Actually, according to Christian mythology, supposedly EVERYBODY gets eternal life, don't they? It is just that those who don't believe in Jesus or God and such have to spend it in Hell, being tortured by Satan. Those who do believe, get to spend it in Heaven, eternally singing Hymns of Praise in the Choir Celestial. Or something like that.
Or do they? Maybe they die, the Bible mentions that as well.
It is all pretty vague.
Any travel brochure is a lot more specific.
Half the time, my cat does not appear to believe I exist. I suspect that many pets are like this. But we love them, anyway, don't we?
Are we more compassionate than Jesus? What do you think?
I could not refuse to feed my kitty just because she did not pay attention to me when she wasn't hungry. Please don;t tell me that the Universe was created by someone more vengeful than I.