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Covering (Up) Obama
« on: December 11, 2008, 02:09:38 PM »
Covering (Up) Obama
Paul Edwards
Thursday, December 11, 2008

The mainstream media’s covering for Barack Obama on his relationship with Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich is predictable, laughable and tragic. The only reporter really doing any kind of investigative journalism on the connection between Obama and Blagojevich is ABC’s Jake Tapper.

On the Wednesday, December 10 edition of MSNBCs Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough attempted to make the connection but was roundly silenced by his own panel—liberals all— including his co-host Mika Brzezinski and panelists Harold Ford, Jr. and Mike Barnicle.

Ford and Barnicle characterized the relationship between Obama and Blagojevich as “a typical political relationship”—the pols smile with arms around each other in front of the cameras, but when the cameras are off they really have no relationship at all. Amazingly, this defense has worked for Barack Obama with all of his questionable relationships, including Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko and William Ayers. Now add the corrupt governor of Illinois to the list.

The facts bear out that Obama’s relationship with the corrupt governor of Illinois goes beyond merely smiling for the cameras. Jake Tapper notes that Obama endorsed Blagojevich in 2002 and 2006, serving as a “top adviser.” Obama is also referred to as one of “the top strategists of Blagojevich’s 2002 gubernatorial victory.” Tapper quotes President-elect Obama’s chief of staff Rahm Emmanuel:

[President-elect Obama and myself] participated in a small group that met weekly when Rod was running for governor. We basically laid out the general election, Barack and I and these two [an aide to Blagojevich and Blagojevich’s campaign co-chair].

In August of 2006, Barack Obama told a crowd at an Illinois State Fair: “We’ve got a governor in Rod Blagojevich who has delivered consistently on behalf of the people of Illinois.”

In spite of the clear evidence for the political connection between Obama and Blagojevich, the media would have us believe that Barack Obama is above it all. How is this possible? Barack Obama cut his political teeth while immersed in the corrupt political underworld that is Chicago politics—and yet the media really expects us to believe he was “in it but not of it”?

Beyond that, the media expects us to believe that Obama never expressed interest in who would fill his now-vacant U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. Asked during a press conference (held in Obama’s Chicago transition office!) if he had any contact with the Illinois governor’s office about his replacement in the Senate, Obama replied: “I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so we were not, I was not aware of what was happening.”

But that doesn’t quite square with what his senior adviser David Alexrod told a local Chicago news affiliate on November 22: “I know he’s [Barack Obama] talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.”

Alexrod in a press release on Tuesday, December 9 retracted his previous statement, saying he was “mistaken”: “I was mistaken when I told an interviewer last month that the President-elect has spoken directly to Governor Blagojevich about the Senate vacancy. They did not then or at any time discuss the subject.”

You would think such a blatant contradiction would warrant some tough questions from the media, who should not be satisfied with a simple, “I was mistaken.” Not so.

NBC’s chief political correspondent Chuck Todd defends Axelrod by saying it’s the job of these political spokespersons to make it look as if their boss is “on top of the situation.” From MSNBC’s Morning Joe: “Could an adviser around Obama want to always make it look like Obama was on top of the situation and may have over spoke in that way?”

Can you imagine White House Press Secretary Dana Perino making such a retraction relative to a corrupt political connection to President Bush and the mainstream media simply accepting it and writing it off as “her job”?

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews is on record as stating that it’s his job to make sure Obama succeeds. Obviously he speaks for all of the mainstream media who clearly have no intent of examining Barack Obama’s corrupt political connections. They refused to do it during the campaign. Why should we expect any less from them now?

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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2008, 02:15:26 PM »
Heck with covering up Obama, next time anyone gets a chance, catch how many times you hear a story about Gov Sonofabich simply referred to as a Democrat, or the Democrat Governor of Illinois.

Doubt you'll need more than 1 hand, if not only 1-2 fingers 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2008, 03:03:50 PM »
Heck with covering up Obama, next time anyone gets a chance, catch how many times you hear a story about Gov Sonofabich simply referred to as a Democrat, or the Democrat Governor of Illinois.

Doubt you'll need more than 1 hand, if not only 1-2 fingers 

You are soooo easy! :

Illinois governor ignores Obama's call to resign - Yahoo! News
Dec 10, 2008 ... His career in shreds, Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich clung defiantly ... a leader in the Illinois Senate and, like the governor, a Democrat. ... - 85k - Cached - Similar pages -

Ill. governor arrested in corruption scandal - Yahoo! News
Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday on charges he brazenly ... The 51-year-old Democrat was also accused of engaging in pay-to-play politics ... - 81k - Cached - Similar pages -
More results from »

Rod Blagojevich, Illinois governor --
Dec 11, 2008 ... Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich arrested on federal charges ... Blagojevich provide a sharp contrast to a Democratic governor who campaigned ...,0,7997804. story - 247k - Cached - Similar pages -

Blagojevich arrested on federal charges - Chicago Breaking News
The Democratic governor
has said he expects to make a decision on the state's next senator in ..... What has Rod done to the Illinois public school system? ... into-custody.html - Similar pages -

Feds: Governor tried to sell Obama's seat - Politics-
Dec 9, 2008 ... Police officers stand guard outside Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich's Chicago home on Tuesday after the Democratic politician was arrested by ... - Similar pages -

Blagojevich free on $4500 bail after arrest -
Rod Blagojevich is serving his second term as governor of Illinois. The Democratic governor, who appeared in court in a blue jogging suit, ... - 103k - Cached - Similar pages -

Wordless Wednesday: Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich ...
Wordless Wednesday: Democratic Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich Attempts to Sell Senate Seat. rod-blagojevich-attempts-to-sell-senate-seat.htm - 23k - Cached - Similar pages -

Conservative Politics Examiner: Democratic Governor Rod ...
Illinois" Democrat Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff were arrested at their homes this morning by the FBI on charges of fraud, conspiracy and ... Democratic-Governor-Rod-Blagojevich-busted-by... - 84k - Cached - Similar pages -

RAW DATA: Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich - Transition ...
Dec 9, 2008 ... Rod Blagojevich was elected governor of Illinois in 2002, the first Democrat elected to the office since 1972. He grew up in Chicago, ... / - 54k - Cached - Similar pages -

  Any more paranoid silliness I can disprove so easily?


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2008, 03:16:11 PM »
Not only that, the Liberal Media is not really telling all the players.  Apparently, they left DailyKos out of the "cover for Obama" loop.

Note the Chris Matthews reference at the end there.

Guilt By Imagination
by BarbinMD
Thu Dec 11, 2008 at 10:35:05 AM PST

It was clear from the start:

    ...ROD BLAGOJEVICH said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the open seat but "they're not willing to give me anything except appreciation. Fuck them."

...that President-elect Obama wasn't playing ball with the corrupt governor of Illinois, but that hasn't stopped various media hacks from trying to turn the Rod Blagojevich scandal into Obamagate.

For example, from Politico, we get:

    At first blush, Barack Obama comes out of the Rod Blagojevich scandal smelling like a rose. The prosecutor at a news conference seemed to give the president-elect a seal of approval, and the Illinois governor himself was caught on tape complaining that Obama was not interested in crooked schemes.

    But make no mistake: For Obama and his team, the Blagojevich scandal is a stink bomb tossed at close range.

And Politico's reason for thinking that? Easy. Because Republicans will express pseudo-outrage, draw false connections, and Politico will report it. 

And then there's this from Liz "Sprinkles" Sidoti of the Associated Press:

    President-elect Barack Obama hasn't even stepped into office and already a scandal — not of his own making — is threatening to dog him.

    Obama isn't accused of anything. But the fact that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, a fellow Democrat, has been charged with trying to sell Obama's now-vacant Senate post gives political opponents an opening to criticize him. A slew of questions remain. The investigation is still under way. And the ultimate impact on Obama is far from certain.

While a bit more dramatic than the Politico opening, the message is the same: Yeah, sure, I know Obama isn't involved, but as long as I can find a Republican to talk about it, I've got a story.

The Washington Times went the inflammatory headline route:

    Scandal casts cloud over Obama presidency

...while Chris Matthews opted for the incoherent:

    But Fitzgerald made clear that Obama was not implicated today. Here he is, quote, "The complaint makes no allegations about the president-elect whatsoever." Obama said this afternoon that he had no contact with Governor Blagojevich over who was gonna fill that Senate seat.

    Still, there are many unanswered questions, including that one.

The unifying theme throughout this coverage is, when you have a corrupt politician, caught on tape peddling influence and cursing like a sailor, guilt by imaginary association trumps boring issues like the economy and health care any day of the week.


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2008, 03:28:33 PM »

You know the game. Shoot for Bush and hit Libby. Either way the pristine is muddied.

Obama may be clean in this instance but what about Rahm Emanuel or David Axelrod or any of the other Chicago inside players who are attached to the president-elect at the hip.

And don't forget Rezko. He is the tie that binds.

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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2008, 03:45:26 PM »
And not so surprisingly, both Knute & Brass miss the mark, when it was LISTENING/HEARING to any stories (i.e. MSM news sources one watches and HEARS, such as CNN, MSNBC, Any of the evening news programs by the big 3.....etc., etc., etc.), that I was referring to.

Yea, that was easy
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 03:54:30 PM by sirs »
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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2008, 06:20:53 PM »
i still say Hillary may end up the president
obama may have to resign when BlagOBribe squeals like a pig
"foot in mouth disease" takes over and appoints hillary his VP
after a few months...plagiarism joe would have a "convenient" stroke/heart palpitation
and boom Hillary would be in and fully approved by the leftist oligarchy
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 09:55:15 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #8 on: December 11, 2008, 06:49:01 PM »
I don't really want Obama to be incompetant or corrupt.

I so severely don't want this that I will have to see some real evidence of connection before I will think it true.

I don't know what it was that drew BHO to Chicago , or how he thrived so well there , but he certainoy could not be involved in Chicago politics long without meeting some dirt.

I shall take it for granted that graft happened in Chicago, but not for granted that Obama was involved.Otherwise the people of the whole region will have to be disqualified from being president untill they have all been clean of corruption for a generation.


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #9 on: December 11, 2008, 06:52:11 PM »
And not so surprisingly, both Knute & Brass miss the mark, when it was LISTENING/HEARING to any stories (i.e. MSM news sources one watches and HEARS, such as CNN, MSNBC, Any of the evening news programs by the big 3.....etc., etc., etc.), that I was referring to.

Yea, that was easy

Your are so full of shit and spreading in it deeper all the time. Too bad no one believes anything you RW nuts say anymore after you fucked everything up with your incessant lies and weaseling .
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 06:55:08 PM by Knutey »


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2008, 06:57:24 PM »

You know the game. Shoot for Bush and hit Libby. Either way the pristine is muddied.

Obama may be clean in this instance but what about Rahm Emanuel or David Axelrod or any of the other Chicago inside players who are attached to the president-elect at the hip.

And don't forget Rezko. He is the tie that binds.

You know, I can't wait till Fitz's tapes are online and we can all listen to how Rahm and Axelrod (never either my favorite folks in politics) totally shoot down Blago's demands.

If it turns out one of them DID say they'd go along, then I'll be surprised and condemn them along with everyone else, but, seriously, all of this has nothing to do with Barack Obama.

Of course, you guys who love all things GOP may think it will be oh so funny to see a cloud of Obama's administration but we're really facing some heavy shit here and I, for one, hope this all blows over VERY soon.


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2008, 06:58:36 PM »
And not so surprisingly, both Knute & Brass miss the mark, when it was LISTENING/HEARING to any stories (i.e. MSM news sources one watches and HEARS, such as CNN, MSNBC, Any of the evening news programs by the big 3.....etc., etc., etc.), that I was referring to.

Yea, that was easy

Uh, you are aware, aren't you, that Chris Matthews in ON MSNBC, right?


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2008, 06:59:56 PM »
If there is any way the GOP can pin anything on Obama, they will. When they could not touch Carter, they went after Burt Lance. The ones who run the party are obstructionists and do not want change other than the continuing shrinkage of the middle class to the benefit of the super rich.
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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2008, 07:02:41 PM »
Of course, you guys who love all things GOP may think it will be oh so funny to see a cloud of Obama's administration but we're really facing some heavy shit here and I, for one, hope this all blows over VERY soon.

Yes quite!

It is a world full of preditors , and we don't need to look as if we are already wounded.

I know it is a fact that we will rally round the flag after an attack and even the least leadership will be effective with our people united.

But if we don't seem to be vunerable , we might just get attacked less , so I am not hopeing to inaugurate a wounded already presidency.


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Re: Covering (Up) Obama
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2008, 07:05:44 PM »
I just hope it blows over.