Author Topic: Union Teachers Refuse To Work 25 Minutes More Per Day, So Town Fires Them!  (Read 2893 times)

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RI school district to fire high school teachers

CENTRAL FALLS, R.I. - The superintendent of the Central Falls schools says she will fire every
teacher at the high school after they refused to accept a reform plan.

The plan was offered under a state mandate to fix the school, which has among Rhode Island's
worst test scores and graduation rates.

The plan included six conditions such as adding 25 minutes to the day and providing
tutoring outside school hours.

The added work didn't come with much extra pay and the teachers union refused to accept it.

Superintendent Frances Gallo blasted the union's "callous disregard" for the situation.

She said the school's 74 teachers will be fired, effective next school year.

Union officials said they don't think Gallo has the authority to fire the teachers and also must
negotiate the terms of the reforms.

Associated Press
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 04:42:46 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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The added work didn't come with much extra pay and the teachers union refused to accept it.

this part stick out to me.

can`t make much of a opinion till we know the details of that part.


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RI school district to fire high school teachers

CENTRAL FALLS, R.I. - The superintendent of the Central Falls schools says she will fire every
teacher at the high school after they refused to accept a reform plan.

The plan was offered under a state mandate to fix the school, which has among Rhode Island's
worst test scores and graduation rates.

The plan included six conditions such as adding 25 minutes to the day and providing
tutoring outside school hours.

The added work didn't come with much extra pay and the teachers union refused to accept it.

Superintendent Frances Gallo blasted the union's "callous disregard" for the situation.

She said the school's 74 teachers will be fired, effective next school year.

Union officials said they don't think Gallo has the authority to fire the teachers and also must
negotiate the terms of the reforms.

Associated Press



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The unions have but 1 primary function, keep their members employed.  Again, what was once an honorable attempt to help workers being abused by overzealous bosses, has mutated into organizations that now simply function to keep their members employed and Democrats who they support, and vice versa, in office.  The kids are a far distant 2nd, if they rate even that high.  And by unions, I again am being specific to union leadership.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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There are too many factors here that are not included to make any sort of judgement on this at all. The worst performing high school in Miami is usually Edison Senior. The main reason for this is that about 80% of the student body are Haitians who do not have a working knowledge of English, and whose parents generally have attended school for three years at the most, and do not understand what school is all about. REforming such a school is a very difficult thing to do. The local school district provided free courses in Creole and seminars in better teaching methods, but it also compensated those who participated, which is only fair.

This could easily be true of this school as well. I doubt that any super can fire an entire faculty. There is no justifiable reason for anyone to have to work longer hours and give up part of their weekend and/or after school time, unless they are fairly compensated. Teaching underachievers is far harder than teaching well-motivated students.

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 You are not a teacher and know nothing about education, sirs. Most of the time, you reveal a lack of educatiuon that is absolutely abysmal.

Teacher, unionized or not, are all concerned with doing a successful job.
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Bzzz....wrong.....I WAS a teacher, and know FAR more about education than you and your "everyone" can possibly grasp.  I'm not going to repeat myself over and over, that my issues and criticisms are NOT aimed at "teachers in general", who are concerned about doing a successful job, much to the shagrin of your effort to infer it is, but to union leadership specifically

Let's highlight that quote in my previous answer, that Xo so transparently ignored, to try and score brownie points "And by unions, I again am being specific to union leadership"

It's unfortunate Xo, that most people who read these posts, be they regular patrons or visitors, actually can read and grasp what was said not just immediately, but can generally follow a sequence of responses, thus rendering your attempted inferrences largely moot
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Teacher, unionized or not, are all concerned with doing a successful job.

does that include teachers that molest children?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 10:15:33 PM by Kramer »


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And, if we were to follow Xo's tact that unless you're a full fledged teacher like himself, you can't possibly be able to provide any appropriate, substantive, or critical commentary on education.

Thus, logically he
- is not a soldier and thus knows nothing about the military
- is not in the medical profession, thus knows nothing about healthcare and its delivery systems
- is not a politician and thus knows nothing of politics

In fact, most of the time, he reveals a lack of educatiuon that is absolutely abysmal, when ever those topics are broached
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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And, if we were to follow Xo's tact that unless you're a full fledged teacher like himself, you can't possibly be able to provide any appropriate, substantive, or critical commentary on education.

Thus, logically he
- is not a soldier and thus knows nothing about the military
- is not in the medical profession, thus knows nothing about healthcare and its delivery systems
- is not a politician and thus knows nothing of politics

In fact, most of the time, he reveals a lack of educatiuon that is absolutely abysmal, when ever those topics are broached

i guess it's clear why he would use that method -- it works well for him. I would guess he is an expert on garbage thus he would be a retired garbage collector.

Michael Tee

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I believe in people getting what they pay for, but I also believe in sacrifice for the greater good:  SHARED sacrifice.  So if the teachers have to work extra hours for peanuts, so should the principal.  If there is no useful work for the principal to do in the extra hours, then he or she should sacrifice pay proportionately equal to the sacrifice of the average teacher.   So should the parents of the students sacrifice a few extra bucks through sales taxes to help the teachers and the principal make up the missing pay. 

It's funny how conservatives love to demonize teachers.  My own theory is that they hate teachers because the teachers are smart and conservatives dumb.  But when sacrifices are called for, it is funny how ONLY the teachers are called on to make the sacrifice.  Not the ratepayers who through the school board hire the teachers, ONLY the teachers.

Fuck dat.


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And its funny how liberals love to completely misrpresent what a conservative says, like claiming a "demonizing of teachers".  Intellectual dishonesty?  Dare I say pathological lying??  We'll allow our readers & visitors decide
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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on the matter of teachers sacrificing more time.

last i heard most(if not all teachers) spend alot of non-paid hours on the job.

Michael Tee

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<<last i heard most(if not all teachers) spend alot of non-paid hours on the job.>>

Well, I can certainly say that was true of my kids' teachers.  But of course that's never enough.  The bastard teachers must be made to work MORE hours for LESS pay, while the ratepayers squeal like stuck pigs every time it's suggested that maybe the rates should be raised to pay for any improvement in the educational process.


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I do know this: after reading sirs' silly posts for years, I know that he knows nothing useful about anything. He oozes pure negativity from every pore. The main difference between him and Rich, Kramer and the Multiplicity of Christians is that it takes him a lot more words to be annoying.

God forbid that anyone should ever put him in any classroom.

Teaching involves a lot of outside preparation. In the first several years, getting it all together is overwhelming; after three or four years, one can use the materials , handouts, and tests one has prepared over (there are computer programs that will write tests from a database, so they will never be identical), and then work on improving the instruction of the points that seem most difficult for the different types of learners one has in his class. It is a lot more complicated to be a good teacher than to be a good sanitation worker.

Every union is a reflection of the people in that union. The few times when I have taught in a union school (five years total, out of forty), the unions were extremely interested in the development of the students, except for the UTD here in Dade County. I taught there for four months, replacing someone who quit, and the place was so annoying that I left and never considered returning. Administration was a ghastly, ponderous bureaucracy, and the union was complicit with them. Two years afterward, Pat Tornillo, the UTD president was exposed in a scandal and forced to resign.

What I said was that there was insufficient information in the story about the RI teachers to make any informed comment. Of course, when it comes to not being paid for work, I have been there and done that. Once, all the Humanities and Math professors were told that we would be paid to tutor students preparing to take a state exam for half a semester. When we had completed this, we were told that we would not be paid, but we would not be forgotten, whatever that meant. Then two years later, the administration changed and no more was ever heard about this again. It is difficult to be placed in a position where you have to sue your employer to get paid as promised. Of course, we were only given a verbal promise, and no one was allowed to opt out of the plan. The teachers in the business division and those who taught religion and other subjects were not recruited. Nearly all of them had much smaller classes and many were paid a lot more.

It is crap like that that cause teachers to form unions.

The majority of voters in any school district do not have children at all. So it is always difficult to get proper funding. It is more difficult in Florida, where we have a lot of retired people and wealthy people who do not care about the public schools because they send their kids to private schools.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."