Yep, Chavez is Chavez.
from the article that Kramer himself linked to:
<<A perennial foe of U.S. "imperialism," Chavez said he did not wish to diminish the humanitarian effort made by the United States and was only questioning the need for so many troops.
<<The United States is sending more than 5,000 Marines and soldiers to Haiti, and a hospital ship is due to arrive later this week.
<<The country's president said U.S. troops would help keep order on Haiti's increasingly lawless streets.
<<Venezuela has sent several planes to Haiti with doctors, aid and some soldiers. A Russia-Venezuela mission was set to leave Venezuela on Monday carrying aid on Russian planes.
<<Chavez said Venezuela's planes were the first to land in Haiti after Tuesday's 7.0 magnitude earthquake, . . . >>
Anyone got a problem widdat? Nothing wrong with Chavez being Chavez, far as I can see. Looks to me like the world needs a lot more Chavez and a lot less George W. Bush.