oh dont get me wrong it's probably a good thing
it's just funny watching the bozos that thought they were voting for change
as NoBama runs to the right
can already hear the left loons grumbling about....
uh no we gonna postpone taxing the wealthy
uh we may extend the formerly evil Bush tax cuts
uh we gonna keep George Bush Defense Secretary
change, change, change at last! 

I am finding it soothing. I held onto my absentee ballot for weeks, because I just wasn't sure. There are a lot of things I liked about Obama from the start, but also some things I hated, and some things that just made me "nervous." And one of the things that made my nervous was the idea of very SUDDEN change and the dangers it might present to Americans and American interests.
For example, I never supported massive and rapid changes in Iraq. I felt that moving too fast just to improve the image might pose later security threats both in the Middle East and for Americans everywhere. (That said, I am also one of those who felt that we never should have been there in the first place. But now that we ARE there, it is our responsibility to clean up the mess we made.)
Seeing that he is bring in very good management, easing through things and taking time with what needs to be done is reassuring. I also hope it will relax the "sky is falling" folks who are waiting for the world to end.