Heller obviously is one of the New Jews, the Sharon/Liberman Lemming Jew, whose closest species-level relative is the New-World-Order-confiscate-the-whole-planet Neocondus exploitatti of American fame.
Heller seems to approve, then, of the Bush Administration and the Neocon approach to war fighting in Iraq--the corporational structured war--that is, a well organized, well greased sales pitch (WMD, sales contest winner Condi's mushrooms, and even the sad self-sellings-out by Gen Powell), establishing and gridding a ready market (wealthy gadfly Bush shill Paul Bremer) and closing the deal--your and my brothers and sisters and kids dying while contract awardees mop up the money.
Course, as a consequence of all this privatization, we have now the largest corruptive purloining of funds in the history of the world.
Halliburton shall have to answer to Waxman to the tune of billions, should Waxman be able to end-run around Dem obstructionists (think Lieberman, and more generally, possilbly many of those Dems who strangely came to his rescue.)
In fact, all those corporations--Hallliburton, Brown and Root, Bechtel, Blackwater--who were spared any need to compete for the bids, and who were seemingly handpicked by Cheney and his oil baron buddies--will have to answer for sundry millions that are simply unaccounted for.
Like in all the Wagnerian tragedy scenarios surrounding us in this our lowest period in our history, our politicitans--who now are being heavilly spotlighted in order to keep the light on corporate piracy--will probably escape prosecution, since they were, after all, merely guilty of chronic neck-eye syndrome (looking the other way.)
If you or I went to Iraq and stole a blanket, we would be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. But that would be under military justice.
Maybe that's the attraction for privatization--a route around justice.
Escaping justice is now the name of the game in Washington, D.C., and at the secretive boardrooms of several large corporations.
That seems to be, though still shrouded in mystic gloss-overs, very evident to anybody who witnessed the great voter rectification.
The only thing really standing in the way would be the double-faced, coroporate owned Democrats. (A sign would be the heroic Murtha replaced by Hoyer, who is swift-boating Murtha as we speak.)