No, my solution has been the same since the get go as well. Kill those who want to kill us, 1st.
And that is the problem Sirs. It is overly simplistic reasoning that has gotten us into the current Iraqi civil war in the first place. Listen to your own arguments, you're arguing why we went to Iraq in the first place when the President himself (who gave the damned orders) said that:
We are in Iraq today because our goal has always been more than the removal of brutal dictator. It is to leave a free and democratic Iraq in his place.
So one of you is full of shit, by all means tell us which one of you it is. I know, I know - you can shift your words around to make it sound like that you agreed all along, but the truth is that you aren't that good at playing semantics and while you have the luxury of debating whether or not removing nonexistent WMD is equivalent to "fixing Iraq" there will be Iraqis, Afghanis, and Americans dying today or living the rest of their lives paralysed or without limbs.
Because you and your family did not feel safe and secure after 9/11. Because the United States was welcomed into the rest of the world with a bloody nose and you (and by that I mean many Americans) couldn't handle it like an adult, but instead played the part of an enraged teenager.
Guess what? You
aren't safe and secure. Deal with it. You can kill Iraqis, detain Muslims, and enact as many racist policies against the Mexicans as you see fit but it will not make this country and your cozy bourgeois lifestyle perfectly safe and secure. If some nut wants to strap Semtex to his body and enter a building or shopping mall, there isn't a great deal you can do to stop him.
And you are going to have to live with the fact that this nation has African-Americans, Hispanics, and great day in the morning - people who (gasp) don't speak English. Even more difficult to comprehend, this country is not a place to force everyone to learn the Ten Commandments or read the Bible in public institutions (the largest group of organised Christians don't hold that the Bible contains 66 books - can you believe that?). There are Muslims and Jews who live, work, and vote in the United States. Businesses, newspapers, radio, television, and churches target Spanish speakers. Homosexuals are living together. There might be two women or two men showing affection very near you.
No matter how many Iraqis die, none of that will change. Israel will still discriminate in the same racist, segregationist methods used by the nationalist-ruled South Africa, but you'll continue to support them. When Hezbollah attacks actually hit something, they'll be evil - when Israel kills women and children (as with a recent attack on Gaza) it will be self-defence.
Iraqis will still be dying. You'll still be playing semantics and making overly-simplistic statements like "kill them before they kill us."
I have to agree with Tee on one thing, this debate is surreal. If you can't link the invasion of Iraq with the current Iraqi civil war (or sectarian war) then you've got real problems. Just calling it surreal is an offense to surrealism. It is something akin to sticking one's head in the sand to avoid any conception of reality.