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PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« on: October 28, 2008, 09:52:47 PM »

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
Wesley Pruden (Contact)


If your toilet is stopped up by something really big and smells really bad, you'll probably need a plumber. Joe the Plumber, as it turns out, diagnosed the trouble, and yesterday we learned what it was. It smells really bad.

The tape recording of an interview that Barack Obama gave to Radio Station WBEZ in Chicago in 2001 surfaced, and in that interview Mr. Obama, then a law professor and a state senator, lays out how he would redistribute the wealth. He sounds like a man with a plan.

The interview explains a lot, beginning with the attempt, abetted by a mainstream media that no longer tries to hide its slavish obeisance to the Democratic campaign, to destroy Joe the Plumber and shut down discussion of the implications of what the candidate said.

Mr. Obama doesn't think much of the Constitution, or even of the Supreme Court justices who have rewritten it over the years to accommodate notions of "social justice." The Warren Court, which wrote finis to public-school segregation with its unanimous Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, has been decried since as radical, but it wasn't radical enough. Earl Warren only pretended to be a soldier of the revolution.

One of the "tragedies of the civil-rights movement," Mr. Obama says, is that the Supreme Court did not address redistribution of wealth, probably because of the inherent difficulty of achieving such goals through the courts. The Supreme Court did not break from the restraints of the Constitution and "we still suffer from that." Mr. Obama is not "optimistic" that the Supreme Court can achieve redistribution of wealth - of taking from the workers to give to the deadbeats - but he obviously thinks he knows how to do it. A president with a compliant Congress, which he expects to be in January, can do it through legislation and "administration."

The Barack Obama of this interview clearly does not think much of what the Founding Fathers bequeathed to us: "The Constitution reflected the enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on to this day. The framers had that same blind spot ... the fundamental flaw of this country."

Mr. Obama is a gifted politician, with the smarts to understand that this could be the "game-changer" that leaves his campaign, almost picture-perfect until now, in ruins. He understands that he has to fly under the radar for now. That's why his campaign apparatus moves swiftly to dismiss questions about the Obama paper trail, such as it is, and to crush anyone bold and foolish enough to inquire into the real Barack Obama.

Joe the Plumber learned the hard way what happens to such questioners, and when a television reporter in Florida asked Joe Biden whether his running mate is a Marxist economist, good old Joe, usually eager to talk about everything, acted as if the interviewer had accused him of serial killing or child molesting. Some things just aren't to be talked about, not now. Not Barack Obama's radical notions about redistributing the wealth - which is, after all, the essence of Marxism. Not about how he intends to replace fundamental American values with values that most Americans, if they knew about them, would regard as alien and hostile.

If John McCain wants to change the game over the next seven days, he'll have to break through the media screen to spell out, clearly, often and in detail, the implications of what Barack Obama actually means when he talks about how to redistribute the wealth. To redistribute wealth, you first have to confiscate it from those who earned it with hard work, and the way to do that is with confiscatory taxes. Then you give it to those who didn't earn it. Such explanations, made with cool detachment, once would have been the work of the newspapers and even the television networks. But not this year. Mr. McCain can expect real grief from the media when the polls tighten.

There's nothing ambiguous about Mr. Obama's radical views, as revealed in this interview. He clearly thinks the Constitution was a "tragedy," that the men who wrote it were not the revolutionary heroes plain Americans regard them to be, and their work must be corrected by the surviving radicals of the '60s and their progeny. Anyone who listens to this interview, available on, understands why Michelle Obama was never proud of her country until she thought the opportunity was at hand to destroy the country to save it, and why Barack Obama could spend 20 years comfortably listening to the Rev. Jeremiah Wright exhort God to damn America.

Wesley Pruden is editor emeritus of The Washington Times.
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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2008, 09:58:42 PM »
.....when a television reporter in Florida asked Joe Biden whether his running mate is a Marxist economist, good old Joe, usually eager to talk about everything, acted as if the interviewer had accused him of serial killing or child molesting. Some things just aren't to be talked about, not now. ....

  And well he should,
Marxism is responsible for great misery, no one should be accused of such miserable vileness lightly.

So did Biden ever get around to saying it was not so?


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2008, 10:23:44 PM »
The fact that the media, the Obama campaign, and the democrat machine went after Joe like it did should really scare the hell out of our conspiracy minded lefty friends in here. It really should. It's disturbing that they bemoan the Patriot Act but don't seem to mind this attack on a private citizen for saying something the government didn't like. Same goes for that reporter. They went after her and her husband. Oh my! they're Republicans! Nevermind the fact that half the reporters in the drive-by-media have husbands or wife's working for democrats.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #3 on: October 28, 2008, 10:55:30 PM »
for saying something the government didn't like.

What was it that Joew the plumber said that the "government" didn't like?

Did Juniorbush offer an opinion abut Joe the bogus future tycoon?

The story was BOGUS. That made it news. Bogus stuff always makes the news. If we heard that Palin's husband wrestled a Polar bear and won, and then it turned out to be a guy in a polar bear suit, that's be news, too. And you would be right there criticising them for telling us all about the guy in the bear suit as an example of "liberal bias".
They investigated Joe, and it was McCain that didn't "get it'. As for Joe, he shoud know that it is always a risk making yourself a symbol of some political issue.

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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2008, 11:02:00 PM »
I'm trying to figure out exactly what horrible fate the media inflicted on Joe the Plumber.

The guy lied or at best told only half the truth by letting the media know that he was "planning to buy" out his boss's business when in fact he didn't have a hope in hell of raising the money to do so.

The story was investigated, the lie (or perhaps half-truth) exposed, as it should have been.

And Poor Joe, the "victim" of all this, got a million bucks worth of free publicity, making him a brand and better yet, a brand with a very high level of name recognition.  They handed  him a fucking gold mine, if he's bright enough to realize what he now has.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2008, 11:13:54 PM »
Poor Joe, the "victim" of all this, got a million bucks worth of free publicity, making him a brand and better yet, a brand with a very high level of name recognition.  They handed  him a fucking gold mine, if he's bright enough to realize what he now has.

I agree with this analysis. Joe could be a franchised multicity business, like Craigslist or Angela's list if he finds some money and comes up with a good plan within a year or so.

Only time will tell. 
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2008, 11:30:08 PM »
It really is funny. You two have no problem with the government and the media digging up dirt on a privatre citizen for asking a simple question.

To me anyway, it speaks volumes.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2008, 12:13:36 AM »
I'm trying to figure out exactly what horrible fate the media inflicted on Joe the Plumber.

the law was broken to examine his files hoping to prove that he could not be an entrepreneur in the future, no longer like a right to privacy?

The guy lied or at best told only half the truth by letting the media know that he was "planning to buy" out his boss's business when in fact he didn't have a hope in hell of raising the money to do so.

The story was investigated, the lie (or perhaps half-truth) exposed, as it should have been.

And Poor Joe, the "victim" of all this, got a million bucks worth of free publicity, making him a brand and better yet, a brand with a very high level of name recognition.  They handed  him a fucking gold mine, if he's bright enough to realize what he now has.

On the contrary , many entrepreneurs have periods of being broke in their resume' , there is nothing about Joe to prevent him from dreaming big , nothing in his situation to prevent his eventual success , nothing in the BHO agenda to help him get there.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2008, 02:57:33 AM »
nothing in his situation to prevent his eventual success
Except a major lack of professional credentials and financial indicators of success.

, nothing in the BHO agenda to help him get there.

So you think that it is the role of a President to help a guy buy out his boss and make five times the salary of his peers? Why? Just because he WANTS to? COuld you have confused the presidential campaign with the Make-A-Wish Foundation?

If he makes under the $250K, Obama will lower his taxes. It's hardly likely that he's going to be pulling down that much from the first year. After that, he might hae to pay maybe $1500 more in taxes than under McCain's tax plan.

In reality, of course, both tax plans are unlikely to get passed through Congress as announced. We might as well be talking of his success at raising ostriches, emus or earthworms.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #9 on: October 29, 2008, 03:47:39 AM »
nothing in his situation to prevent his eventual success
Except a major lack of professional credentials and financial indicators of success.


He is presently earning his credintials and his money.

He needs to have as big of a down payment as possible when it is time to take a loan and attempt to buy a business or start one.

Do you have a yellow pages? Each square in it has a backstory , many of them like Joe.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #10 on: October 29, 2008, 04:22:40 AM »
Joe strikes me as a publicity-seeking blowhard. Perhaps he will prove me wrong.
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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #11 on: October 29, 2008, 04:56:13 AM »
I would say that Obama has a right to be a bit more skeptical of the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. They did own slaves, approve of slavery, and count a slave as three-fifths of a man for representation purposes in the House of Representatives. Many of them thought that slavery in America was doing their "servants" a favor, and better than being free in Africa, where they would never have learned how to cultivate cotton or love Jesus.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #12 on: October 29, 2008, 08:32:23 AM »
plane:  <<the law was broken to examine his files hoping to prove that he could not be an entrepreneur in the future, no longer like a right to privacy?>>

I am EXTREMELY skeptical of the claim that any laws were broken to examine "his files" - - licensing of plumbers is a matter of public record, as is the filing of tax liens on property.  It's that way in Canada and I would be amazed if it weren't the same in the U.S.A.

Rich: <<You two have no problem with the government and the media digging up dirt on a privatre citizen for asking a simple question.>>

Digging up dirt?  Private citizen?  Get real.  He came forward to interject his life story into the campaign and McSame grabbed it and ran with it.  Once his fate under the proposed tax hikes of one candidate became an issue, the press would have been negligent had they NOT looked into it.  As it turns out the claim was phony.  It's a lot less intrusive and a lot more relevant than tracking down where Obama goes to church and digging up what the preacher says there.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #13 on: October 29, 2008, 12:44:13 PM »
>>Digging up dirt?  Private citizen?  Get real.  He came forward to interject his life story into the campaign and McSame grabbed it and ran with it.<<

One more time.


Now we know the law has been broken regarding Joe's privacy. The came after him like the fucking KGB. It's the libtard thought police at work. This is what you'll get people. And these two slopeheaded morons are all for it.


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Re: PRUDEN: A game-changer by Obama
« Reply #14 on: October 29, 2008, 04:25:04 PM »
"He came forward to interject his life story into the campaign ..........."


Did he have canadate attracting light on his porch or something like that?