We should have nominated Romney. I erred in judgment for not supporting him in the primary. He was the right man for the moment. Once Obama broke his word and opted out of the public financing system, Romney would have also, I believe. And he would have matched Obama dollar for dollar. It was a a disaster for McCain to have been outspent like that. It cost him Florida, Ohio, NC, IN and others. Romney would have been a better candidate on the economy than Obama. And he would have defeated Obama in the debates because he is a very polished debater. He would also have explained and espoused conservative principles much better than McCain. McCain ran a lousy campaign and it was very erratic. I reluctantly voted for him. McCain has been poking his finger in the eyes of conservatives for many years, and he will probably do so again against the very people who voted for him. I thought he lost all three debates, even the town hall format he was supposed to excel at. Palin won her debate; McCain lost his. And it's outrageous that he lost Indiana and North Carolina. Romney, Rudy and Fred would have carried those states and others as well.