The irony is, Sirs, that you report (and distort) this with a straight face. From the wonderful perch of hindsight, the Iraq venture was a terrible blunder. Further, the plan to democratize Iraq was in the administration's mind from the start, although perhaps not featured until the other rationales for war dissolved. We simply could not abandon Iraq to its potential for anarchy in the absence of an occupying force. It is certain beyond cavil that Bush and his neo-con planners had early on (before invasion) settled on promoting a democratic transformation of the beleagured country. That served their ideology and geo-political ambitions. Bush didn't stumble upon Natan Sharansky's book as a casual afterthought. Now, given the FACTS of the invasion and the ouster of Saddam, it was perfectly within US rights, and a policy I supported until its futility became apparent, to promote democracy as a form of government the Iraqi nation could, more or less, "choose." While the initial invasion was based on chimera, the effort to democratize fell to an underground resistance, a cadre of terrorists, and a growing sectarian strife actually, or mimicking, a civil war. The whole thing is a disaster so far. The best we can hope for is simply and realistically "the best we can hope for." And that outcome will not parallel the administration's grand hopes of a shining democratic city on a hill, as I, for one, had so naively believed.