Kind of depressing. Here's an article from ( entitled "A Progressive Sweep?" which compares the members and numbers of the CPC (Congressional Progressive Caucus) with the New Democrats and the Blue Dog Democrats.
I know that names don't mean much anymore. Hell, what's a Democrat anyway? But when Frank (the author of the article) points out that over half of the
CPC support Murtha's call for redeployment (as compared to, say, bringing them all home) you gotta wonder what is so "progressive" after all.
Here's an example of the kind of "winds of change" we can expect to blow through the halls of Congress in 2007:
<<Like their leader Nancy Pelosi, the CPC’s members
also overwhelmingly support Israel and
remain committed to the neo-con principles underlying Bush's war on terror . . . >>
In short, it's a long haul ahead for those Arabs still fighting for their land and their freedom. We all know the basic principles of Bush's war on terror - - studiously avoid any examination of the real sources of enmity between Arab radicals and America; stick with the tried and true "They hate us for our freedoms." (as if any of them really gave a shit whether women can drive on the Interstate or not) and invent reasons (which don't even have to be plausible) to attack and occupy any Arab country with a large enough supply of oil under its sand.
Well, it's a unipolar world and apparently a uni-party Republic - - looks like the world is in for a lot of this shit.