Author Topic: My Second Take on Obama  (Read 1391 times)

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Michael Tee

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My Second Take on Obama
« on: November 06, 2008, 10:48:36 PM »

Obama's a CIA candidate.  He's not FROM the CIA but they've helped him along at least for the past two or three years, maybe much longer.  They spotted him as a young man with potential; they are people who  plan long-term and keep more than one iron in the fire.

The long-term plan was to invade a major oil supplier and hold it by hook or by crook, more or less what we've seen, except the plan calls for a long-term hold.  This requires continuity in government, and yet the people will tend to get sick of a government of war-mongering, soak-the-poor, rich fascist assholes and want change.  THAT'S where a guy like Obama can be invaluable:  Change Ucan Believe In! - - look, Ma, he's black.  Howzzat for change?  Out with the old.  In with the . . . unfamiliar.

At some point, a few years back, with the 2008 elections specifically in mind, someone thought of Obama.  He's perfect for the role.  He should be in politics, start to make a name for himself.  Certain media people are tipped off by people, known to the public or not, that this is a good guy, one of the good guys, with powerful friends and protectors.  Be nice to him.  Give him a hand up.  The good guys will owe ya one.  And a "meteoric rise" was crafted by people who understand how to craft a meteoric rise.  Those whose job it is to think and to plan long-term easily foresaw the huge wave of disgust and revulsion that would sweep over the American people, easily foresaw the huge demand for "change" that would envelope the country, and if and when the time would come, they would be ready with a product, a candidate, who met that demand.  If change it would be, here is our Mr. Change; and of course, if those who did not want change were to prevail, Here is our Mr. Stay the Course.  Either way, the voters are gonna be buying house brand - - only why do they have to know that?

Does anyone ever think how uniquely unusual that "meteoric rise" from obscurity really was?  How almost effortless it seemed?  Can anyone name any other community organizer working the projects who rose so fast and so favourably in the MSM's estimation?  Since when was the MSM so enamoured of black community organizers, black college professors, black anything?  But along comes Obama and he takes their hearts by storm.  Sorta.  Remarkable, eh?  Merkwürdig.  So etwas hab' ich noch nicht vorgesehen.

What got me started on this line of thought was the Ramparts Magazine/CIA/NSA scandal of 40 years ago, which some of might recall personally.  The National Student Association was the largest U.S. student organization with branches on every major campus in the nation.  They represented the U.S. at international meetings of student organizations in an increasingly anti-U.S. environment and tried to present the liberal face of the U.S. to the world.  The progressive, anti-racist, even anti-war (but "responsibly" anti-war, not like those filthy dirty hippies and traitors who rioted in the streets and spat on returning soldiers as baby-killers, not like the real anti-war movement) face.

Well, it turned out that for many years, the CIA had been buying off the leadership of the NSA.  Without the rank-and-file knowing anything about it, the CIA had been paying off the NSA leadership with perks and promises of U.S. government jobs and postings, and in return the NSA executive (divided into "witting" and "unwitting") or at least the "witting" executives, had been spying on foreign student leaders and delegates, reporting back to their CIA handlers on them and presenting the line handed to them by the CIA.  When Ramparts finally broke the story, it was one of the major academic scandals of the era.

So I found myself wondering, what if they followed, groomed and suborned "opposition" politicians, as they did student leaders, so when the time came when the people wanted change, they could have change, so long as nothing would really be changed.  Of course the CIA doesn't give a shit if Roe v. Wade stands or falls, or if stem cells come from human embryos or pig placenta, so domestic change is always up for grabs, and if that's where Obama wants to make changes, hey, go crazy, Chief.

But that is my theory.  As sirs would be the first to point out, it's crazy.  Where's the smoking gun?  Where's the contract in writing signed by Obama and the head of the CIA, "We back you and you work for us?"  Where are the videotapes of the clandestine meetings where the deal was sealed?  Don't have, never will have.  Our best hope is that an ex-agent will surface and tell the tale.  "He's nuts!  He's got a book deal!  He was never an agent!"  But we don't even have that.

It's a theory - - the ONLY thing going for it is that it's not implausible.  But no corroborating facts.  It is a theory.  Waiting for facts.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 10:54:10 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #1 on: November 06, 2008, 11:15:02 PM »
Translation: How can I make the United States look bad, in my own mind, after they just elected a bright African American president?

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2008, 11:35:41 PM »
<<Translation: How can I make the United States look bad, in my own mind, after they just elected a bright African American president?>>

Ahh, you are so simplistic.  It would be trite to tell you, "I would prefer that the theory be wrong."  I won't say that, (a) because you'd never believe it anyway and (b) because it's only a very small part of the truth - - much more importantly, I'd rather the theory be proven right, NOT because it would make the U.S.A. look bad, which isn't really all that important in the end, but because I'd have some satisfaction in being right.  It's a clever theory.  Not brilliant, but not bad either.

Here's one you never even thought of:  what's so bad if it's all true?  What if that's the kind of world we live in and the U.S.A. as a great power dependent on foreign oil would be acting irresponsibly if it DIDN'T assure itself of a steady supply?  WTF do they need with that oil anyway except sell it and selfishly hog the proceeds to share out among 23 million people when 300 million Americans need the stuff more desperately than they do?  Who gives a shit about 300,000 dead Iraqis when we're all gonna die one day anyway and in another generation a whole new bunch of billions of human beings will replace the current occupants?


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2008, 12:40:13 AM »
Ah huh......

Life isn't a movie, Snow-Blower.


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2008, 12:47:23 AM »
WTF do they need with that oil anyway except sell it and selfishly hog the proceeds to share out among 23 million people when 300 million Americans need the stuff more desperately than they do?

The US Big Oil companies are not so patriotic as to sell only to Americans. They could give a sh*t about Americans, or any other nationality: their motives are profits and profits alone, and would just as soon sell to anyone--the Koreans, the Japanese, the Dutch-- that will pay the highest price.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2008, 12:49:17 AM »
You don't know that, BSB.  You don't know WTF it is and neither do I. 


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2008, 12:53:27 AM »
Obama as a CIA plant...that is an interesting theory, but I really doubt it.

McCain is the ideal CIA hero, as is Palin.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2008, 12:55:34 AM »
<<The US Big Oil companies are not so patriotic as to sell only to Americans. They could give a sh*t about Americans, or any other nationality: their motives are profits and profits alone, and would just as soon sell to anyone--the Koreans, the Japanese, the Dutch-- that will pay the highest price.>>

They won't sell to anyone the U.S. doesn't want them to sell to.  The U.S. government is more interested in representing the interests of big corporations than it is in representing the interests of XO.  They are more partners than adversaries.  So if it's in the interests of U.S. business NOT to sell any oil to (say) Japan, then the U.S. government will tell the companies that control the Iraqi concessions not to sell to Japan and those companies will cooperate, not out of "patriotism" but because they know the U.S. government is THEIR government, acting in THEIR interests, and there is good reason (from the POV of America and its oil industry) not to sell to Japan.


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2008, 12:56:14 AM »
Maybe if those of you up there in Snow-Blower Land did less fantasizing and more work your country might count for something.

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2008, 12:58:26 AM »
<<McCain is the ideal CIA hero, as is Palin.>>

McCain's no problem for them.  He's on their side.  They don't have to back him, he's already backed.

Obama's a real find.  He's useful.  He can provide the illusion of change which McCain never could.  When they need McCain, they've got McCain.

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #10 on: November 07, 2008, 01:00:12 AM »
<<Maybe if those of you up there in Snow-Blower Land did less fantasizing and more work your country might count for something.>>

We like it the way it is.  Climate excepted.


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2008, 01:01:24 AM »
Canada is better run than the US. Every international poll acknowledges this. Of course, a country with 33 million is never going to have the influence of one with nine times the population. Tee has some good ideas and other bad ones, but he is hardly a typical Canadian. As for the smow, well, it falls where they have to blow it away: you'd do the same, BSB.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #12 on: November 07, 2008, 01:09:52 AM »
Ok, I'll get to the point.

Considering I was trained by, and worked for, Special Operations Command. And considering my uncle was head of the Amphibious Warfare Dept in the Navy, and would have commanded any take over of oil fields in the middle east, I can say without any equivication your theory is doogshit.

Michael Tee

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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #13 on: November 07, 2008, 01:15:03 AM »
Fair enough. 

Let me ask you this, though - - knowing what you now know about Special Ops and the Amphib  Warfare Dept. in the Navy, if someone had told you in 1965 that the CIA was grooming and recruiting NSA leaders, would you have called that theory dogshit too?


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Re: My Second Take on Obama
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 01:16:14 AM »