I think Sirs has a point, JS, if not the numbers to back it up. Our "intercession" in Vietnam, like our intercession in Iraq, had many and varied consequences, some direct and some remote. In Vietnam, for example, there was a purge of the South of (to me) unknown scale, presumably costing a substantial number of lives. Then, if I have my facts right, the Vietnamese engaged in a bloody war with the Cambodians (Khmer Rouge) that cost many lives, and then the Khmer Rouge, on its own, enabled by the American destabilization of Cambodia, introduced the horror of the "killing fields." Broadly speaking, these are consequences maybe of our withdrawal but definitely of our engagement. The question was, as it is now in Iraq, how much of the subsequent carnage are we truly responsible for, what steps could we have taken to prevent it, and does there come a time, almost regardless of those answers, that we can morally consider our connection to the outcome "attenuated" and thus pursue our own interests solely?