::And in what part of this do you construe disrespect?
When there is evidence against a soldier who IS an American he is liable to be tried and sentanced for the crime , this includes recent cases of prisoner abuse which has always been against our rules.
For Al Queda it is just not against the rules at all to torture a prisoner , or humiliate him , or make him convert to Islam at gunpoint.
If we fight North Korea they might respect the Geneva conventions just as much as they did last time.
Whoever we fight , I would indeed like to see them proscicute any soldier who mistreats American Prisoners , just as we do.::
What is your point here? We'll only abide by the Geneva Accord that WE ratified, unanimously, if THEY do? And if they abuse prisoners then that's the signal that we will abuse their people?
I ask you, what country are you from? An American does not have to be led by others, is not dependent on what others do to set his moral compass for him . An American knows right from wrong, or should. We do not have common ancestry, nor common language, nor a king. All we have to tie us together are our ideals, and our laws. And this you trample when you say, "Not going to abide by those stupid Geneva things, not this time. We have an evil enemy and we're gonna slice him."
Like Hitler wasn't evil? Never mind. You want torture, there are plenty of people who are willing to torture. I don't want them living in the same country, though.