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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #60 on: April 05, 2010, 07:05:07 PM »
"LOL.  So you love waterboarding and you'd support police
waterboarding if authorized by a judge's warrant"

Let me be clear.....YES! YES! YES!
To prevent an attack that would cause mass American casualties.

If the police or whoever could have waterboarded & prevented 9/11
and I would be be against that? Are you F-ING NUTS?

I gotta say, I really do appreciate how frank you are about this.

You're welcome....I try to be frank and honest about all of my views.
I don't hide from my views....I dont wanna sneek anything in by disguising it as something else.

So if one day the cops are convinced you know something about a crime

not "a crime".....not just any crime
a serious credible threat that was going to kill thousands of innocents.

even if they're not correct, it's OK for them to waterboard you?

Just like if they suspect I am about to ram Obama's limo with a truck bomb and they
shoot me...but they end up being wrong...that does not mean we should forbid the
Secret Service from acting if they conclude a credible threat

What if it's one of your kids, or your parents? 

If they have very credible info that says a member of my family is involved
in an attack that will kill thousands...then yes to prevent that attack absolutely.

You think I would not support waterboarding if the dude about to take part
in 9/11 happened to be my brother? self-centered would that be? "well the dude's my brother so yeah
go ahead and allow 9/11 to happen!  ::)

Waterboarding's OK to make anyone talk if the cops think (rightly or wrongly)
that they know something? 

Yes if a judge ok'd it after looking at the info to prevent a massive lost of innocent life.

Also, anything that you think it's OK for Americans to do to their prisoners is also OK for
the enemy to do to American prisoners?  If al Qaeda captures Americans and they want to
know how many men are in the camp on the hill and how many officers, it's OK for al Qaeda
to waterboard them if they won't tell al Quaeda what al Qaeda needs to know?  OK to rape them? 
OK to stick fluorescent batons up their ass?

Maybe you should ask the US captured soldiers al Qaeda
tortured then slaughtered if they would have preferred waterboarding?
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #61 on: April 05, 2010, 07:20:12 PM »
<<Maybe you should ask the US captured soldiers al Qaeda
tortured then slaughtered if they would have preferred waterboarding?>>

Nope.  I asked you.  Besides, I can't ask them, they're dead.  BTW, some people DO prefer death to torture, hence the cyanide pill.  But here's the question I asked you:

<<Also, anything that you think it's OK for Americans to do to their prisoners is also OK for
the enemy to do to American prisoners? >>
(That's a yes or a no, BTW)

<< If al Qaeda captures Americans and they want to
know how many men are in the camp on the hill and how many officers, it's OK for al Qaeda
to waterboard them if they won't tell al Quaeda what al Qaeda needs to know?>>
(again, a yes or no will do)

<<  OK to rape them? >>

<<OK to stick fluorescent batons up their ass?>>


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #62 on: April 05, 2010, 08:02:24 PM »
"BTW, some people DO prefer death to torture, hence the cyanide pill"

Americans were were tortured AND killed by IslamoNazis.

"anything that you think it's OK for Americans to do to their
prisoners is also OK for the enemy to do to American prisoners?"

"If al Qaeda captures Americans and they want to
know how many men are in the camp on the hill and how many officers,
it's OK for al Qaeda to waterboard them if they won't tell al Quaeda what al Qaeda needs to know?
(again, a yes or no will do)  OK to rape them? OK to stick fluorescent batons up their ass?

It's not a matter of "ok"
It's war Michael.
It's "ok" to destroy the enemy....but it's not ok for the enemy to destroy us.
Is that difficult to understand?
It's pretty much been the logic of war for centuries.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #63 on: April 05, 2010, 08:20:17 PM »
It's not a matter of "ok"
It's war Michael.
It's "ok" to destroy the enemy....but it's not ok for the enemy to destroy us.
Is that difficult to understand?
It's pretty much been the logic of war for centuries.

Just so I understand you, CU4 - - if the U.S. Army needs the information to save American lives, it can torture a captured Iraqi insurgent to get the information.  Say waterboarding him.  You would NOT want to prosecute the soldiers who waterboard the captured insurgent.

But if Iraqi insurgents need information from a captured G.I. and they waterboard him, then if they are later captured and identified they should be tried for war crimes for torturing the GI by waterboarding him?

At this point, CU4, I'm not even arguing with you, I just want to be sure I understand how you see it.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #64 on: April 05, 2010, 10:35:07 PM »

"Just so I understand you, CU4 - - if the U.S. Army needs the information to save
American lives, it can torture a captured Iraqi insurgent to get the information. Say waterboarding him" 

Michael I do not accept that waterboarding is torture.

Torture is driving nails under fingernails.
Torture is electical shocks to genitals.
Torture is cutting off fingers, toes, ears, tongues.
Torture is gouging out eyes.
Torture is burning someone's skin, fingers, toes.
Torture is purposely breaking arms, legs, hips, knees, elbows, shoulders
Torture is casteration or cruel mistreatment of testicals.
Torture is gruesome and painful medical experiments like the Nazis employed.

Waterboarding does not come close to any of the above because waterboarding is not torture.
Waterboarding is very rough, but not torture.

"You would NOT want to prosecute the soldiers who waterboard the captured insurgent"

Well...yes and no.
Waterboarding is a very serious matter.
It should not be used lightly or casually.
Thats why only a very, very tiny few captured terrorist were ever waterboarded.

But if there is credible data showing that waterboarding a captured terrorist
could prevent a catastrophic event costing a large amount of American lives...
then yes they should be waterboarded and the soldiers/CIA/FBI should not be prosecuted.

"But if Iraqi insurgents need information from a captured G.I. and they waterboard him,
then if they are later captured and identified they should be tried for war crimes for torturing
the GI by waterboarding him?"

Absolutely not....waterboarding is not torture.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #65 on: April 05, 2010, 10:48:18 PM »
Well, CU4, that was interesting.  The main thing is, you're consistent.  You wouldn't prosecute the GIs for waterboarding the insugent and you wouldn't prosecute the insurgents for waterboarding the GI, assuming that it wasn't done frivolously and each side needed the information they believed they'd get in order to save their comrades' lives.

I'd prosecute both of them, the GIs and the insurgents, because I believe that waterboarding is torture, it's the infliction of severe pain or suffering.  You're absolutely right, that the examples you gave of torture are worse than waterboarding, but IMHO, they are the extreme examples.  They produce extreme pain or suffering, but torture need only produce severe pain or suffering as it's defined in UNCAT, not extreme pain or suffering.

I get the feeling you probably would not allow blowtorching a prisoner or driving wooden splinters under his fingernails and setting them on fire or raping the guy's female relatives in front of him - - in other words, you DO believe in some limits, only that waterboarding falls short of the limits.  Am I right?

In which case, I still don't agree with you, but I can't say you're a totally bad guy either.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #66 on: April 05, 2010, 11:02:49 PM »
We have been discussing this subject for years in the art of TV and movies.

NYPD Blue  , the Sheild , 24......

It isn't hard to call up movies in which the Hero gets the Villan to talk I even saw Hoss Cartwright  waterboard his fathers kidnapper when his dad was "Shainghied"  in San Francisco.

On the other hand authors and scriptwriters often establish the villinany of their villan with a scene of cruel torture.

MT excuses the torture by people he likes and we are loth to condemn the misbehavior of people we like .

I think I am looking into a mirror image.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #67 on: April 05, 2010, 11:35:31 PM »
Caribou Crud said, "............Nazi bitches DID have it coming. .....payback............"

Ha, you're a joke. No one with a brain bigger then a snail's would pretend to be discussing the morality of torture while making statements like this. Well, some far right southern preacher, and We We, would. Which, BTW, means your moral compass is pointing in the exact same direction as America's far religious right's is. No surprise there actually.



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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #68 on: April 05, 2010, 11:47:01 PM »
means your moral compass is pointing in the exact same direction as America's far religious right's is. No surprise there actually.


Oh thanks heaps BsB when did I kick you in the whatever?


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #69 on: April 06, 2010, 12:04:13 AM »
Well, I didn't have you in mind, Plane. And, while you have your moments, you do have a heart. That's more then I can say for Fakeblower, and the religous right I had in mind. 



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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #70 on: April 06, 2010, 12:36:24 AM »
Well, I didn't have you in mind, Plane. And, while you have your moments, you do have a heart. That's more then I can say for Fakeblower, and the religous right I had in mind. 

That is OK .

I almost admit to it earlyer in this thread anyhow.

I don't want to have our terrorist hunters prosicuted for what they did in good faith and by the instructions and findings of the administration.

I am haveing my doubts tweaked tho , what should the limit be? and should this limit be very firm?

It is easy enough to say "zero tolerance" for one ,if one  never expects to be involved.

Hard enough to draw the line anywhere when your own and your best freinds lives are being harmed a lot.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #71 on: April 06, 2010, 01:16:38 AM »
As a soldier there are times when you want to do things that would cross the line. How can one not get angry when as you say, "your best friends lives are being harmed a lot"? How can you not get angry when you've carried a live torso with a head, and nothing else attached, that was a close friend of yours? But, once you cross the line you're screwed. As a friend of mine said, "you're on the devils time then". Further, if you don't try and stop others from crossing the line, you'll put your whole unit on the devils time. So, you have to keep your shit together.     


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #72 on: April 06, 2010, 06:28:19 AM »
<<MT excuses the torture by people he likes and we are loth to condemn the misbehavior of people we like .>>

In general I don't.  The three days of plunderfreiheit allowed by their commanders to the men of the Red Army after the fall of Berlin was an exception generated by the unprecedented savagery and barbarism of the Nazis in the USSR which cost about 35 MILLION Russian lives, and utilized every form of torture and abuse known to the human race.  Even so, I would not have condoned torture, even for uniformed SS men, at any time.  But some form of payback there had to be, and I think that the amount measured out by the Red Army commanders was just and appropriate in the circumstances.

Torture may be something that we have always had with us, and it will be a long, hard struggle to abolish completely, but there has never been a concerted effort to abolish torture until the United Nations began to construct the legal framework which led to UNCAT and its enforcement mechanisms.  I have always recognized the difficulty and the importance of this work and realized how totally counterproductive to the struggle any form of partisanship would be.  At the same time, a false sense of non-partisanship (for example campaigning against "torture" in Cuba to counterbalance campaigning against torture in Central America) is dishonest, unethical and tactically suicidal, since most of the genuine opposition to torture comes from the left and not from the right, just as most of the torture states are right-wing rather than left-wing, as was certainly the case in Latin America.  The U.S.A. even runs a school for torturers, which they periodically pretend through various name-changes to shut down, but which continues in operation, as far as I am aware, into the present day.

<<I think I am looking into a mirror image.>>

I hope not - - I remember your attempts to minimize Abu Ghraib - - but I really lack the objectivity to make the call.  It's possible I am too twisted against the horrors of fascism to make a stand against torture, but then who the hell is the "pure vessel" who is going to be impartial enough to oppose torture?  My feeling is basically that torture is an abomination that has to be stopped and yet we (Canada and the U.S.A.) have been sliding backward into that abyss even before the start of the Bush administration in the U.S.A. and its little admiring clone, the Harper administration here in Canada, and the process of backsliding took off on rocket fuel once Bush and his handlers arrived in Washington.

Maybe Buddha's right - - we all have our secret or not-so-secret pet hates who we'd really love to see tortured to death, Commies in your case, Fascists in mine - - but that's typically the problem with his whole fucking attitude.  In his POV nobody would oppose torture because nobody is pure enough to do so, so the whole fucking thing would just go on unopposed for milennia like it already has.  I think we just have to accept we are who we are but God damn it, torture IS wrong and it has to be opposed.  In the absence of an army of pure vessels who have no vengeful feelings towards anybody, it falls to less perfect beings like ourselves, with whatever imperfections we have, to advance the struggle.  The people who founded the UN, the diplomats who negotiated and hammered out the terms of the UNCAT, if you took Buddha's view of them, they are probably all corrupt sods serving corrupt governments and unworthy to be the bearers of the anti-torture flame, but then where would that leave us?  Back in the fucking Dark Ages.

So if you're looking at a mirror image, it's not a fully accurate mirror.  There were more similarities than I wanted to admit, but at bottom, I oppose torture and you don't.  You already said, in effect, if it works and if it promotes our survival, you're for it.  I don't believe in survival at any price.  To me, that's a form of moral cowardice.  You or your cause should be able to survive without torture.  As in WWII.  And I think today as well.  But even if it could not, I don't believe that it SHOULD be saved if the price of saving it is torture.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #73 on: April 06, 2010, 12:48:07 PM »
Penguin Pussy said, "Maybe Buddha's right - - we all have our secret or not-so-secret pet hates who we'd really love to see tortured to death..............."

I never said anything even remotely like that. 

Wolf Woof continued, "In his POV nobody would oppose torture because nobody is pure enough to do so........."

Never took that point of view. Never said anything of the kind.

Nineteenth Nervous Breakdown furthered his BS with this, "if you took Buddha's view of them, they are probably all corrupt sods serving corrupt governments and unworthy to be the bearers of the anti-torture flame............"

Never commented on them at all. Never took that view.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #74 on: April 06, 2010, 01:07:01 PM »
I was extrapolating by necessary inference from what you did say.  If I got it wrong, so be it.  It's not important because the point I was making doesn't depend on what you said or didn't say.  I don't think plane and I are mirror images, I don't believe that there is torture in Cuba and if there is, it's on a minuscule scale compared to the torture inflicted by US-sponsored death squads in Latin America.  To condemn Cuba would in effect be serving the interests of the world's major torture sponsor, the U.S.A., and would be wrong if the condemnation occupied more than one one-thousandth of the efforts devoted to condemnation of the tortures perpetrated in Latin America in the service of U.S. imperialism.