<<The article is right , being suspicious of the government is always an American trait.>>
I think that is the underlying theme of the Bill of Rights, isn't it?
yep ,
<<When you like the President , you still don't need to put unlimited faith in the government.>>
I think this is going beyond "absolute faith" - - nobody has ever asked for absolute faith.
They do seem to say "trust me too often , did you notice Nancy Pelosi closeing the doors on health care negotiations? Even asking that it be voted on blindly because it could be understood and improved later.
<<After all in this country the other side is going to have a turn at bat after a while , do you want to empower the government highly just before the oppositions inning?>
How would a belief in the goodness of Obama's intentions "empower" his successors?
Trust is the first step to being ripped off in a confidence game.
<<The "era of good feelings" was a period of decades after the Whig party gave up and fell apart and the US was a single party state for a while , this ended at about the time that the Civil War became inevitable.
<<Could it be that haveing alternateing partys in power is a good idea? Could it be that trusting one party with the reigns of power too long is a bad idea?
<<Could it be that peopple who trust their party and trust their government when their party has it are bound to be taken for granted by the party and ignored by the government?>>
Nope. The people trusted Fidel and Fidel delivered for the people. Wiped out illiteracy. Created free medical care. Provided free education. Provided housing and sanitation. It all depends on the government, and on the wisdom or foolishness of the people who trust in it.
Fidel is an excelent example of how bad it can be , no matter how well you think he has improved the health care and nutrition , standard of liveing or what not , consider everythting together and one thing really stands out , Cuba cannot produce any leadership .
You remind me of the guy who's had his heart broken once swearing never to love again.
Yes I cried for Nixon , I was twelve , loving the government is immature , trusting the government is unwise , keeping a close watch on the beast and never letting it out of its leash is the American way.
Democrats are happy for the limits when Republicans have the reigns and Republicans are happy for the hobbles when Democrats want to gallop.
If one side were to shoot all of the other this would certainly end the class struggle and the winning side could operate freely in a single minded persuit of goals .
Shooting the whole other side is not necessacery if one actually notices that the class struggle is not serious , and both sides can take an inning and have their time at bat.
If Nixon was still President right now , that would be the Cuban way, but even I would not like it.