Author Topic: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad  (Read 5220 times)

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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #45 on: November 06, 2008, 09:44:37 AM »
Later on Pinochet becams another distastefull ally , much the same , he filled a need against a greater threat.

Now that is truly stupid.

What threat did Salvador Allende's Chile pose to the US?
The Chilean people ELECTED Allende. The Conservative Party got maybe 25% f the vote in a three way election. Nixon and Kissinger's aid to Pinochet was treachery to a fellow OAS nation, not some sort of necessary counter to a threat.

There is no way Chile is or will ever be, a threat to the US. That is sheer bullcrap of the foulest sort.

Chile: a dagger pointed straight at the heart of Antarctica?

I think the Communist aim was a Communist South American contenent , the US aim was certainly to prevent a Communist South American contenent.

Hugo Cheves would have had a lot more troubble with us twenty five years ago than he has now , I think the anti communist effort is fadeing at the same rate that the perceived Communist threat is.


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #46 on: November 06, 2008, 09:55:09 AM »
What the F*ck do you have have against people electing whomever they choose? Where th the Hell do you get off?

It is none of the US's business who people elect democratically to lead them. NONE!

You want to know why people hate Americans? This stupid attitude is a prime example.
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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #47 on: November 06, 2008, 12:09:46 PM »
<<Oh, that Stalins party was more famouis for shooting wealthy people? I guess I can see that being a diffrence.>>

Since the Russian CP is so "famous" for shooting wealthy people, I'm sure you'll be able to provide us all with a short list of all those wealthy people they shot.

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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #48 on: November 06, 2008, 12:16:31 PM »
<<Missiles used for missile defense are "kinetic kill" varieties - they do not have warheads, and therefore they cannot used be for "second strike" on ground targets.>>

I'm not sure what your point was in bringing this up.  It was never my position that after destroying a Russian second strike from Polish bases, that those bases would then be used for strikes on Russian ground targets.

Although now that you mention it, who would really know if some first-strike missiles weren't also gonna be snuck onto those Polish bases as well?

Looks now like the Russians aren't going to take any chances.  They are letting the Poles know that fucking with the Russians will bring instant annihilation.

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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2008, 12:19:29 PM »
<<You really believe that, don't you?>>

That the U.S. is the major threat to world peace?  Of course I believe it.  So does most of the world.  And history bears it out, too.

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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #50 on: November 06, 2008, 12:26:55 PM »
<<Every engineer in the world , and anyone elese intelligent enough to understand the explanation ,can laugh at them , that is harmless isn't it?>>

I have not seen a single respected academic state publicly that the U.S. missile shield in Poland would not weaken Russia's missile deterrent against NATO.  Let alone laugh it off.  As usual, you are reporting fiction as fact.

<<I don't expect that Russia will actually use missles to bomb the NATO territory that it can , Russia needs those people to buy its fuel.>>

You're not even making sense any more.  The Russian deterrent is a second strike, i.e., a response by Russia to a first strike against it.    What did you really expect would happen after a NATO first strike on Russia?  That they would dial up their attackers the next morning and ask them if they still wanted those 80 million barrels they ordered yesterday?

<<I also do not expect Europeans , even Poles, to invade Russia or bomb Russia or need to , if Europe has a Hitler comeing into power now I haven't heard of him yet.>>

Believe me, if there's ever a new Hitler, he's a lot more likely to have a Texas accent than a German one.


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #51 on: November 06, 2008, 12:31:37 PM »
Believe me, if there's ever a new Hitler, he's a lot more likely to have a Texas accent than a German one.

Jeb Bush is out of work at the moment, and there's always young Prescott Bush. Can't expect him to go into the enchilada business, either.
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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2008, 12:45:08 PM »
Funny...I never noted a texas accent in Obama's speech.  Wow, who knew
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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2008, 07:33:51 PM »
<<Every engineer in the world , and anyone elese intelligent enough to understand the explanation ,can laugh at them , that is harmless isn't it?>>

I have not seen a single respected academic state publicly that the U.S. missile shield in Poland would not weaken Russia's missile deterrent against NATO.  Let alone laugh it off.  As usual, you are reporting fiction as fact.

<<I don't expect that Russia will actually use missles to bomb the NATO territory that it can , Russia needs those people to buy its fuel.>>

You're not even making sense any more.  The Russian deterrent is a second strike, i.e., a response by Russia to a first strike against it.    What did you really expect would happen after a NATO first strike on Russia?  That they would dial up their attackers the next morning and ask them if they still wanted those 80 million barrels they ordered yesterday?

<<I also do not expect Europeans , even Poles, to invade Russia or bomb Russia or need to , if Europe has a Hitler comeing into power now I haven't heard of him yet.>>

Believe me, if there's ever a new Hitler, he's a lot more likely to have a Texas accent than a German one.

Suppose that Europe attacked Russia and succeeded with practicly no cost .

It had better be spring , because in the winter they will be frozen the next day.

There is not a reason for Europe to attack Russia anymore the day of empires is past and they can't make it pay.

Russian politicians tho can make a play on public credulousness and fear , exploiting the xenophobia Russians are famous for.

I have not seen a single respected academic state publicly that the U.S. missile shield in Poland would not weaken Russia's missile deterrent against NATO.  Let alone laugh it off.  As usual, you are reporting fiction as fact.

Are you trying to insult me ?
I am the authority that has told you this and I have provided proofs that cannot be refuted drawn from my small knoledge of ballistics. You cannot just say it isn't true because the authority is me , show me how my math is wrong.


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #54 on: November 06, 2008, 10:02:51 PM »
You cannot just say it isn't true because the authority is me , show me how my math is wrong.

Wouldn't you need to show your math first, for anyone to criticize it?
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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #55 on: November 08, 2008, 11:32:42 PM »
You cannot just say it isn't true because the authority is me , show me how my math is wrong.

Wouldn't you need to show your math first, for anyone to criticize it?

All right ,draw arcs representing the great circle routes that impinge on the northernmost Polish territory and the southernmost polish territory tilt the northern ones west side as far south as you can while still includeing Russian territory to its north, tilt the southern ones west side as far north as you can while still includeing Russian territory and still representing great circles.

The area between the northern and southern arcs is the area that in theroy could be protected fron Russian missle attack by anti missle missles in Poland if Poland was covered thick with them.

Oh wait ,looks as if AMI has produced this graphic already.

Rather than attempt this exercise just scroll up to the previous post where this is already done.


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #56 on: November 09, 2008, 12:36:53 AM »
No amount of silly arcs will show how any base in Poland could possibly protect any part of the US from imaginary Iranian missiles.
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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #57 on: November 09, 2008, 02:39:37 AM »
No amount of silly arcs will show how any base in Poland could possibly protect any part of the US from imaginary Iranian missiles.

I see that you accept my point that the Russians are lieing their heads off about the missles in Poland weakening their attack strength.

Thank you .

As for protecting from Iran that is diffrent .

If you were to draw all of the great circles that are shared by Iran and Poland , you would see it form a wide stripe around the planet , subtract the part that is past the range of the missles and the part in the wrong direction and the remaining arcs represent the potential "shadow " cast in the Iranian capability by antimissles in Poland.

Because Iran is not as wide as Russia , the shadow is a lot more usefully placed and wide.

Now you may think arcs silly , if you are an anti intellectual sort , but I actually like questions that are limited in scope enough that mathmatics can give complete answers to them.


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #58 on: November 09, 2008, 03:21:31 AM »

From  To  Initial            Heading  Distance
THR (35°41'21"N 51°18'48"E) DCA (38°51'07"N 77°02'16"W) 322°  (NW) 6337 mi

THR (35°41'21"N 51°18'48"E) DCA (38°51'07"N 77°02'16"W) 322°  (NW) 6337 mi

I tried the Applet that AMIanthus found and sure enough the great circle between Teran and Washington passes right over the anti missles in Poland.

Did you know that if you throw a ball across your yard (ignoreing aerodynamics) it follows a parabola in the direction of the great circle route from its launch to its landing.

I am trying to think of a projectile that does not ....?

I don't think there are exceptions , if a balistic projectile departs form a great circle route it has a force applied to it after launch.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2008, 03:28:21 AM by Plane »


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Re: Russia to deploy missiles in Kaliningrad
« Reply #59 on: November 09, 2008, 03:30:40 AM »

Does a projectile that crosses over the pole  or goes to high lattitudes at a high speed depart from the great circle route because the earth turns under it?

More than lower lattitudes?