Author Topic: Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?  (Read 728 times)

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Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
« on: January 10, 2010, 02:20:56 PM »

Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?

January 10, 2010

I try not to overdose on the fear factor, but the shocking intelligence failure in the Christmas airline plot isn't the only national security night mare facing America. While we were all absorbed with the underwear bomber, the Iranian nuke mess took another big turn for the worse.

President Obama's end-of-the-year deadline for the mad mullahs to make a deal on uranium enrichment came and went, but not without incident. There were three, none good.

Most troubling, the White House proved it still doesn't have a Plan B, even though its unBush diplomacy has proven to be a total dud. Get a load of the double-talk from press secretary Robert Gibbs.

Asked at a briefing what the US will do now, Gibbs did a good imitation of comic Professor Irwin Corey, without the laughs. "Well, the next step is ongoing, and that is working with our partners in the P5+1 and throughout the international community in looking at the next steps to hold Iran accountable."

In plain English: We don't have a clue.

Unfortunately, the Iranians know what they want -- the bomb. The only question is whether we will stop them.

That's been the question since Obama took office. He promised during the campaign it would never happen, but with each passing day, it appears we are on a glide path to accepting a nuclear-armed Iran.

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton added to the impression our policy is surrender. She also was asked what's next and, though more diplo-speak than doublespeak, served up a long-winded nothing burger.

Here's a taste: "We remain committed to working with our international partners on addressing the serious concerns we have regarding Iran's nuclear program . . . We have an engagement track and a pressure track . . .

"We have concerns about their behavior, we have concerns about their intentions, and we are deeply disturbed by the mounting signs of ruthless repression that they are exercising . . . We want to keep the door to dialogue open. But we're going to continue on our dual-track approach."

Gibberish aside, the "dual track" is a fiction because sanctions are off the table. A top Chinese diplomat made that clear, saying last week, "This is not the right time or right moment for sanctions," and more "patience" with Iran is needed.

Not coincidentally, a report surfaced showing Chinese companies routinely evade the three rounds of sanctions the United Nations already slapped on Iran. The Chinese firms sell, among other banned goods, missile technology.

Without tough sanctions and real enforcement, more talk is the only track left. It's getting us nowhere, but it's fine with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime because diplomacy gives it international legitimacy and buys more time to develop its nuclear program.

Showing how they have seized control of the talks, the Iranians even had the chutzpah to set a deadline for the US and others to accept their terms for a deal.

There is no way to understate the danger ahead, yet there is no evidence Obama is alarmed enough to change course.

Perhaps the president is too busy connecting the dots on the Christmas security failure. An Iranian bomb would certainly solve his problem. It would make everything else look like child's play.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 03:48:50 PM »
On the golf course, or looking at himself in the mirror.

Michael Tee

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Re: Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2010, 05:58:24 PM »
<<Asked at a briefing what the US will do now, Gibbs did a good imitation of comic Professor Irwin Corey, without the laughs. "Well, the next step is ongoing, and that is working with our partners in the P5+1 and throughout the international community in looking at the next steps to hold Iran accountable."

<<In plain English: We don't have a clue.>>

Hilarious and true.  Loved the comparison to "Prof." Irwin Corey.  He was one very funny guy.

<<Unfortunately, the Iranians know what they want -- the bomb. The only question is whether we will stop them.

<<That's been the question since Obama took office. He promised during the campaign it would never happen, but with each passing day, it appears we are on a glide path to accepting a nuclear-armed Iran.>>

I think Obama kind of got manoeuvred by the Zio-Nazi operation into making Canute-like promises that he'd be better off just recognizing as impossible of fulfillment, tell the people he fucked up by promising the impossible, and that they'd better get used to a nuclear-armed Iran.  He could couple that with a stern warning to Iran that they're all in his nuclear bombsights now and remind them of the U.S.'s long-standing policy of massive retaliation, not for their consumption but for the American public's.  Make the dopes feel a little better.

Let 'em know too, that their REAL problems are jobs and health care, not phony concerns that originate in Tel Aviv about Iran's nuclear capacity.

<<"We have concerns about their behavior, we have concerns about their intentions . . . >> said the Secretary of State of the nation which has invaded two Muslim countries thousands of miles away and is making threats against another as we speak.  If this is not the most hilarious form of arrogance and ignorance I've seen, please somebody provide me with a better example.

<< . . .  and we are deeply disturbed by the mounting signs of ruthless repression that they are exercising>>

But evidently not so "deeply disturbed" by the ruthless repression of your Egyptian, Jordanian and Saudi allies.  Is anybody able to stuff a rag in this harridan's mouth  without getting his hand bitten off?

<<Not coincidentally, a report surfaced showing Chinese companies routinely evade the three rounds of sanctions the United Nations already slapped on Iran. The Chinese firms sell, among other banned goods, missile technology.>>

Well, good for them.  They can't sell enough of it, IMHO.  Iran needs every missile it can lay its hands on.  I guess we can all figure out why.

<<Showing how they have seized control of the talks, the Iranians even had the chutzpah to set a deadline for the US and others to accept their terms for a deal.>>

THAT'S chutzpah?  What was it when the U.S. set them a deadline?  Diplomacy?

<<There is no way to understate the danger ahead . . . >>

Really?  Danger to whom?  To the U.S., with its thousands of nukes?  To Israel with its hundreds of nukes?   What's the danger, that Iran won't be subject to nuclear blackmail any more?

<< . . .  yet there is no evidence Obama is alarmed enough to change course.>>

Why?  Did I miss something here?  Was he at some point elected President of Israel?  Here's a radical concept for you right-wing screwballs out there - - an American President who looks after American interests.

<<Perhaps the president is too busy connecting the dots on the Christmas security failure. >> 

Well, if he ever did - - which is not bloody likely he'd admit to having done . . .  he'd see a giant arrow pointing towards U.S. support of the Zio-Nazi state and the 40-plus years of on-going Palestinian oppression.  THAT is a major source of the Muslim world's anti-Americanism and probably directly and indirectly the biggest single recruiting tool for "terrorists" that they have.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 06:05:23 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2010, 06:29:34 PM »
Teheran is NOT "about to blow".

The US president, in any event, should NOT actively support any anti-mullah movement in Iran, as this would backfire and hinder, rather than help them.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Re: Tehran is about to blow! Where's Obama?
« Reply #4 on: January 10, 2010, 11:22:23 PM »

Yeah, tell that to the Shah.
