the direction of Obama/Bide, keeps reinforcing the earlier premice.  You really want to go down that road again?

You're right, I do dislike McCain/Palin much more than I do Obama and whatsisname. So friggin' what? If you don't like my political preferences, or my taste in cartoons, or anything else, get over it. There's no reason I should have to look over my shoulder every time I post something to see what you are going to find to bitch about next. That's one of the reasons I refuse to go out of my way to provide answers for you - that only leads to more bullshit, and I'm fed up with it. I give you a simple explanation for something that has nothing to do with politics, and next thing I know you are practically accusing me of making it up just to rationalize something away. Is it any wonder I despise you as much as Bush or McCain? Did you ever stop to think that if you changed your approach to people you disagree with, they might actually take time to talk to you, and you might actually learn something, or they might be more prone to listen to you? Try it sometime. Keeping your nose in the air and approaching everything confrontationally will only get you so far.
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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #37 on: October 29, 2008, 12:23:12 AM »
<<So while y'all are bitching, pissing, and moaning about the evil left and how nasty and brutal they are - remember that you can move here and live in a utopia where the brutality, racism, and nastiness of the right is a constant presence. Come to the Carolinas and you can write nasty death threats to Hispanic or Black leaders. It happens everyday.

<<Spare me this sanctimonious bullshit.>>

Excellent response, _JS.  I've seen the videos of people at McCain-Palin rallies, unmistakeably spilling over and bursting at the seams with hate, even for the man with the camera interviewing them.  I noted the skinhead neo-Nazis plotting to kill and decapitate blacks, culminating with an attempt on Obama's life (<<Daniel Cowart, 20, of Bells, Tenn., and Paul Schlesselman 18, of Helena-West Helena, Ark., are being held without bond.>>)  These boys are NOT liberals or leftists. 

The sniping from the left (moron!  unqualified!  war criminal!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        wastrel!) is, even as sniping, less vicious than what you hear from the right (anti-American!  traitor! terrorists!) and that's without even factoring in the death threats ("Kill him!"  and now the plot from these two neo-Nazis to kill Obama and other blacks.)

It's absolutely absurd to claim that the prime responsibility for cultivating dangerous hatreds in this race lies mainly, as always, on the side to the right of the centre.

So these two tonsured idiots from Tennesee are more harmfull than Bill Ayers?

How so?


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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2008, 01:09:10 AM »
Yo H, if you recall, given your disposition in disliking McCain/Palin so VERY much more than Obama/Biden, and your quick to response defense of Obama via your response then, one could EASILY presume it to have been a rationalization effort.  And IIRC, I think after the conversation I could then give you the benefit of the doubt.  But your continued efforts at dissing McCain/Palin, in the absense of such dissing in the direction of Obama/Bide, keeps reinforcing the earlier premice.  You really want to go down that road again?

You're right, I do dislike McCain/Palin much more than I do Obama and whatsisname. So friggin' what?

So what then, is that it's not so far fetched an idea to see a rationalization effort in defense of Obama.  But no, you have to go all uber defensive, decrying how would anyone think such of you.  Just not possible, and anyone who'd dare think that gets the wrath of H thrown at them

As I said, if you had payed attention and shown even the slightest amount of objectivity, you could see how that'd be easy to have assumed.  That's what friggin what

If you don't like my political preferences, or my taste in cartoons, or anything else, get over it. There's no reason I should have to look over my shoulder every time I post something to see what you are going to find to bitch about next.

LOL....not like you doing the same of course, of mine.  Priceless.  Look H, no one's asking you to be looking over your shoulders.  You really need to get over this kneejerk defensive complex you have with me.   Gads, the simple question of who called you a liar was like sqeezing water from a rock.  This is a debate forum.  If you post responses (or toons) that someone would like better clarity with, or would like to challenge their premice, or yes, *gasp* look to point out your inconsistencies, try not to have a caniption.  You're not a victim, so either please answer the query with civility & substance.

Or don't

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2008, 01:34:47 PM »
<<So these two tonsured idiots from Tennesee are more harmfull than Bill Ayers?>>

Only one's from Tennessee, the other one's from Arkansas.  (Tennessee?  Arkansas??  Who woulda thunk?)

Nahh, how could they be more harmful than Bill Ayers, the real source of all the evil in the Western Hemisphere?  They're obviously just a couple a high-spirited, patriotic American kids.  I say, give 'em back their guns and ammo and let 'em go.  This isn't a fascist police state, is it?

<<How so?>>

I'm trying to figure that out myself. Is it possible they could independently work out the critical mass of U235 needed for a crude fission bomb and then develop an effective triggering mechanism?  No, first they'd have to learn how to read and write.  How about firing high-powered weaponry into an all-black public school?  or at a black Presidential candidate, Barack Obama for example?  That'd work.  There's your answer right there.


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Re: Days of rage: There's something happening here
« Reply #40 on: October 29, 2008, 04:14:59 PM »
<<So these two tonsured idiots from Tennesee are more harmfull than Bill Ayers?>>

Only one's from Tennessee, the other one's from Arkansas.  (Tennessee?  Arkansas??  Who woulda thunk?)

Nahh, how could they be more harmful than Bill Ayers, the real source of all the evil in the Western Hemisphere?  They're obviously just a couple a high-spirited, patriotic American kids.  I say, give 'em back their guns and ammo and let 'em go.  This isn't a fascist police state, is it?

<<How so?>>

I'm trying to figure that out myself. Is it possible they could independently work out the critical mass of U235 needed for a crude fission bomb and then develop an effective triggering mechanism?  No, first they'd have to learn how to read and write.  How about firing high-powered weaponry into an all-black public school?  or at a black Presidential candidate, Barack Obama for example?  That'd work.  There's your answer right there.

So far they are guilty of seriously foolish talk.

Bill Ayers is also guilty of this , and also of building actual bombs which actually caused deaths.

Actually I hope that the prosicution of these guys is more successfull than the prosicution of Bill Ayers was , just because BA beats the rap doesn't mean that haveing his type running around loose is a good idea.