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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2010, 11:27:45 PM »
<<Why nine years?>>

Because in nine years since the WTC attack, there has been no successful attack on ANY American in the U.S.A. by any so-called "terrorist" gang, cell, organization or network.  NONE.  Not a single neocon assassinated, not a single politician, public figure, etc.

Wow....the overwhelming disappointment in Tee's tone is nearly tangible

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #31 on: March 15, 2010, 09:41:45 AM »
<<It's not Al Queda call to deny those feet. Until they reach the status of a sovereign govt , they are nothing but thugs. >>

Well, this could go on forever.  As they probably see it, you've reached the status of a sovereign gov't and you're still nothing but a bunch of thugs.

Obviously, name-calling is not going to resolve the problem.  The real issue is that you have an out-of-control U.S. government, responsible to no one other than those who line its pockets, who are draining the resources of the nation to fight a non-existent war, when the real enemy is a relative handful of criminal fanatics living thousands of miles away, best dealt with under existing frameworks of criminal law.


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #32 on: March 15, 2010, 01:25:27 PM »
The real issue is your apologies for a bunch of criminal thugs, whose sole purpose is to kill innocent civilians as expression of their outrage over what their legitimate govts allow.

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2010, 02:29:39 PM »
<<The real issue is your apologies for a bunch of criminal thugs, whose sole purpose is to kill innocent civilians as expression of their outrage over what their legitimate govts allow.>>

Yeah, well speaking of a bunch of criminal thugs who kill innocent civilians . . . are we into pot/kettle territory, or is this one of those glass houses/throwing stones disputes?


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2010, 04:00:12 PM »
Nice try in trying to compare the US to Al Queda.

A more direct comparison would be Al Queda vs M13 or some other gang like the Crips or the Bloods.

Shame we aren't prosecuting the war like they would.

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2010, 05:12:30 PM »
<<Nice try in trying to compare the US to Al Queda.>>

Oh, please.  If I were really trying, I would have compared the amount of innocent blood on your hands and on theirs.  There really isn't any comparison, you're really far too modest in pretending there is.

<<A more direct comparison would be Al Queda vs M13 or some other gang like the Crips or the Bloods.>>

If I compared the U.S.A. to ALL of them, and threw the Mafia in as well, you'd still be the No. 1 source of murder, torture and mayhem in the world.

<<Shame we aren't prosecuting the war like they would. >>

ROTFLMFAO.  Yeah right.  Hundreds of thousands dead are just a drop in the bucket compared to what you're really capable of.    What did you have in mind, nukes?  What's your next slogan gonna be, "No more Mr. Nice Guy?"


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2010, 07:33:22 PM »
Yet strangely enough in nine years, shooting back and "weakening them for future conflict," it appears they are stronger than ever.  Go figger.


I would like you to argue with a fellow  I am aquainted with , who is certain that they are not strong ,certain he is that they are actually ficticious.

the real enemy is a relative handful of criminal fanatics living thousands of miles away, best dealt with under existing frameworks of criminal law.

As was tried for the entire Clinton Administration, whilst Al Queda grew in strength , numbers and influence. This is a discredited approach , abandoning it was one of the things that the Bush administration Got right.

ROTFLMFAO.  Yeah right.  Hundreds of thousands dead are just a drop in the bucket compared to what you're really capable of.    What did you have in mind, nukes?  What's your next slogan gonna be, "No more Mr. Nice Guy?"


One of the things that the Al Queda strategy depends on is our reluctance to overreact , they are depending on our patience to be neverending,  and our main strength to be withheld.  We naturally have a lot of reluctance to carpet bomb their bases and homes , the undesired colateral damage would be atrocious. In Vietnam we decided to loose rather than escalate one more time , but by then Vietnam and its neighbors had adzorbed more bombs than we dropped on Germany in WWII , in WWII itself we didn't hold back any strenth of any form but blasted city centers in Europe and in Japan.

 Osama Bin Laden is certainly no student of history , he is assureing his people that the way to treat Americans is to frighten them and use up their patience, does he hope to frighten us as much as the Jappaneese did in 42? The Vietnameese were smarter than this and in a war that spanned seven years for us and fifteen for them they never even tried to attack us on our homeland , their resorces were equal to such a mission I am certain , what prevented this was a higher level of intelligence than Al Quieda can demonstrate.

Of course you know that the Vietnam war was an absolute fabrication that never really happened because the Vietnameese never did attack an American city, WWII also was mostly ficticious because after a single real success the Japaneese never did get off a successfull attack on American territory.


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #37 on: March 15, 2010, 10:18:18 PM »
What did you have in mind, nukes?  What's your next slogan gonna be, "No more Mr. Nice Guy?"


Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #38 on: March 15, 2010, 10:54:13 PM »

yeah  [Yeah, I had nukes in mind and from now on it's "No More Mr. Nice Guy."]

As always, I'm impressed by how good a fight you guys can talk.  Forgetting that you're broke, in large part due to your endless wars of naked aggression, and you need to keep buying shitloads of hi-tech weapons to kill barefoot, lightly-armed mujahideen that you'll never have the balls to face mano-a-mano without overwhelming firepower and technology, just how do you propose to keep on paying for your cowardly, one-sided slaughters?


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #39 on: March 15, 2010, 11:20:13 PM »
Umm We have troops on the ground now so we are going mano o mano with them as we speak.

A nuke cost what to drop? Gotta be cheaper than deploying 200k soldiers overseas for a year. Not sure why you are so concerned about innocent civilians. Doesn't seem to bother you when they are blown up by suicide bombers.

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2010, 11:46:39 PM »
<<One of the things that the Al Queda strategy depends on is our reluctance to overreact , they are depending on our patience to be neverending,  and our main strength to be withheld.>>  

Quite the opposite, they hope to provoke you into attacking and occupying Arab land, Iraq was a master stroke because (a) they hated that bastard Saddam Hussein and his un-Islamic  "Arab Socialists" even more than you do and (b) the attacks generated more anti-American hatred than anything al Qaeda could ever generate on their own, radicalizing the Arab populations of American client states and thus weakening the hold of the American puppet rulers, particularly in Jordan, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  The more they see of U.S. attacks on Muslims, the more they hate their own rulers for doing nothing about it.

<<We naturally have a lot of reluctance to carpet bomb their bases and homes , the undesired colateral damage would be atrocious.>>

Was that supposed to be my Laugh of the Week?  Thanks, it's hilarious.

<<In Vietnam we decided to loose rather than escalate one more time >>

ROTFLMFAO - - why I never realized the true extent of your benevolence.  I guess you must have learned from Adolf Hitler, who chose to lose WWII rather than see Europe continue to suffer.

<< . . .  in WWII itself we didn't hold back any strenth of any form but blasted city centers in Europe and in Japan.>>

Yes but then in Viet Nam you went soft - - dropping more tonnage on them than in all of WWII.  Uhh, what is your point?  I hope it's not to show how "humanitarian" you were in Vietnam.  When you are responsible for the deaths of 2 million people in a war of pointless aggression launched, like the Iraq War, on a barefaced lie, trying to convince anyone of how "humanitarian" your actions were is - - well, let's just say it's verging on the obscene.

<<Osama Bin Laden is certainly no student of history , he is assureing his people that the way to treat Americans is to frighten them and use up their patience, does he hope to frighten us as much as the Jappaneese did in 42? >>

Uh, no, as I tried to explain above, his aim is to get you to react against Muslims, killing, torturing and raping them, to ignite an anti-American shit-storm in your puppet states of the Middle East that will cause the people to rise up agains their corrupt pro-American leaders and toss them into the dustbin of history.

<<The Vietnameese were smarter than this and in a war that spanned seven years for us and fifteen for them they never even tried to attack us on our homeland , their resorces were equal to such a mission I am certain . . . >>

Why are you so certain?  The fact that they had fought successively against the French and Japs before you, also without attacking their homelands, should have indicated to anyone with even half of a functioning brain that they were fighting for what they said they were fighting for, i.e., the liberation of their homeland from foreign powers.  Did the U.S. invade England during the Revolutionary War?   Did the Indonesian freedom fighters try to blow up Holland?  Did the Mau Mau try to blow up London Bridge?

The Vietnamese had very simple war goals - - Foreigners Out!  and so they chose the tactic best suited to their goals.   Al Qaeda had different goals - - Infidels out of the Middle East, but the infidels had the local Middle Eastern governments in their pockets.  The tactic that al Qaeda chose was best suited to ITS goal - - infidels out of Muslim lands ruled by collaborationist governments.

<<what prevented this was a higher level of intelligence than Al Quieda can demonstrate.>>

What utter rubbish.  The Vietnamese chose the tactic that best suited their goal and al Qaeda chose the tactic that best suited ITS goal.

<<Of course you know that the Vietnam war was an absolute fabrication that never really happened because the Vietnameese never did attack an American city>>

No, I think the Viet Nam war was real.  The fiction was that the Vietnamese wanted to attack America.

<< WWII also was mostly ficticious because after a single real success the Japaneese never did get off a successfull attack on American territory.>>

No, I think WWII was real. I think most people understood the exact nature of the threat from Germany and Japan, and did not expect immediate attacks on U.S. soil except in the early days of the American entry into the war, when there was some panic on the West Coast.


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #41 on: March 15, 2010, 11:49:53 PM »
Gads, you are so delusional, its scary
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #42 on: March 16, 2010, 12:03:53 AM »
<<Umm We have troops on the ground now so we are going mano o mano with them as we speak.>>

Uhhh, yeah, but troops supported by helicopter gunship assaults, drone attacks, stealth bombers, missiles and other air support aren't exactly what I meant by mano-a-mano.  At the rate you're going, your cowardice in combat is probably costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even more, for each mujaheed you kill.  Since they're easily and cheaply replenished, the question that arises is how long can your weakened coffers keep it up?

<<A nuke cost what to drop? Gotta be cheaper than deploying 200k soldiers overseas for a year. >>

But you haven't done it?  How many guys would you kill with one nuke?  They're dispersed, in the mountains, in caves, etc.  How many nukes do you think you could drop before the neighbours - - India, Pakistan, China, Russia - - took offence at the radioactive clouds drifting their way?

The fact is, you CAN'T drop even one nuke, and if you could, the one wouldn't help at all.  If you COULD nuke them, you would.  A fucking snake has more "humanitarian concerns" than the U.S. government so please don't try to pretend that it is humanitarian scruple that keeps you from nuking your enemies.  You've already done it twice before.

Besides, don't worry so much about the cost of deploying 200K Neanderthal hillbillies - - most of the money required comes straight out of your pocket and into the pockets of Blackwater, Boeing, KBR, etc.  "Your" government has correctly figured that YOU won't even miss it.  And they were right.  This is one party that will go on until the kitty is broke - - which from the looks of things, won't be long now.  Then you'll just have to pay a little more and the government will have to cut back some on whatever benefits it still is able to pay out.  It's all gonna work out fine.

<<Not sure why you are so concerned about innocent civilians. Doesn't seem to bother you when they are blown up by suicide bombers.>>

Sure it concerns me, it's just that you kill so many in relation to the "terrorists" AND you were the original supporters of the "terrorists" and of Saddam himself, so most of the victims can be laid to your account, either killed by Americans or by people whom the Americans at one point supported, armed and advised.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 12:09:53 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #43 on: March 16, 2010, 12:14:35 AM »
Sure it concerns me, it's just that you kill so many in relation to the "terrorists" AND you were the original supporters of the "terrorists" and of Saddam himself, so most of the victims can be laid to your account, either killed by Americans or by people whom the Americans at one point supported, armed and advised.

So some civilian lives are worth more than others?


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Re: Better late than . . .
« Reply #44 on: March 16, 2010, 01:00:47 AM »
<<Umm We have troops on the ground now so we are going mano o mano with them as we speak.>>

Uhhh, yeah, but troops supported by helicopter gunship assaults, drone attacks, stealth bombers, missiles and other air support aren't exactly what I meant by mano-a-mano.  

Priceless.  Our efforts to minimize our own casualties and that of civilians with the use of all these other assets is "cowardice".  What a world that must be to live in

At the rate you're going, your cowardice in combat is probably costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars, perhaps even more, for each mujaheed you kill.  Since they're easily and cheaply replenished, the question that arises is how long can your weakened coffers keep it up?

Haven't you heard?  We can print our own money.  It's endless, per our current administration and legislative majority

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle