sirs: <<Let's bring back the concentr....I mean the all-caring compassionate "re-education camps" to get those folks to start thinking how they're supposed to. >>
MT: <<No, I think it's really better to handle traitors and collaborators the way the French Resistance did once the invaders had gone - - shoot about 20,000 of the bastards on whatever street corner you find 'em. Re-ed camps are for wimps. >>
sirs: <<Spoken like a true bleeding heart lib>>
For the record, my heart's in favour of the street-corner execution process for traitors and collaborators, but my head favours due process and old-fashioned Anglo-Saxon judicial principles. In real life, much as I love to see fascists meeting up with instant karma, the risks of executing even one innocent man in the process are still too big to take.
sirs, I'm afraid you missed the irony in my remarks. I wasn't supporting street-corner executions, I was contrasting them with the re-education camps, and in the contrast, you should have been able to see that the camps were much more humane than (a) instant karma or (b) lengthy prison terms of many years or (c) trials for treason with the death penalty following in most cases.
I don't think you could find a single re-ed camp attendee who was in camp for as long as the prisoners of the "War on Terror" have been held in Guantanamo or whatever secret torture chambers the U.S. is currently holding them in.
<<With said dismemberments coming from targeted attacks by terrorists vs being sanctioned by the Government. Apparently the liberal plan supports sanctioned torture and dismemberment when exerising their 1st amendment. Oh wait, that's only if it's Conservatives speaking out. My bad>>
I am not following you. You were praising the "liberation" of Iraq - - that the people now could criticize the government without fear of dismemberment. I pointed out that they now could be dismembered without even having to criticize the government, just by being the wrong religion in the wrong place. In other words, this wasn't any kind of improvement at all, since under Saddam, you could avoid dismemberment simply by not criticizing the government, and now you don't even have that protection. And your point in reply was what?
<<Facts to folks like you Tee, is like Kryptonite to superman>>
Aww, get serious, sirs. I pointed out that you ignored facts when you claimed that the Vietnamese re-education camps were like concentration camps. I pointed out that the Vietnamese re-ed camps lacked the distinguishing features of the Nazi camps, specifically the "medical experiments," the gas chambers, the crematoria. Those are facts. You might have wanted to challenge what I said with other facts. Make some logical distinction, I don't know. The "kryptonite" remark was just stupid and childish standing by itself without any accompanying factual or logical attack on what I had just stated.