In my view, probably unique in history, Israel is sui generis among the nations of the world. Despite historic ties and perennial aspirations, it was founded in the wake, the survivors' spasm, of the Shoah, a unique event in history where genocide of a whole "race" of people became palpably close. In any honest assessment of the situation that has now developed, that FACT must be given prominence.
The idea of the State of Israel was to establish a JEWISH STATE as a bulwark against extinction and also as the fulfillment of milennia of yearning. These TRUTHS cannot be lost, as much as they must be critically examined.
The conception of this state, and the entire West's complicity in its cause through tolerating in its civilization (virulent) anti-Semitism that metastacized into a genocidal mania, requires concessions to the very purpose of its existence: establishing a JEWISH STATE, almost as God and history have dictated.
The treatment of indigenous Arabs, indeed all non-Jews, can best be understood in the context of a "process" as Professor, I believe, mentioned. As I can attest as an active Judaeophile, Jewish values are as fine as the world has ever produced. But they are threatened with a second round of extinction. Any rationally-based, though onerous, laws and mores and practices they have to establish to pursue their goal MUST be seen against the backdrop I've just painted.
We look on and we tolerate because we know Israeli values in the pure state of their being, and allow for the excesses of a survivalist culture as much as anything caused by the West's historical enmity, speaking broadly.