Kramer....not answering the door is ok.
but I read where some people get all mad & cuss the census workers...
in my mind they are just trying to do a job....
in fact I applaud them gettting off their duff and
not sitting at home collecting welfare/unemployment
it's not really their fault our corrupt gvt pays them to
try to get more info so the gvt can intrude further into
our lives....
LOL @ "what race are you" question
what a crock
they are consumed with race
proves they are the racist
i checked "other" and put "HUMAN RACE"
so i will be polite...understand they've got a job to do
and I got to do what I got to do.....
usually kill'em with kindness works better any way...
they may quote some threatening law
i'll just tell 'em to call my lawyer