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Michael Tee

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2010, 08:58:14 PM »
<<If it was said loudly and frequently the chances for the  several microphones present to pick it up are very good , better than the chances of a single person to hear it fifteen times while none of the mikes do. >>

Really?  Even though the mikes weren't able to pick up even one other word in the entire English language?  Do you think the other words from the mob weren't said loudly enough?  They looked pretty loud to me - - raised a helluva din.  Not frequently enough?  Was there no duplication of any other word uttered by the crowd there?  No slogans, for example?  No "Hands off my medicare?"  Every other thing the mob was shouting and screaming was only uttered once, as is proven by the fact that the mikes never picked them up?

Your argument is just ludicrous.  The fact is that the mikes failed to pick up one single word from a shouting mob of angry demonstrators.  Not one fucking word of all the many thousands shouted there that day.  (Except for "Kill the Bill," which was chanted in unison.)  But THAT doesn't prove that the mikes were incapable of picking up distinct, non-chanted words.  No, the mikes were perfectly capable, but their failure to pick up "nigger" proves that it was never uttered.

Absurd.  I believe the Congressman.  I just don't have the same faith in the purity of intention of that angry shouting mob, with the Browning semi-automatic pistol signs that you do.  I don't have the same doubts about John Lewis' ability to know when a mob is shouting "Nigger" that you do.  I don't have the irrational faith in the mikes' ability to pick up shouts of "nigger" when they don't seem to be able to pick up any other word in the English language.

<<There might also have been reporters present , few of whom were deaf I might bet.>>

Then the reporters would have shown up on the videos wouldn't they?  Only I didn't see any reporters.  There were guys behind the cameras (probably wearing earphones to keep abreast of what their vidcams were recording) but reporters without earphones?  Tell me, where?

<< . . . go have this arguement with Dr. RRorschach>>

Dr. Rohrschach has been dead for many decades.  But even if he were still alive, I don't think I would.  For one thing, he was a licensed psychiatrist, and I'm afraid if I'd advanced the kind of arguments that you are advancing, he'd probably order me to be involuntarily commmitted.

<<The more he has heard it , the more he would hear it , haveing this anexiety is somewhat justified , even if it betrayed him this time.>>

And the anxiety betrayed him because . . . ?  Oh yeah, because the mikes didn't pick up the N-word.  Or any other word for that matter.  So not only did nobody in the mob ever shout out "nigger" but they apparently didn't shout out any other word either.  The whole mob was howling nothing but gibberish all the time that the cameras were rolling.  Amazing, eh?

<<What is proved is that he and Nancy and the rest of them were not unduely worried about the danger from wading into this croud , seems as if they might h ave been hopeing for worse than they found.>>

Really?  Walking from their office to where they work is looking for trouble?  For all Congressmen or just for "uppity niggers"  and women who don't know their place?

<<The underground tram is how most of the congresspersons travel to their offices to and from the capitol under most circumstances , they only make the walk when the weather is especially nice.>>

They gotta helluva fucking nerve walking to their office on such a historic occasion.  All I can say is if they got spat on, called "nigger" and "faggot" by an angry mob, the bastards had it coming.  Next time take the undergound tram, black-assed motherfuckers!!!


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2010, 09:02:04 PM »
Judaism is a race? I thought they were Caucasian?
There are Black Jews, the Falashas of Ethiopia.There also Jews in India and China. So it is not JUST a religion or JUST an ethnicity.

The question "Who is a Jew?" has been a controversy for generations.

I think it is safe to say that only a small percentage of those known as "White" people originated in the Caucasus Mountains. Being as most (but not all) European nationalities speak Indo-European languages. it is theorized that people from the Hindi speaking parts of India, Persians and most Europeans are all related, and populated Europe after the ice melted in the preceding Ice Age.

ice age. wake al gore up and tell him about the ice age

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2010, 09:17:58 PM »
<<alot of people still hate the japanese to this day.>>

You got that right, kimba.  I'll always respect the late Lord Louis Mountbatten, First Lord of the Admiralty during WWII, who refused to shake Emperor Hirohito's hand during a state visit to England after the war, "out of respect for the suffering of my men in Japanese prison camps."  We are friends of a Scottish couple whose 18-year-old nephew was tortured to death in a Japanese prison camp, and they always appreciated Lord Mountbatten's remembering what so many other Brits were so quick to forget.

What they did was horrible and should never be forgotten.


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #48 on: March 23, 2010, 06:24:51 AM »
<<If it was said loudly and frequently the chances for the  several microphones present to pick it up are very good , better than the chances of a single person to hear it fifteen times while none of the mikes do. >>

Really?  Even though the mikes weren't able to pick up even one other word in the entire English language?  

Think about it.

The human ear is a microphone , the only advantage the human ear has over and electric microphone is a more direct attachment to a human brain, the only advantage to that is the human brains ability to interpret , fill in the gaps.

Many persons there did not hear the opprobrious words even though they were in the same location.

Your argument works better for my position than for yours , what everyone there and every microphone also heard was mostly intelligable croud noise , interpretation being the diffrence for some.

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2010, 07:22:16 AM »
<<The human ear is a microphone , the only advantage the human ear has over and electric microphone is a more direct attachment to a human brain, the only advantage to that is the human brains ability to interpret , fill in the gaps.>>

That is an oversimplification.  The microphone, being a mechanical device, depending on the setting and quality of the instrument, may or may not be bringing in too much background noise unnecessarily for words to be distinguished one from the other, as obviously happened here. 

<<Many persons there did not hear the opprobrious words even though they were in the same location.>>

It would be interesting to see who the "many persons there" happen to be.  The only persons I saw quoted were three Toms, one of whom seemed to be denying that any of her fellow demonstrators had called HER a "nigger," which is not the point, the others not exactly clear about where they were although no photos I've seen of the event placed them anywhere near the Congressman.  Still, that is probably your strongest point.  If the Congressman were surrounded closely by others, none of whom heard the slurs, you might have a point.  But with each person in the Congressman's vicinity who heard the slurs, your story would start to circle the drain more closely.

<<Your argument works better for my position than for yours , what everyone there and every microphone also heard was mostly intelligable croud noise , interpretation being the diffrence for some.>>

You also have a very low opinion of John Lewis' integrity, a man who faced down white racist mobs in the deepest and darkest parts of the South without police protection and at the risk of his life, lying his ass off to malign a group of concerned citizens with whom he has an honest poltical disagreement.  Wow.  If he were such a fucking low-life, surely by now you would (or his white racist enemies would) have discovered some other evidences of sheer dishonesty and lying.  Because while he could conceivably mistake one noise from the crowd once, FIFTEEN TIMES?

Frankly, I think my explanation is by far the simplest - - angry shouting white mob, signs threatening violence (the Browning pistol signs) the Congressman's own testimony and vidcams which don't seem able to pick up ANY single word from the crowd.  A guy who's been surrounded by angrier, more violent mobs without even the hope of police protection, he's heard crowds of racists before and he knows what they sound like.  This wouldn't be the first time in his life that he heard shouts of "Nigger!" from an angry mob.

He heard it, they said it.  No mistake, it's a simple two-syllable word and you yourself weren't able to find any word in the English language more likely than "Nigger!" to have been shouted fifteen times in that fray.


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2010, 07:37:54 AM »
What the video proves is that the tea partiers did not call anyone a nigger or faggot.

What the video doesn't prove is that no one uttered those words.

Now look at your title.

Does it say someone in the crowd hurled the epitaphs or does it damn the group.

If you have a shred of honesty left in you you will agree that the title alone damns the group.

And because of your and HuffPO's poor choice of words your logic has been found wanting and your fear of groups you can't define or control exposed.

And that which you fear you ridicule, at great expense to your credibility.

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #51 on: March 23, 2010, 08:03:56 AM »

<<Many persons there did not hear the opprobrious words even though they were in the same location.>>

Really?  Who?

from McLatchy

<<Lewis said he was leaving the Cannon office building across from the Capitol when protesters shouted "Kill the bill, kill the bill," Lewis said.
<<"I said 'I'm for the bill, I support the bill, I'm voting for the bill'," Lewis said.  [Clearly, the mikes didn’t pick that up either, so I guess that means he’s lying about that too, for what reason nobody has yet figured out.]
<<Rep. Emanuel Cleaver , D- Mo. , said he was a few yards behind Lewis and distinctly heard "nigger."
<<"It was a chorus," Cleaver said. [Obviously, "Kill the Bill" was a chorus, which is what Cleaver must have been referring to; the zombies were chanting that slogan and it was clearly picked up by the mikes.] "In a way, I feel sorry for those people who are doing this nasty stuff - they're being whipped up. I decided I wouldn't be angry with any of them."
* * * * *
<<House Majority Whip James Clyburn, D- S.C. , said Saturday's ugliness underscored for him that the health care overhaul isn't the only motivation for many protesters.
<<"I heard people saying things today I've not heard since March 15th, 1960 , when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus," Clyburn said. "This is incredible, shocking to me." >>

from MSNBC and the AP"

An AP report from MSNBC
<<Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., told a reporter that as he left the Cannon House Office Building with Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., a leader of the civil rights era, some among the crowd chanted "the N-word, the N-word, 15 times." Both Carson and Lewis are black, and Lewis spokeswoman Brenda Jones also said that it occurred.

<<"It was like going into the time machine with John Lewis," said Carson, a large former police officer who said he wasn't frightened but worried about the 70-year-old Lewis, who is twice his age. "He said it reminded him of another time.">>

What's really ludicrous is claiming that nobody else with Lewis heard the slurs.  Looks like there was nobody there with Lewis who DENIED hearing the slurs.  But you stick with your absurd argument, it didn't happen because the mikes didn't pick it up.  The mikes couldn't pick out one single word from the whole shouting mob that wasn't chanted in unison, but you stick with your story, plane, it didn't happen because the mikes didn't pick it up.

Michael Tee

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #52 on: March 23, 2010, 08:16:35 AM »
<<What the video proves is that the tea partiers did not call anyone a nigger or faggot.>>

And how exactly does it prove that?  It can't pick up individual shouts from the mob.

<<What the video doesn't prove is that no one uttered those words.>>

Ahhh!  Common ground.

<<Now look at your title.

<<Does it say someone in the crowd hurled the epitaphs or does it damn the group.>>

It damns the group.

<<If you have a shred of honesty left in you you will agree that the title alone damns the group.>>

Whew!!!  I must have a shred of honesty left in me.  I agreed that the title damns the group.

<<And because of your and HuffPO's poor choice of words your logic has been found wanting and your fear of groups you can't define or control exposed.>>

Huh?  Howzzat?  The group was angry, shouting, hostile to John Lewis and his fellow Democrats and the legislation they were going to vote for.  People in the group were shouting "Nigger."  Prima facie, they're a part of the angry mob.  If you want to claim that they were physically a part of it, but were plants, agents provocateurs, etc., surely it is up to you to produce that evidence to counter the prima facie conclusion that they are what they appear to be, members of the group, venting anger at the group's targets.  You know, Occam's Razor and all that.

<<And that which you fear you ridicule, at great expense to your credibility.>>

I agree with you that they shouldn't be ridiculed, they are very dangerous people, the same kind of raw material that the Nazis were able to manipulate into a movement.  The only ridicule that I'm aware of using on them was to call those chanting "Kill the Bill" zombies.  But I really meant to indicate only that they were mindless chanters of slogans.  And that is kind of scary, like zombies.

Personally, I think it's anyone who defends those racist ass-holes, particularly the ones shouting racist epithets, whose credibility is at risk.  I certainly believe Lewis and the others who say that the crowd or persons in it was calling them niggers.  Anyone who tries to besmirch the credibility of proven fighters for civil rights, who risked their lives in The Movement, to protect white racists, THAT is the person whose credibility is at stake, not me.


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #53 on: March 23, 2010, 08:32:59 AM »
Huh?  Howzzat?

You don't blame groups for the actions of individuals. Isn't that what all the hue and cry about racism and bigotry is all about? It really is quite simple.

See your problem is in your eagerness to shock, tweet and other wise piss-off people, you insist on playing by a different standard than you want to hold others to.

all negroes do not like watermelon. all jews are not swindlers. all asians are not bad drivers and all southern white boys are not racists. yet in your world the actions of an idividual equal the actions of the group.

Now prove me wrong.

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #54 on: March 23, 2010, 09:15:03 AM »
<<Now prove me wrong. >>

What group harbours more racists who shout out racist epithets, Tea Party or the Union of Professors of Greek Philosophy?
Tea Party or B'nai B'rith?  Tea Party or NAACP?  Tea Party or DNC?

Come on, if you're going to challenge me, at least make it marginally difficult.


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #55 on: March 23, 2010, 09:23:55 AM »

Alinksy was a Jew who thought filing a hall with gaseous black people was a good idea.

Did he think the Jews were the smart ones and the black malleable pawns?


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #56 on: March 23, 2010, 10:42:03 AM »
on the subject of microphones

it very unlikely for it to pickup those words in a crowd situation.

if you notice reporters normal have to point thier mics at people who talk.

sound is quite complex for technology to deal with.

I say as a person whose hard of hearing and have use various hearing aids.

lets just say it`s not perfected yet

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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #57 on: March 23, 2010, 05:06:51 PM »

<<Alinksy was a Jew who thought filing a hall with gaseous black people was a good idea.>>

Come on.  You challenged me and I beat your challenge.  What group rallies have attracted more racist cat-callers, Tea Party or B'nai B'rith (of which Alinsky was probably never a member anyway.)  Tea Party of the Professors of Greek Philosophy?  Tea Party or the DNC?  Tea Party or NAACP?

You set yourself up for a royal ass-kicking with that challenge, now you want to change the subject to Saul Alinsky?  What the hell does Alinsky have to do with racist name-calling?  Whatever you think about him, Alinsky fought fascism and racism all his life.  And even if he hadn't, what possible connection could he have to your challenge?

<<Did he think the Jews were the smart ones and the black malleable pawns?>>

What if he did?  He sure as hell wouldn't be the first white person to think the thought.  And he still wouldn't indulge in racist name calling and never did.  So your example of Saul Alinsky in this context is somewhat mystifying.  Looks a lot to me like trying to change the subject when you're totally at a loss for arguments.

You really need to stop obsessing over MY credibility.  Your own is going down the toilet and it's past the point of no return.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2010, 05:08:31 PM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #58 on: March 23, 2010, 05:29:36 PM »
Tea Party or the DNC

Gee that would have to be the DNC.

Chicago 68. The whole world watched.


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Re: Tea-Partiers Spit on "nigger" and "faggot" Congress Critters
« Reply #59 on: March 23, 2010, 05:36:04 PM »
What if he did?  He sure as hell wouldn't be the first white person to think the thought.  And he still wouldn't indulge in racist name calling and never did.  So your example of Saul Alinsky in this context is somewhat mystifying.  Looks a lot to me like trying to change the subject when you're totally at a loss for arguments.

So the words are more important than the actions. And individual (Alinsky) demeans blacks by assuming they would be game for his ploy to upset the white guy. But the bigger question is Alinksy a white guy or a Jew. What group does he really belong to? Would he have been allowed to join Burning Tree Golf Club? Just asking.

So is he more Jew when it benefits him or more a white guy when it benefits him? Or could he be both? You seem to be the expert on groupings s how abut a little help here. 'Splain it to me like I'm a six year old. ( a line from a movie uttered by a black man, does that make it a black statement? )