The Mormons no longer believe in polygamy, the ones that do are separate breakaway sects. The complaint with that is that older men in their 40's and 50's are married to teenaged girls, often against the will of said girls. The Texas group then enrolled many of the women and children as single unmarried women and fatherless children. I think that is going a tad too far.
Ruby Ridge was a setup of a mildly weacky gun nut who lived far too far up in the hills to be a threat to anyone. It was a mistake.
The Koresh./Waco thing was alewo very poorly handled, and another mistake. Observe that there have been no recent Ruby Ridge and Waco type attacks.
I am all for letting the Amish manage on their own. Still, if their roofs collapse under too much ice and snow, then that would be a time to consider enforcing some codes.
In many places, you cannot build an unconventional eco-friendly home with straw bales, old tires, partially underground because of outmoded building codes. That needs to change as well.