<<Remember, ignore them, don't listen to them . . . >>
Hey wait a minute. I'M supposed to be the psychopath who's so sure of himself that it's scary.
<< . . . and most of all don't let them win. >>
LOL. "They" win every fucking "election." Obama gives you health care without a public option, let alone without a single payer. The insurance industry loves it. "They" won with Obama just as "they" would have won with McCain. You have "War on Terror," you have torture, you have refusal to prosecute torturers, you have surveillance and you have massive handouts to the financial sector to "save" them. Don't let "them" win? Who are "they?" The guys who run the predator drones and Wall Street will win every time. The torturers win and the assassins win. The "elections" don't mean shit.
<<This boils down to good versus evil. >>
The election? It boils down to evil vs evil, actually. Wanna guess who wins? Nancy "Impeachment is off the table" Pelosi or Mitch ("We'll only filbuster the bizarre") McConnell? Geeze I'm holding my breath, the suspense is killing me. Who's gonna win? Evil 1 or Evil 2?
<<Either you are with is or against us! Get off the fence if you haven't taken a side.>>
Kramer, you're nuts. There IS no fence. The game is fixed from the start. If you REALLY want to take a side, just stay where you are. You don't have to vote. Your ass already voted for you. If you want to take the other side, move to China. Or the hills of Afghanistan.
Here's my prediction for the elections. Obama was elected by people who really wanted to see a new path for America. There was no change. Voting with those who wanted change were persons who didn't give a shit about paths for America and crap like that, but were very scared about the economy and freaked out by McCain's idiotic claim that the fundamentals of the economy were sound on the very day that the fucking roof was falling in. I call them the scared rabbits.
Well the scared rabbits are going to vote GOP simply because they aren't scared any more. And those who wanted change are never going to vote GOP, but they won't bother to show up for Obama any more. He's lost his base, Pelosi and Reid as well have lost theirs. NOBODY who wants to see America on a new path is going to vote for anybody because they know that on neither side of the aisle can they find change.
So it'll be GOP by default.