He really came across as a typical politican, frequently claiming "let me be clear", then following up with vague talking points, and never really answering a direct question. Cudos to the interviewer, Brett, who wouldn't let him get away with it. Notice how Obama really couldn't be bothered by "process" (that'd be the CONSTITUTION, Mr President), and in the end the congress critters will be "voting" on reform (HIS version) or the status quo (can't be bothered with starting over with a much more saner approach & bill)
Oh good gravy, then there was Obama's Louisiana defense which would help.....HAWAII??
The one thing I wish Brett would have done, is anytime the President tried to claim that he was supporting these palimentary games and procedures, because the people want congress and himself to do their job of supposedly reforming healthcare, Brett should have consistently brought up poll after poll after poll that makes it cystal clear that this bill is NOT what they want, as far as reform goes. Especially in how its trying to be passed