I really don't give a shit either way but it comes back to something I said way back when - - either enforce the standards equally across the board - - or let it be no-holds-barred, anything goes. That crap about "war injuries" cuts no ice with me - - it was a criminal war and whoever participated got what they deserved. They dealt out a lot worse to millions of Vietnamese women, children and elderly. BSB doesn't deserve special immunity IMHO any more than he deserves to be singled out and punished. If he wants to insult me and Knute, that's his right and his privilege and God bless him. We're not complaining. We're all adults, and as the saying goes, if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. BT has taken on an absolutely impossible job when it comes to enforcing standards here. Nobody's gonna be happy with any decision he makes. It is just irritating some people for no reason.