Author Topic: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric  (Read 2805 times)

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NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« on: April 07, 2010, 08:32:27 PM »
NYT: U.S. approves killing of American cleric

The New York Times
9:07 AM EST April 7, 2010

The Obama administration has taken the extraordinary step of authorizing the targeted killing of an American citizen, the radical Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, who is believed to have shifted from encouraging attacks on the United States to directly participating in them, intelligence and counter terrorism officials said Tuesday. ...   
It is extremely rare, if not unprecedented, for an American to be approved for targeted killing, officials said.


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2010, 08:36:51 PM »
Sorry. I now see MT posted the same article. His headline was so far off base that I didn't make the connection. I'll leave this up so we can have an intelligent debate on the issue rather then some hysterical rant.



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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2010, 08:43:11 PM »
Good suggestion

This subject was tackled earlier, when the complete disconnect between trying the 911 conspirators and other known Islamic terrorists in civil court, complete with full Constitutional protections, which would include the divulging of classified intelligence gathering tactics that the "defense has a right to see", while at the same time we're targeting and killing suspected terrorists with drones and other military assests....judge/jury/conviction, in the matter of seconds.

This topic is largely no difference.  Regardless of whether this known terrorist is an "american citizen", if he is functioning as an militant islamic enemy combatant, who we are at war with, the 1st drone that sees him, takes him out.  That is war.  That is what these radical Islamic have brought about.  They started it, we're going to have to finish it

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2010, 09:01:55 PM »
Well if we can have a British Subject elected  president, conversely a Muslim cleric named Anwar al-Awlaqi that lives abroad and conspires to kill people should be eliminated with extreme prejudice. I would prefer it be done by a rogue assassination squad of patriotic Americans. And naturally the left is OK with this because after all George Bush didn't call for it. There are some terrorist elements in the US that need to be eliminated too but they go by names similar to Joe Smith and John Doe or Jane Doe. They pretend to be patriotic, where flag pins on their breasts and act like they are doing us all a favor all the while pushing the knife deeper into our backs. Hopefully in November they will get voted out of office and run out of town like your typical con man.

Michael Tee

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 09:09:55 PM »
<<I'll leave this up so we can have an intelligent debate on the issue rather then some hysterical rant. >>

Yep, I can see your intelligent discussion is off to a promising start.


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 09:18:53 PM »
<<I'll leave this up so we can have an intelligent debate on the issue rather then some hysterical rant. >>

Yep, I can see your intelligent discussion is off to a promising start.

The enlightened Buddhist aka Back Street Boy's MO is to start off, right out of the gate, insulting somebody, then further into the discussion insult more person, then get mad after someone he insulted calls him Chester or Peg-leg and he hobbles off crying like a baby all the while blaming the guy the runs the saloon for allowing people to pick on him. That's what happens when mentally disturbed people have computers along with slow internet connections.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2010, 09:32:14 PM by Kramer »


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 01:28:55 AM »
OBVIOUSLY if the Obama administration feels they can openly place Anwar al-Awlaqi on the kill or capture list they feel doing so can pass legal muster.



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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 02:00:17 AM »
OBVIOUSLY if the Obama administration feels they can openly place Anwar al-Awlaqi on the kill or capture list they feel doing so can pass legal muster.


well you proudly admit to voting for Obama

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 06:33:28 AM »
<<OBVIOUSLY if the Obama administration feels they can openly place Anwar al-Awlaqi on the kill or capture list they feel doing so can pass legal muster.>>

Funny, I don't recall hearing the "or capture" part of that list title.  And our friend was "openly placed" on the death list by anonymous "officials" of an un-named government department or departments.  How's that for openness?  And transparency?

But what a great way of disposing of annoying citizens.  "Anonymous officials" of un-named government departments place you on a death list for targeted assassination.  Sometimes you can even find out about it just by reading the NYT.  The Fifth Amendment and trial by jury are so yesterday.  

But obviously this must be legal or the government wouldn't feel they could get away with it.  I bet they even took the precaution of getting John Yoo to OK it all in a memo.  With footnotes. 

Sure hope you haven't pissed off any U.S. government officials lately, BSB.  Hear they can get pretty crochety at times.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 06:50:38 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 07:41:54 AM »
Well, I understand, Snowblower, that your brains work a little slower then the rest of the worlds up there on the frozen tundra, so let me help you. The President has to give the OK before someone goes on the kill or CAPTURE list. So, yes, the Obama administration publicly placed Anwar al-Awlaqi on the list. 

Your welcome, BSB 


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 07:56:44 AM »
   If an American were turned traitor in 1943 and was known to be in the feild working in Hitlers service would that be diffrent or the same?

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2010, 09:33:11 AM »
<<If an American were turned traitor in 1943 and was known to be in the feild working in Hitlers service would that be diffrent or the same? >>

In the field?  You mean on the battlefield, or sneaking around Washington trying to gather state secrets?  IN German uniform or in civvies?

If he's on the battlefield in German uniform, he's fair game.  The declaration of war takes care of that.  Don't need a warrant.  If he's not in uniform but on the battlefield and spying, he can be shot  but I believe after due military process only.  An officer has to make a finding first, how he does it I'm not sure.

If he's sneaking around Washington spying, he has to be apprehended, put on trial and punished only according to law.  There is no authorization to kill spies on sight even in wartime.

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2010, 09:36:41 AM »
<<Well, I understand, Snowblower, that your brains work a little slower then the rest of the worlds up there on the frozen tundra . . .>>

Yeah that must be why you went into Iraq but we didn't.  Why you believed Bush's WMD story and we didn't.

<<The President has to give the OK before someone goes on the kill or CAPTURE list. So, yes, the Obama administration publicly placed Anwar al-Awlaqi on the list.>>

Where in the published accounts is the list referred to as kill or capture?  And if not from the published accounts, how do you now what kind of list it is? 


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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2010, 10:09:22 AM »
Why don't you try reading the published accounts, snowblower? You can start with the URL I posted.

Good lord!

Michael Tee

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Re: NYT: U.S. Approves Killing of American Cleric
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2010, 07:59:57 PM »
<<Why don't you try reading the published accounts, snowblower? You can start with the URL I posted.>>

I read it.  Then after you posted what I just quoted, I read it again.  It had not changed since I first read it.  There was no mention of a kill or capture list.  The link referred only to targeted assassination.  Kinda hard to see how the guy is gonna be captured by a robot drone anyway.  "You.  Will.  Walk.  In.  Direction.  Indicated.  By.  Green.  Light.  You.  Are.  Under.  Arrest."  They usually just smoke the guy.