This is an example of penny wise and pound foolish.
No, the way the Iraq war has been run is in itself an example of being penny wise and pound foolish.
War on the cheap, with not enough men. That is the very essence of how a fool builds a house, from the bible. "Don't start building lest ye count up the cost first: for he that buildeth and runs outta money is shewn to be a fool to all his neighbors." Or something like that. AND He doesn't get the house built, AND he is out of cash. That is almost us. We have lost this war at huge cost. We will never ever recoup the cost.
Fire Shinseki. Fire gay Arabic speaker translators. Great move.
War on the cheap, let's use old body armor and old un-uparmored Humvees. Forget the fact that many many many (thousands) of soldiers will get horribly wounded, burned, have amputations, brain damage, killed... at a cost of billions in the future....let's not count the future cost and say we did! In fact, let's just not support those injured troops. They're too bad off to protest very loudly, who's gonna know? Heck with them.
Let's use torture, that's fast and cheap and won't have any blowback. And if it does---hah, it ain't our kids, who cares? Cheap cannon fodder, and "I'm sure it's working out very well for them" as Barbara Bush said.
Let's use contracting services so all the boots on the ground will be actually fighting, not cooking, washing, transporting supplies---who cares if the troops get E.Coli from dirty water? Who cares if they get enough water, or enough food? Not KBR. And not Rummy. And then we don't have to get more cheap cheap!
Sometimes I wonder if there aren't terrorists among us posing as uber-patriots. Manchurian citizens.
Because they're doing a great job of tearing down things we've held dear for a couple hundred years now. (Habeas corpus, for one.) If they aren't terrorists, then we are burying ourselves. Hell of a note. Just a hell of a note.