<<Or, who takes the drugs and who comitts the crimes are allmost all volenteers.
<<Your figures indicate who has better health care insurance and who can hire better lawyers as well as anything elese .>>
Not at all, since the hospital ER's are obliged to treat all who show up, better health insurance has nothing much to do with it. And since the bulk of criminal defences especially for less serious offences like simple possession are handled by the Public Defender's offices, better lawyering has nothing to do with it either. Nice try, though.
<<They could reflect an actual differential in the number of crimes comitted.
<<Why not?>>
Why not? Because we weren't talking about all crimes all across the board, we had a differential between two systems, one of which goes out looking for bodies and the other of which has virtually no recruiting system whatsoever. The recruitment-neutral system clearly shows more white kids than blacks (proportionately) using illegal drugs, but the system that recruits its victims (law enforcement) shows a definite systemic bias in favour of recruiting young black males.
<<Doesn't Occams razor apply?>>
YES SIR!!!! God-damn right it applies. It applies because we can assume that if law enforcement is racist in apprehending blacks over whites for drug use (where there's an independent measuring system available in the hospital ERs) then it is also racist in apprehending blacks over whites in all other criminal offences. To assume otherwise would be to reason that for some unknown cause, police and courts are racially biased against black dopers, but not racially biased against black car thieves, black burglars, black robbers, etc. That is ludicrous. Occams Razor tells us that if they're biased against black dopers, they're just plain biased against all blacks. That they are, as everyone knows but no one wants to admit, racist.
<<I think it does not , because these stats are too cluttered to be considered data. No one thing is indicated at all.>>
I guess what it really boils down to is professional differences of opinion between statisticians. The statisticians who put together these studies have some degree of faith in their reliability, and other statisticians such as yourself do not. Oh well. What can you do when the experts themselves do not agree?
<<If you insist on finding proof in this mash of stuff pretending to be data , then I insist that you accept also my findings that Males are suffering from bias since the evidence is of simular quality and type.>>
Well, I guess it comes down to the fact that some of us think the difference between black males and white males is as big as, or bigger, than the differences between men and women. Personally, I don't see it that way, but then what the hell would I know? I was born and raised in Ontario, not Georgia, so I guess I'm pretty naive about these things.