<<yeah right Obama . . . signed it into law and says OK all your health care issues are fixed -- what a lying pile of shit he is. >>
No, that's just not true. Obama was for single-payer when he was a Senator and compromised by giving that up. The bill originally had a public option and that's gone too. Everybody knows this bill was compromised to get it passed and nobody is claiming that this bill fixes all health-care problems. How the hell can it when it's missing both single-payer and public options? The bill is a sell-out to Big Pharma and the insurance lobby. It's only a start, and a poor one at that.
<<My point went over your head anyway, but let make this easy for a 6 year old to understand. The reason health insurance is so high is because the government got involved and fucked it up in the first place. >>
How'd they do that? My impression was that it's ruined because of ludicrous greed on the part of hospitals, doctors, pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies all trying to get rich on the backs of the sick and the dying, and this is kind of hard to do because sick and dying people have the greatest need for services and the least ability to pay for them.
<<Fathead Kennedy not only ruined Mary Jo's life he ruined health care in America, him along with other moronic politicians.>>
OK so what exactly did they do? How exactly did they ruin it? Did Fathead Kennedy or his ghost whisper into your insurance company's ear, "Hey jack up Kramer's premium by 17% this year?" Did your insurers overcharge you even though it broke their hearts to do this to you, because some other moronic politicians told them they had to do it?
<<I can go to any hospital and negotiate a better deal than insurance companies can get. >>
Well, with all due respect, the insurance companies will never tell you WHAT deal they negotiated with your hospitals, so you have absolutely no idea whether any deal you negotiate with them is better or worse than what your insurance company got. Since better deals are usually negotiated by buyers with superior buying power, I have serious doubts about you being able to negotiate a better deal with your hospital than your insurance company can, unless your insurance company is on the verge of going bust and your hospital knows all about it.
<<Hell when I was a kid nobody heard about insurance -- we went to the doc paid and that was it. >>
Yeah that's fine if all you needed was a check-up and some shots. And even then there are some families that can't even afford that, with the economy being in the state that it now is.
<<Thank you Teddy you shit head. At least now that steaming pile can't vote for any more crap laws and dying was the best thing he ever did for this nation.>>
With all due respect, I think your anger is somewhat misdirected. It wasn't Teddy who jacked up your premium by 17% and the money isn't going into Teddy's pocket or even Uncle Sam's pocket, it's going into the pocket of some shit-ass greed-head named Steve Hemsley or some other clown just like him who owns your fucking ass because he owns the insurance company you gotta go through to get the health care you need. It's a known fact that Canadians pay less and get more where health care is concerned. In fact EVERYBODY pays less and gets more, because the U.S.A. has the world's HIGHEST per-capita expenditure on health care and yet its citizens rank way below no. 1 position on virtually every known measure of the quality of health care received.
You need to face reality. Teddy and the other politicians DO NOT raise your premiums 17% for no good reason. This is just the greedy bastards - - the free-enterprise capitalists, if you will - - who own your insurance company. THEY are responsible for your problem because they love to take in your money in premiums but they hate to pay it out as benefits. How fucking stupid do you have to be, not to be able to see this, and to continue thinking that it is Ted Kennedy or his ghost whose hand is in your pocket?
Every fucking politician on either side of the aisle who votes against Canadian-style health care insurance is doing this for one reason and for one reason only: THEY ARE BEING PAID OFF BY THE FUCKING INSURANCE INDUSTRY. It does not get any simpler than this. There is no other reason - - not in the real world - - to vote against Canadian-style health care insurance.
And guys like you are the biggest fucking suckers in the world because you can't see this.